After being busy with such a group of people for a while, Ying Changge was so busy that he was too busy to do anything.

Sitting on the ground next to him, Ying Changge sighed, there are so many refugees, it is really countless.

The refugees, who could not see the end at a glance, were still chattering and rushing towards this side.

Such a famine made life worse than death, and everyone was very frightened, for fear that they would starve to death.

The refugees are yellow-faced and skinny. If the stalemate continues, I am afraid that they will die in a short time.

There are a lot of corpses on the roadside, they are piled up like mountains, but the abandoned corpses can't be buried in the wilderness.

So many people have forgotten their hometown and their lives, and are running away with their heads broken.

As long as you can leave and have a bite to eat, then there will inevitably be a lot of ways out.

In order to survive, these refugees are running around everywhere, and they have been displaced, and have no home of their own.

The refugees are so desolate that under the famine, tens of thousands of refugees have become a surging disaster.

They didn't want them to starve to death, nor did Ying Changge, he wanted the world to be safe and the people to be healthy.

In the face of such famine and disaster, how can ordinary people stop this disaster?

Knowing that the people are very desolate and hungry, the porridge in Ying Changge's camp has never been cold.

Ying Changge gave them a chance, like letting these refugees survive again.

It's like giving them a second life, so this is a great deed for Ying Changge to accumulate virtue and do good deeds.

Chapter 921 Save Your Life!

There must be Yu Qing in the family of Jishan. What Ying Changge does is not for himself, but also for these people.

Ying Changge's wish for the common people of Li Min, all he wants to do is peace in the world.

Even though so many refugees continued to run, Ying Changge couldn't save them.

It can be saved for a while, but not forever! Tens of thousands of refugees, but Ying Changge couldn't save them all.

The porridge on the pot was still hot, and such a refugee quickly emptied it.

This is a matter of time, because Ying Changge knows that the number of refugees is so large that it cannot be helped.

After a while, the hot porridge that Ying Changge had cooked was gone, and it was immediately drank.

Not a drop was left, all of them were eaten up by the refugees, but Ying Changge could no longer continue to cook porridge.

If he had to take out all his rations, then Ying Changge would be hungry too.

Things have priorities, Ying Changge will not let these guys get into such a predicament.

Just as Ying Changge was sitting on the edge of the bonfire and was about to turn around to rest, she heard a sound.

The footsteps are so dense, it seems that there are so many people, there must be some reason.

Feeling the crisis, Ying Changge immediately got up and put one hand on his sword hilt.

With a calm face and a calm heart, he turned his head and said, "Be careful! Beware of sneak attacks!"

Other places are dark and lightless, after all, it is after dusk, and it is almost night.

If it was just an ordinary refugee, the pace would not be so dense, and maybe they came prepared.

Be cautious, Ying Changge stood cautiously with his sword raised, his face very calm.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Standing here, Ying Changge's face was calm, and soon the footsteps continued to approach.

A series of people came aggressively, blocking the front of Ying Changge, a large area of ​​Wu Yangyang.

"Do you want to drink porridge?" Ying Changge said calmly, "There is no more porridge."

"We don't want porridge!" The leading group of people all looked aggressive, "We want your lives!"

Ying Changge looked incredible, "We have a grudge? Or are you under orders?"

This group of people looked murderous, "We're just here to **** your food!"

"If you have money, hand over your money, and if you have no money, take out your food, or else you will be killed!"

They were all screaming, and they were making a lot of noise. Ying Changge snorted coldly.

Just like that? It's ridiculous to want to kill yourself too! Ying Changge shook his head, "That's it!"

"If you are determined to go your own way, and you are just looking for a dead end, you should leave this place as soon as possible!"

"It doesn't matter if you are hungry, but if you burn, kill, and loot, you will be guilty of one more crime, and you will be a wicked person!"

Ying Changge's exhortation was to make them give up such plans, so that they could keep their lives.

Otherwise, if you kill them with a single sword, Ying Changge will wipe them all out in one go, annihilating the entire army.

However, these guys are already hungry and crazy, and a group of people are not to be outdone and continue to approach.

With a sigh, Ying Changge asked, "Don't you have food and grass for disaster relief! Why do you still rob it!"

"Could it be that the grain and grass haven't arrived in Jinghai County yet!" Ying Changge asked sincerely.

It was impossible for these rushing people to ask calmly, and they fought on their own.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

They were scrambling to crowd Ying Changge's side. They must have tried their best to fight.

In order to be able to kill a few of them, the swords in their hands were also wielding mighty swords and shadows.

They are facing ordinary people, but the refugees are hungry, so they will do whatever they can.

They rushed up one after another, wielding the weapons in their hands recklessly.

Hoes and sticks are readily available, so many things fell on Ying Changge's body.

Ying Changge, who was not in a hurry, had a calm expression, and struck him back with a sword, blocking them all.


Such a sword had no killing intent, but Ying Changge had to intercept the charge of these refugees.

If surrounded by such refugees, Ying Changge would be eaten if there were no bones left.

In order to seek a way out, the refugees are still arrogantly attacking Ying Changge.

In such a situation, he swept thousands of troops with one sword, and knocked down several people with ease.

These are just ordinary refugees, they are not real materials, and there is no secret knowledge.

Against Shang Ying Changge's sword, they all staggered and fell to the ground, unable to fight back.

The sword edge stabbed, mighty and domineering, but Ying Changge's sword only blocked the attack of the refugees.

Ying Changge wouldn't kill these lonely refugees, but he couldn't let himself die either.

One by one, the refugees came aggressively armed with swords, guns and sticks, eager to kill him.

As long as Ying Changge is killed, they can **** food and grass, and the refugees can have a full meal.

They are all still impatient to come, chattering and shooting, how flamboyant, very fierce and fierce.

Chapter 922 I don't know martial arts, I'm not good at learning skills!

Raising the blade in his hand, Ying Changge resisted with force, and with a single sword, several people were repelled.

Every move is full of murderous intent, Ying Changge's every sword is precise and accurate, and the control is very suitable.

Blocking the refugees and falling into the siege, Ying Changge was upright and calmly responded to the refugees' killing.

Surrounded by an endless stream, so many guys always have an inexhaustible amount of energy.

Obviously a refugee, but like a bandit, he persistently came to surround Ying Changge.

For the sake of eating in one bite, they did everything in their power to kill, and they were so resentful.

But it was impossible to kill Ying Changge with such a "zero five three" blow, his sword protected his life.

Even if he was surrounded by refugees in a hurry, Ying Changge always looked like he had the chance to win, and he was calm and calm.

It was impossible for him to die because of this. Ying Changge, with all his skills, was always patiently confronting and fighting back.

The sword in his hand swung to his heart's content, and he made a big blow, taking out all his strength.

Even if surrounded by so many refugees, Ying Changge found a way out.

With a big fight, the sword was cold and sharp, such an offensive broke through the siege of the refugees in a blink of an eye.

All of them were very frightened, they thought that they could win Ying Changge by virtue of the large number of people.

With several rounds of confrontation, the refugees were still unable to defeat the Ying Changge under such a collision.

The number of them is really numerous, and one by one, they all filed in and rushed up.

In order to win Ying Changge, the refugees always rushed forward with perseverance and showed their murderous intentions.

It's just that they are just ordinary people, not to mention hungry and full.

Such refugees are like tigers coming out of their cages, approaching Ying Changge recklessly.

After being put to death and then reborn, Ying Changge's sword is still steady, attacking it with his own weapons.

Ping ping pong pong, swords, lights, swords, shadows, and other offensives, Ying Changge was still alone and protected himself.

This kind of aggressiveness and murderous intentions are intertwined, and it is really irresistible, how sad.

If they cannot be taken down, I am afraid that in the future, more refugees will join them.

Because of their own power, they started killing people. These refugees are also evil people.

They committed crimes, went astray, and always wanted to behead Ying Changge and rob him of food and grass.

But such a line, is it really necessary! Naturally impossible! Refugees are dying.

Such people always approached and surrounded Ying Changge recklessly, and their strength was very weak.

Ying Changge, who is excellent in swordsmanship, is really brave, but he is unable to kill these refugees with ruthlessness.

All the guys were especially chicken thieves. They knew that they couldn't kill Ying Changge, so they immediately retreated.

A battle was formed, but groups of refugees still formed a circle, blocking Ying Changge.

As long as you can catch Ying Changge, then it will be beautiful to carry all the food.

Extremely hungry, they are very mad. In such a situation, refugees may be able to eat people!

Refugees always come with weapons in their hands, but they have no chance to kill Ying Changge.

They don't know martial arts at all, they are not good at learning, they just rely on their arrogant strength.

Different from the refugees, Ying Changge's swordsmanship is superb, and his mind is more agile and dexterous.  …

These refugees were daring, in order to be able to kill Ying Changge, they all came one after another.

Even so what! He has a cultivation base, and the sword in his hand is extraordinarily powerful.

Falling down with a gust of wind, he couldn't wait to attack, and every sword was extraordinarily cold and severe.

In the face of refugees, Ying Changge does not need to show mercy, because they are all evil and sinful people.

For the sake of one's own livelihood, to kill others and kill others, what kind of thing is this!

Do not do what you want to others, so Ying Changge must teach these refugees a lesson and take action quickly.

A sword is approaching, rampant and domineering, such a sword is only to break them, but it will not kill them.

All the daring refugees are always making unscrupulous shots to surround Ying Changge in one go.

Even if Ying Changge didn't kill them, it would be a very stupid thing for them to find their own way!

In order to **** the food, the refugees flocked here, and they took action quickly, which was really fast and impulsive.

The reckless and sloppy group of people have no idea that the post-5.0 retreat, what the refugees want is the food in their mouths, that's all.

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