Standing on the city wall and watching so many troops retreat, Zhao Yiming was very happy.

Survival is very important, Zhao Yiming and his city must stick to it, so as to be foolproof.

When Ying Changge's army all evacuated, Zhao Yiming relaxed, and he had no worries.

The soldiers were ordered to continue coercing the people to stand on the city wall. Taking this opportunity, Zhao Yiming went to rest.

The battle with Ying Changge was very exhausting, especially Zhao Yiming, who was exhausted.

It is a pity that under the confrontation of so many armies, Zhao Yiming does not have any advantage, and he is dejected.

When there are people, with these hostages and meat shields, Zhao Yiming is safe enough.

Let these helpless people continue to stand on the city wall, Zhao Yiming went to rest.

Closing his eyes and resting, Zhao Yiming knew that as long as there were people, there would be no danger.

Unless Ying Changge made up his mind and insisted on killing the common people, it would be a crisis.

And for a while, Ying Changge would not lead the army to attack, so he would not worry.

Lying patiently, Zhao Yiming would not take off his armor, he remained vigilant.

He closed his eyes and rested his mind in satisfaction. At this time, Zhao Yiming was patiently waiting for the movement of Ying Changge's army.

As long as Ying Changge doesn't move for a day, Zhao Yiming will also remain calm.

Zhao Yiming has made a foolproof plan, and he believes that these people will be able to persist for a while.

Forcing civilians to join the war, Zhao Yiming's method is very despicable and despised.

Ying Changge will not ignore Zhao Yiming, but at least now is not a good time.

Let your army withdraw, and the army will not rush and recklessly attack Zhao Yiming's city.

Having saved the lives of those civilians, Ying Changge now adjusts his army and thinking.

This is the easiest decision to make, either attack or turn around. Ying Changge chose the latter.

When Ying Changge and his army retreated, Zhao Yiming was even more proud.

With the appearance of a villain, Zhao Yiming handed over the defense of the city to his soldiers.

So many soldiers, enough to deal with for a while! At least it won't let Ying Changge enter smoothly.

They don't know when Ying Changge's attack will come next, but they are willing to wait patiently.

The people were coerced, and they had no choice but to stand on the city wall, with no chance to leave.

Once it is death, more soldiers and civilians will die, and it is easy for Ying Changge to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Zhao Yiming was resting comfortably, while Ying Changge was strategizing and asking his soldiers to make an adjustment.

There is a way to crack any war, and Ying Changge only needs to find a loophole, that's enough.

He won't kill these civilians, and he won't let the army trample away in one go.

So take this opportunity, Ying Changge has to think carefully about the best plan to break into the city.

Continuing the battle and the stalemate, Ying Changge's army will find it difficult to control a good situation.

The situation in the city was relieved, and many people just stood there dumbfounded.

They successfully hindered Ying Changge, let Zhao Yiming's conspiracy succeed, and persuaded Ying Changge's army.

The situation is stable and the battle situation is balanced. In this way, Zhao Yiming can survive with his army.

Showing a bright smile happily, Zhao Yiming closed his eyes and couldn't help humming a song.

The people in the city cursed Zhao Yiming, they hated Zhao Yiming's cruelty and ruthlessness.

But it is precisely because of this that they do not want to die in the hands of Zhao Yiming.

Not wanting to die like this, the people mourned, and were already very dissatisfied with Zhao Yiming.

Ying Changge's army did not move, but Zhao Yiming hoped that he could resolve the danger of Ying Changge's siege.

This is not something Zhao Yiming can have the final say, all decisions are in the hands of Ying Changge.

If he wants to fight, he can continue to fight, otherwise, Ying Changge will stand still (promised Zhao).

Knowing that Ying Changge is a soft-hearted guy, Zhao Yiming is very relieved and has no worries.

"`〃Damn Zhao Yiming, I really don't know what to do~"!" "We are just civilians! Why!"

"We have to resist, we must resist Zhao Yiming!" "Down with Zhao Yiming and protect ourselves!"

They were preparing to protest in the city, and Zhao Yiming had already heard it, and he was very noisy.

He clearly just wanted to rest, but he was quarreled by the common people to the point that he could not sleep peacefully.

Zhao Yiming is a general defending the city, his power is very huge, and he has a lot of troops here.

Therefore, in the city, Zhao Yiming has the final say.

Chapter 795 It's so abominable and annoying!

Even these people must obey Zhao Yiming's words, otherwise, if they resist, there is only a dead end!

After the crisis was resolved, Zhao Yiming persuaded Ying Changge's army to retreat, and now he is no longer in any danger.

When Zhao Yiming is ready to attack, he will attack, otherwise he will just hide in the city.

When the time is ripe, Zhao Yiming will not attack recklessly, and he has not lost his mind.

Knowing that he would be invaded by Ying Changge's army, at this moment, Zhao Yiming could only respond to the changes without change.

Ying Changge was not in a hurry to attack, all they had to do was to continue to patiently guard the city.

Even though the people were constantly protesting, they still couldn't shake Zhao Yiming's mind.

He was too lazy to pay attention to these people. In his opinion, these people were just as humble as ants.

Death is a very simple matter, and Zhao Yiming can control the life and death of these ordinary people.

927 Especially these lonely people are just a bunch of rabble, and Zhao Yiming has a lot of troops.

Let your soldiers control them, and then force them all to the city wall.

Building a city wall with meat shields, Zhao Yiming believes that these people can have very good protection measures.

Even when surrounded by so many people, Zhao Yiming was not afraid of Ying Changge.

Even if Ying Changge led a large army to the city, it was impossible to break into the city easily.

Continuing to close his eyes and rest, Zhao Yiming tossed and rested, just hoping to get a good night's sleep.

However, it is a pity that the people in the city will not continue to sit idly by, and they have begun to resist.

Yelling and chattering protests are just to get Zhao Yiming to let go of these civilians.

But the protests of the people are useless, Zhao (afej) Yiming is impossible to listen to the moan of the ants.

Zhao Yiming was about to move, and could not wait to get up and kill all these people, leaving no one behind.

He has been thoroughly provoked, but he will not kill the people so easily.

For Zhao Yiming, these civilians are very important, and they can help him stop Ying Changge's army.

So, closing his eyes and resting, he continued to rest patiently. Zhao Yiming ignored the protests of the people.

In the city, the people were struggling, and Zhao Yiming would not hear their complaints, but others knew.

They heard clearly, especially the lieutenant under Zhao Yiming's hands, they were not ruthless.

One of Zhao Yiming's lieutenants, Zhang Zijun, has seen so many changes, which is really surprising.

So, Zhang Zijun immediately walked to the alley, and he saw many people were staying behind closed doors.

The people could only stay at home, and then scolded Zhao Yiming incessantly, wishing to kill him.

Because there were many of these people, they were all held hostage to the city wall by Zhao Yiming.

Zhao Yiming took the entire city as his hostages, and he was very happy.

But the people were implicated because of this, but they could not easily break the army of Ying Changge.

Zhang Zijun is still exploring patiently, wanting to see what happened to the people.

Soon, Zhang Zijun knew what Zhao Yiming had done. It was really hateful and annoying.

It is impossible for a war to involve civilians, but Zhao Yiming did so.

Even if Zhao Yiming didn't want to admit it, he knew that his behavior was very bad.

Zhao Yiming regarded the common people as abandoned sons and dead soldiers, so that he could use them for himself.

In order to kill the other party, everything is unscrupulous, Zhao Yiming will mobilize the force to imprison the people.

Having found the flaw in Ying Changge, Zhao Yiming couldn't give up, he had to kill them.

Isn't Ying Changge very handsome! Always aggressively chasing and killing himself, wishing to kill himself.

Then it's time for Zhao Yiming to fight back, he must kill Ying Changge in one go.

It is not a simple matter to wipe out the entire Ying Changge army, Zhao Yiming needs to discuss carefully.

Make a good plan, Zhao Yiming and his soldiers will charge quickly, and sooner or later they will be able to kill Ying Changge.

But soon Zhao Yiming's lieutenant Zhang Zijun found out about this, and was really unable to speak.

Obviously, the army is an upright attack and attack, and it never involves the people in the city.

But it's different now, they have become Zhao Yiming's pawns, at his mercy.

Zhang Zijun was very angry, and he was even ashamed for it, making himself feel that his face was dull.

If possible, it would be best to release all the people that Zhao Yiming had held hostage.

Otherwise, the casualties of the common people, the morale of the army will easily drop even more, and become even more depressed.

Zhang Zijun saw how the people were crying and howling.

So, Zhang Zijun went to the city wall and tried to untie them, "Go away!"

"You are just ordinary people, how could you act as a dead man here!" Zhang Zijun asked them to leave.

Chapter 796 Do your best and concentrate!

However, Zhao Yiming's soldiers looked helpless, and they directly obeyed Zhao Yiming.

This is very important. Zhang Zijun wants to talk to Zhao Yiming and try to control the people.

You can't put all the people on the city gate, this will just cause them to die innocently, very tragically.

Zhang Zijun didn't want to see this scene in his city, the war should not involve the common people.

These innocent civilians should live well, not just die, that's too much.

It was inevitable that Zhang Zijun would do it, and could not wait to meet the other lieutenants and start discussions.

I tried to persuade a few people to meet Zhao Yiming with me, so that I could persuade him to release the people.

Otherwise, once so many people died in battle, Zhao Yiming would not be able to get any benefits at all.

Unfortunately, after Zhang Zijun and several other lieutenants met, there was no good opportunity to communicate.

These guys are all stubborn, and what they have to do is very simple, that is, obey Zhao Yi-ming.

Zhao Yiming has enough rights, this is a symbol of glory, he is the general in this big army.

As soon as he succeeds, he must make a choice for Zhao Yiming's ambition.

Kill Ying Changge and defeat the opponent, then only Zhao Yiming's own army will be domineering.

This is a very good opportunity, Zhao Yiming will do anything to kill Ying Changge.

With all their strength and concentration, according to Zhao Yiming's order, the soldiers detained many civilians.

Zhang Zijun, who was long overdue, made a swift action in order to be able to rescue these people.

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