Many people died because of this, and their deaths just aroused Zhao Yiming's panic.

Zhao Yiming can defend the city, but he may not be able to open the city gate to fight Ying Changge. This is a huge disparity.

Especially Ying Changge's unremitting charge, every attack is particularly exciting.

Shocking, prying heartstrings, Zhao Yiming shivered, his face was bloodless, and it was impossible to start.

The only thing he can do is to let the soldiers continue to stick to it and guard the city.

Continuing to fight and charge bravely, Ying Changge's army seemed united and had the upper hand.

So many guys are always fighting under his own eyes, and Zhao Yiming doesn't allow him to attack.

The city was his last line of defense, and Zhao Yiming knew that his army was in trouble.

Can't go out, can't go in, Zhao Yiming can only let his soldiers guard this place and insist on confrontation.

In the middle of fighting, he still insisted not (promised Zhao) relentless, Zhao Yiming and his soldiers could not retreat.

Once he retreats, he must die easily. He has only one way, and that is to guard this place.

The city is a huge line of defense. With the protection of the city, Zhao Yiming can stay here safe and sound.

Otherwise, the army will continue to confront each other, I am afraid that many people will die because of it.

Being able to sense the murderous side of Ying Changge's army, Zhao Yiming could feel it even with his eyes closed.

Thousands of troops came rushing in and couldn't wait to run rampant. Ying Changge's soldiers had already occupied the place.

There is no advantage under the city gate, Ying Changge's army almost have to break through the city gate, so that they can enter smoothly.

Chapter 790 Attack the city gate and destroy the city!

It is a pity that Ying Changge's army is not three heads and six arms, and they are easily resisted by the solid city wall.

Be vigilant and guard the city, Zhao Yiming arranged all his troops here in one go.

A lot of troops are still charging, and they are bound to win, slamming into the city gate in groups.

The knife and axemen continued to attack. Although the city gate was strong, Ying Changge's soldiers were like steel and iron.

Zhao Yiming has a lot of people, and he knows that his troops are not as strong as Ying Changge's.

But even so, Zhao Yiming was very relieved, he felt that he could still hold on for a while.

No matter how many troops come, Zhao Yiming will not give up here, this is the only chance.

As his last battle, Zhao Yiming had to fight with all his strength, even with all his strength.

Zhao Xingzhi was killed by Ying Changge, and Zhao Yiming no longer had any close people.

But he wouldn't panic, he knew that it was very easy for him to defend the city and could resist Ying Changge.

The army of Ying Chang 927 songs is still attacking unremittingly, whether it is a day or ten days, the stalemate continues.

Then, Zhao Yiming stayed in his city and continued to deal with Ying Changge for one more day, it would be more perfect.

The army was still invading under the city gate, and the knife and axemen violently slammed into the city gate, intending to break through the city.

As long as Ying Changge leads his army into the city, he can kill and kill.

At that time, any rebels will die under the sword of Ying Changge's justice, and he is righteous.

Ying Changge, who was acting for the heavens, would not let these rebels live happily, he killed Zhao Xingzhi.

Then Zhao Yiming won't survive much longer.

As Ying Changge said, the Jade Emperor couldn't protect him either.

Ying Changge's men and horses were rapidly attacking the city, came in one rush, and showed their own momentum.

The dead became corpses, the living were still struggling, Ying Changge saw through Zhao Yiming's low morale.

This is a good thing! At the very least, Ying Changge can take advantage of the emptiness and catch them all.

He not only wants Zhao Yiming's head, but Ying Changge just wants this stable country and life.

Holding the city wall with his own soldiers, Zhao Yiming was still resisting the army that resisted Ying Changge, so he didn't dare to hesitate.

He knew that today was the last and crucial battle. He was alone and unable to fight.

Zhao Xingzhi has died in battle, how can Zhao Yiming and his own defeated soldiers continue?

With a pale face and gnashing of teeth, Zhao Yiming sticks to his city, no matter what.

This is his last army, and the most important point to be able to defend the city is to have sufficient troops.

Now that the situation is turbulent, Ying Changge's army is still continuing to attack and attack the city gate.

Hearing the crumbling sound of his city gate, Zhao Yiming was naturally frightened.

In any case, Ying Changge's army cannot be approached, at least, they cannot be allowed to enter.

The city gate is the last line of defense. Zhao Yiming wants to keep the army deadlocked outside the city and not give them a chance.

Soldiers are brave and fearless, (afej) they, like Ying Changge, are excellent fighters and brave invasions.

The city was swayed by the impact, and this indestructible city seemed useless.

Just let Ying Changge's soldiers continue to attack the city? Zhao Yiming was at a loss, but he would not give up.

No one could rely on him, Zhao Yiming could only rely on his own strength, otherwise he would surely die.

After a crushing defeat, Zhao Yiming saw that many of his soldiers were killed here, with blood flowing in rivers and corpses everywhere.

Many soldiers on the city wall were holding on, but they died under the charge of Ying Changge's army.

The defenders are the easiest to defend, but Zhao Yiming still suffered casualties, and the scene was terrible.

If Ying Changge's army invaded the city, Zhao Yiming would not have any chance of life at all.

This is not a fun and dripping battle. Zhao Yiming was very passive and extremely embarrassed in the first battle of defending the city.

Such an offensive was impossible to stop, especially Ying Changge's army came with perseverance.

Attacking the city gates and destroying the city, Ying Changge's soldiers were all swarming around the place.

He vowed to make sure that he would command his own army to continue moving forward, and Ying Changge devised a strategy.

Zhao Yiming no longer has any posture that can block anything, they are very easy to break into the city gate!

Is it difficult to let Ying Changge's soldiers occupy his city? Zhao Yiming would not agree!

Unscrupulous, in order to survive, for his own victory, Zhao Yiming will continue to resist!

Soldiers fought and died like this. Many soldiers died here and fell from the city wall.

Seeing all his soldiers die because of this, Zhao Yiming knew that the strength of his troops had weakened.

The soldiers in their hands can't continue to stalemate, otherwise the casualties will be more serious.

He saw Ying Changge, saw the endless stream of enemy troops coming, and he fell into a siege.

Being surrounded and suppressed by so many troops, Zhao Yiming knew that he had no chance and no way out.

The only thing he can do is defend the city.

Chapter 791 Yelling and yelling!

Besides, Zhao Yiming didn't know what to do at all, he couldn't face the invasion of Ying Changge.

Uninvited, Ying Changge, as the siege party, can at least stabilize the situation of his army.

On the contrary, Zhao Yiming didn't have such good luck. He was still injured while huddled behind the city gate.

Yelling and scolding, "Come on to me quickly, block the city gate for me~, you must not fall!"

When Zhao Yiming was still ordering the soldiers, he saw a lot of arrows rushing towards them.

It was Ying Changge's archer shooting arrows, densely packed like a rain of arrows, shooting on the city wall.

Zhao Yiming's soldiers were injured again, and many soldiers fell off the city wall and fell to their deaths.

After seeing this tragedy, Zhao Yiming was annoyed, why couldn't he defeat the Ying Changge army?

Ying Changge is not a man with three heads and six arms, but Zhao Yiming is always unable to kill Ying Changge.

Not only that, but if Ying Changge led the troops with divine help, they came in swarms and surrounded Zhao Yiming.

In the city, Zhao Yiming's army was unable to retreat, and was already in a desperate situation, unable to extricate itself.

Running down the city wall quickly, taking this opportunity, Zhao Yiming stood in the street and shouted, "Is there anyone else!"

"The soldiers are on top of me, and the city gate must be guarded, and there can be no flaws and opportunities."

But even if Zhao Yiming shouted like this, there was no chance, because there were not many soldiers at all.

Could it be that his soldiers would die from such exhaustion and die under the siege of Ying Changge?

We must come up with a good way to open the business, and we can't let the army of Ying Changge enter unimpeded!

Fast charging, Ying Changge was still chattering about the invasion, so that he could break through Zhao Yiming's city gate.

Not letting Ying Changge's soldiers continue to run amuck, Zhao Yiming came up with a crazy idea.

"Go! Gather all the people in the city for me!" Zhao Yiming was short of troops now.

In the case of helplessness, Zhao Yiming had to let other people replace his army.

Immediately went to ride the horse, Zhao Yiming immediately charged quickly in the streets, shouting and chattering.

"Quick! Give it to me!" From house to house, Zhao Yiming asked his soldiers to arrest the strong man.

The soldiers directly broke through their portals and captured them all! The people fled in fear.

But they couldn't avoid it, because it was very simple for Zhao Yiming's soldiers to capture them.

Arrest all the people hiding at home, and Zhao Yiming wants to force them to join the battle.

Zhao Yiming's orders were very strict.

They forcibly broke in, broke open the courtyards of the common people, and arrested the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled in front of the city gate.

Using these people as human shields, wouldn't it greatly improve the chances of Zhao Yiming's soldiers to survive?

This was a very suitable opportunity, so Zhao Yiming implemented this strategy to resist Ying Changge.

Even if Ying Changge's army came persistently, Zhao Yiming also found a different way.

You have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder. Now, Zhao Yiming is not afraid of the invasion of Ying Changge's army at all.

He spread the troops in his hands on the streets and arrested all the people he could see.

Breaking into their courtyard, Zhao Yiming held up his sword and said aggressively, "Listen to the people inside, get out!"


Zhao Yiming also joined the ranks, in order to tie the people to Wuhua and become his own meat shield.

"Leave our house!" A young man inside came out immediately, he was not afraid of Zhao Yiming.

"No matter who you are! But you must leave, otherwise, I will make you look good!"

This young man is the head of the family here, he was born here, grew up here, "Come on!"

The young man raised a **** next to him, "Did you hear me! I'm going to be rude to you!"


Hearing the laughter, Zhao Yiming looked arrogant and was not afraid at all.

"It's ridiculous! You're disobeying me! You know, I'm the general defender of the city here! What if I die!"

"When the army invades, you civilians will also die!" Zhao Yiming threatened them.

But the young man shook his head, "No! I know! Outside the city gate is the leader of Ying Changge, he will not do this!"

"He's a good man, far more sympathetic to the people than Zhao Yiming, a general like you!"

Hearing the young man's words, Zhao Yiming's face was hideous, and he was directly provoked! He doesn't like Ying Changge!

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