Chapter 943 It takes four seasons of the year!

With a cough, Wang Erniu bent down, only to feel that he was really dizzy, really dizzy.

Kneeling to the ground, he begged for mercy, and Wang Erniu waved his hand, "I won't come! I can't beat you!"

"It's good to know!" Ying Changge's expression was still calm, "It's really rare to stop the horse from the cliff!"

"Hurry up and get in line and get the disaster relief food you deserve!" Ying Changge wouldn't scold the refugees.

After Wang Erniu understood Ying Changge's words, he was very grateful, "Okay! You are a man!"

"I admire you!" Wang Erniu stood up and immediately followed behind the team.

I don't know each other, Wang Erniu's attitude like this also makes Ying Changge very satisfied.

"Trust me, with me here, you refugees can all be guaranteed a life!"

Ying Changge is a gentleman whose words are hard to follow, and what he says is naturally a thousand pieces of gold, very precious.

Having already been admired by Ying Changge, Wang Erniu, the big five and three rough guy, is extraordinarily calm.

Nodding very satisfied, Ying Changge turned around and left, disappearing into the alley with his own people.

Turning and leaving indifferently, Ying Changge continued to maintain order in the city, keeping the food in order.

They already have better countermeasures, and with the supervision of Ying Changge, there will be no mistakes.

The food flowed into the city continuously, and Ying Changge immediately distributed it to the refugees.

As long as the refugees have one bite to eat, their lives can be guaranteed, which is very important.

Ying Changge made a difference, so that the refugees have a certain life guarantee and can satisfy their hunger.

Refugees love Ying Changge very much, and everyone admires Ying Changge and praises his reputation.

But even so, Ying Changge's expression remained the same, and his face was still full of gloom, because he still had things on his mind.

The famine is not so easy to solve, and Ying Changge knows that there are tens of thousands of refugees left.

So many refugees cannot be solved overnight, and they need fundamental treatment.

After thinking hard and thinking carefully for a moment, Ying Changge still had no way to cure it.

This is how to do! Ying Changge immediately summoned several officials, and they began to discuss carefully.

There are so many refugees, so many that if there is any interruption of food, they will starve to death.

The famine will last for a very long time, and now the most important thing is to solve the food!

And many officials are located here, and they carefully inquired for the days of tens of thousands of refugees.

How to get food, of course, is to cultivate the land and sow the food, but the food is not harvested in one day.

Rather, it needs to be year round.

It will take a long time for food to be harvested, and this matter must be resolved quickly.

The sooner the better! Thinking of this, Ying Changge smiled and immediately discussed with the officials.

How many grain seeds are there? After some careful understanding, Ying Changge knew that the seeds were there!

However, the grain can be eaten, but the seeds can not satisfy one's hunger! This is the real difference.

In a hurry, Ying Changge immediately had a solution, and that was to distribute these seeds.

Temporarily lend the seeds to refugees, and then let the people return certain seeds after the harvest.

After hearing about this, the other officials also nodded their heads in agreement.

Thanks to Ying Changge's strategy, there is such a plan, which can temporarily solve the problem of food and clothing.

Far water can't cure near fire, but Ying Changge still has to arrange it quickly, just for the people and refugees.

As long as the refugees can eat a bite, any refugee will not starve to death.

Taking this opportunity, Ying Changge and the officials immediately rectified and let them start distributing seeds to the refugees.

After hearing the news, the refugees were all shocked and surprised, and they admired it very much.

With seeds, food can be sown, and then there will be harvests, which can alleviate the disaster of famine.

The officials were busy again. They registered a lot of seeds and distributed them to the common people.

Now that the famine is raging, is food worth it? Of course it is very valuable! An inch of gold is hard to buy food to eat!

With food, you can live! With seeds, naturally there will be food! This is important.

The people and refugees got a lot of seeds, and they immediately began to prepare the land and sow food.

As long as there are seeds, there will definitely be a lot of grain harvest next year, which is a long process.

The plan now is to get the seeds into the hands of the refugees so that they can continue to live.

Ying Changge and his people are working hard to distribute food seeds, so that the people start to get busy.

Once you have the seeds, you can start to cultivate the land, and then there will be a lot of food in return.

Those who deduct food are shameless, Ying Changge will not do this, he has been working hard.

In order to allow these people and refugees to survive, he has a lot of opportunities and hard work.

Chapter 944 Food distribution, a new strategy!

After the people got the seeds, Ying Changge urged them to plant the land inside and outside the city immediately.

If you let the people starve to death, Ying Changge will kill them, which is really not right!

There are a lot of seeds distributed, and they are all scrambling to get the seeds.

If you have seeds, you will be able to live. Refugees dream of this, and I am grateful to Ying Changge.

With the efforts of Ying Changge and his group, many seeds have indeed fallen into the hands of refugees.

The seed distribution policy is a good thing, and many officials have been ordered by Ying Changge.

They followed suit and distributed all the grain seeds in their inventory.

The refugees who got the news came non-stop, and they approached here in a series.

After receiving the seeds in an orderly manner, the refugees rushed home and immediately began their own self-rescue.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. Ying Changge naturally understands this.

That's why he came up with a plan to distribute grain seeds so that the people could feed themselves.

Famine is raging, food is scarce, so many grain seeds are still somewhat useful.

The people and refugees lined up like a dragon, the crowd was surging, and so many refugees did not stop day and night.

Distributing grain seeds is very important, and Ying Changge sent a lot of soldiers to guard.

Grain seeds have been distributed one after another, and the refugees will be very happy when they have the seeds.

The joy of refugees will also make Ying Changge happier and more satisfied. He has always liked to help the world.

As long as the refugees have the guarantee of seeds, Ying Changge will not panic, and he must take precautions.

To avoid the riots of refugees and to avoid the shortage of seeds, he must do his best to continue to mobilize the seeds.

With so many seeds, once there is a vacancy, the people will fall into a situation of panic even more.

Busy day and night, Ying Changge distributed a lot of seeds to the refugees, and many people benefited from it.

Countless officials are full of praise for what Ying Changge has done, and they admire it very much.

With the help of the refugees, the food will be harvested in autumn tomorrow.

Food is very important, and it is beautiful to be able to let so many people get one bite of food.

Therefore, the distribution of seeds is very important, Ying Changge is urgent, and ordered the soldiers to work day and night.

Numerous food seeds were distributed, and the refugees cheered and rejoiced.

Everything has been settled, and what Ying Changge has done is to completely stabilize the refugees.

Refugees began to reclaim land. For their own survival, the people of course had to ensure sufficient food.

Once it was passed on from ten to ten, everyone knew about it and admired Ying Changge's urgent wisdom.

Tens of thousands of refugees finally have a solution, which is to use the seeds to lend them out and then take them back.

Countless officials have given away their own food seeds (good money), for the sake of tens of thousands of refugees, allowing them to maintain their families.

Hungry, hungry for so many days, they are already starving to death, the refugees are very pitiful.

Ying Changge's strategy was witty enough for the officials to admire them very much, and they were very satisfied.

Let so many refugees have seeds, they start to plant food and start new preparations.

Tens of thousands of refugees are grateful for what Ying Changge has done, and they are really excited beyond words.

Chapter 945 The general defending the city will not give in!

The name of Ying Changge spread out, and officials admired from the bottom of their hearts, and even more so.

With such results, everything is not particularly dangerous, at least, there is nothing to hesitate.

As soon as there was a hundred responses and Ying Changge's words, many people began to distribute seeds.

In the court and the opposition, after hearing the news, many ministers praised Ying Changge without hesitation.

They knew that not only was Ying Changge not a murderer, but he was even a benevolent master of the world.

Just when Ying Changge was going all out to fight the famine, he never imagined that there would be extra problems.

Because the loss of tens of thousands of refugees is still very serious, this matter spread very mightily.

Not only in the country, but even Korea has heard about this, and they are very happy.

Famine is rampant, refugees are everywhere, and people are struggling to live. It is impossible for Korea to sit back and watch such a good thing.

Since it is known that there are many famines and food shortages, this is a flaw and weakness.

National strength is difficult to guard against.

The most important thing in marching and fighting is food and grass, but now, there is not much food among Ying Chang singers!

Isn't this a great opportunity! Be sure to plunder the (affa) frontier lands one by one.

Goryeo will not sit idly by, they have been eyeing the borderlands for a long time, and they have been planning for a long time.

So, after hearing about the big famine in Jinghai County, Goryeo naturally wanted to send troops to attack.

Under the meditative dispatch, Goryeo dispatched his own elite soldiers, ready to go.

Soon, Goryeo's army quickly went to the border and started a new round of war.

With the deployment of elite soldiers, Goryeo's soldiers are extraordinarily brave, all of them are like wolves like tigers.

They came all the way, and immediately launched a frantic attack on the frontier land, beating violently.

The vast Goryeo army, with a large area of ​​Wuyangyang, went to the border city.

They began to attack, and Goryeo's army was aggressive and attacked quickly, showing its own posture as the enemy.

There was no defense in the border area, and it was unexpected to see the Goryeo army rushing in.

The general guarding the border city was named Zhang Dahu, and he was very flustered when he saw so many Goryeo troops coming.

Standing on the fortress, Zhang Dahu smiled contemptuously, "Koreo even dares to attack me!"

In this matter, Zhang Dahu did not act so cautiously, and even underestimated the enemy.

Seeing Goryeo's army coming to him, he began to prepare to attack and attack the opponent.

"Come here! Open the city gate, follow me and kill them, you must defeat them completely and wipe out the entire army!"

Zhang Dahu put on his own armor, he thought he was right, and did not report the stabbing death to Ying Changge and Ying Zheng.

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