833 Ying Changge's soldiers fought with them, and they were inseparable, and there was no chance to retreat.

It seems that the situation is very uncertain, but Ying Changge is still calm and seems to be waiting for something.

He devised a strategy and was confident.

Even if Zhao Xingzhi's army was killed right under his nose, Ying Changge remained calm.

He ordered the soldiers to fight against it, and the continued confrontation was not in vain for Zhao Xingzhi's army.

Such a battle is very anxious, full of dazzling array, in groups, and Wuyangyang is a large group of people.

But even so, in the chaos of the army, Ying Changge remained steady and waited quietly.

What is he waiting for! It is nothing more than waiting for an opportunity, Ying Changge's strength will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory.

But Zhao Xingzhi didn't understand, he just could see that Ying Changge was pretending to be lofty and seemed to be pretending.


In the bloody, chaotic battlefield, Ying Changge always looked calm, as if waiting for someone.

And Zhao Xingzhi's eyebrows are already burning, it is imminent, he is still so indifferent?

been despised! Been underestimated! Therefore, Zhao Xingzhi was very upset, and even more angry.

No reason! A mere Ying Changge dares to put on a pretence on his own head!

Zhao Xingzhi led his army to chase after him and forced him directly to Ying Changge, "Damn it!"

"I'm going to kill you! Let you die completely! Let you be wiped out!" He came quickly.

Riding on a horse and galloping out, the weapon in his hand was about to stab Ying Changge's body soon.

But it was a few steps away, at such a distance, Ying Changge was still very safe, and it was impossible for him to be beheaded.

He was firmly seated here, the weapon in his hand slashed down with force, and struck quickly.

This sword edge swept through the thousands of troops and struck Zhao Xingzhi back, causing him to stagger and stagger.

Holding his weapon, he managed to stand firm, Zhao Xingzhi stared at him even more coldly.

What a good Ying Changge, with all the skills, so strong, it is really impossible to face the enemy head-on.

Fighting with Ying Changge over and over again made him even more selective, and Zhao Xingzhi knew who he was.

Especially when fighting Ying Changge alone, Zhao Xingzhi couldn't possibly bury his army.

He walked quickly, and continued to fight fiercely with Ying Changge, Jian Feng, you come and go, ping ping pong pong.

Such a crisp sound had a fierce confrontation, but Zhao Xingzhi could not defeat Ying Changge.

Ying Changge's swordsmanship is so intense, it is always unpredictable, full of risks, and makes people anxious.

In the turbulent battle, Jian Feng parried fiercely, and already surrounded Ying Changge.

Zhao Xingzhi's sword is very fierce and looks murderous, and every sword is a powerful downward attack.

The bravery of such a battle was something that Ying Changge had expected, and he always had enough of Zhao Xingzhi's turnaround.

Even if he was sprinted by the sword, Ying Changge did not have any oppression or fear, and he fought freely.

The meteor came in stride, and with one blow, Ying Changge quickly confronted him, always calm and calm.

Every sword is thoroughly prepared to protect his figure, Ying Changge has no flaws.

Zhao Xingzhi didn't feel that way. He felt that he was very powerful, and he was simply invincible.

Even if Ying Changge defended his own sword, could it be possible that he could continue to defend himself!

Impossible, so he came quickly, always aggressively attacking, grabbing the first opportunity.

Ping ping pong pong, the swords continued to scatter, lying around, suppressing him.

The hands are two doors, and using these as shields, Ying Changge will be very well guarded against.

The sword swept across and came quickly, Ying Changge suppressed Zhao Xingzhi's head, making it difficult for him to approach him.

The waving sword edge came violently, knocking Zhao Xingzhi back a few steps, almost injured and bleeding.

Looking down at the back of his hand, he found that he was not injured, and Zhao Xingzhi was able to breathe by chance.

To be so arrogant to suppress himself, **** it! Zhao Xingzhi became angry, not to be outdone.

"Give it to me! What are you doing!" Zhao Xingzhi let his soldiers charge quickly.

Chapter 716 The ultimate move is brave, and the sword is swept away!

As soon as the order was given, soldiers followed, and they formed a large formation from Zhao Xingzhi's side.

This large formation quickly descended and surrounded Ying Changge in one go, wishing he could be beheaded.

Rather than stand still, it is better to take a step forward, Zhao Xingzhi is bound to win.

Let so many troops swarmed, and then go to assassinate Ying Changge in groups.

Ying Changge was originally a master of cultivation. He was very skilled in martial arts and could not easily be suppressed.

So, continuing to charge, a group of people from Wuyangyang in the army surrounded Ying Changge.

Care about your own life and death, do not want to lose yourself! He just wanted to let the army go away in one go.

A group of people were quick to publicize, and they were eager to kill Ying Changge.

The sword's edge was fast, the crowd was crowded, and the enemy army drowned Ying Changge's figure, ~ without any hesitation.

The situation was tense, Zhao Xingzhi watched his army surrounded Ying Changge with a smug smile on his face.

"It will be a great reward to win the collectors of Ying Changge!" Zhao Xingzhi is bound to win, one word - Jiuding.

Seriously facing the enemy, not in a hurry, even if Ying Changge was surrounded by so many people, he was calm.

Enemies came one after another, but Ying Changge still focused on defeating them one by one.

After eradicating them one by one, the corpses were scattered all over the field, and the blood flowed into rivers, but Ying Changge was still alone.

He was calm and calm, Ying Changge was still so arrogant in the face of the frontal attack of Zhao Xingzhi's army.

His sword flickered coldly, Ying Changge never let go of his enemies and sins, but slammed hard.

Whoosh! The swords went straight, and it was already easy to kill a group of soldiers in front of him.

"Rice bucket! A bunch of rice buckets!" Zhao Xingzhi scolded from a distance, "You can't kill a single person!"

Thousands of troops, many soldiers, so many guys have surrounded Ying Changge without a trace.

But even so, it was impossible to kill Ying Changge, and Zhao Xingzhi himself was angry.

He showed a hideous smile, and Zhao Xingzhi couldn't wait to cut off Ying Changge's head.

With so many soldiers unable to kill Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi can't just sit back and watch!

He walked quickly, aggressively attacked, and chased him from far to near to Ying Changge.

Approaching Ying Changge, the sword in Zhao Xingzhi's hand was very fast, and he struck directly and quickly.

This sword is very fast, and it is impossible for ordinary people to block Zhao Xingzhi's sword move, so fast.

Ying Changge heard the sound of Zhao Xingzhi's footsteps approaching, he struck sideways, and the sword edge quickly blocked him.

boom! The swords kept hitting down, but Ying Changge resisted them one by one.

Zhao Xingzhi will not regret it, he used the army to hunt down Zhao Xingzhi! It is very powerful.

He fought to the death and tried his best. In order to kill Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi did his best.

Approaching Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi did not leave any room, and stabbed the sword in his hand forcefully.

The ultimate move was brave, the sword edge swept across, and one move after another all stabbed Ying Changge on the body.

Such a dangerous trick makes people have to guard against, Ying Changge is even more attentive hostile.

Every move and every style has Zhao Xingzhi's killing intent, but it will not stop like this, like the surging Yangtze River.

Seeing that this sword was always blocked over and over again, Zhao Xingzhi was even more annoyed.


How could he dare to underestimate me! Zhao Xingzhi shouted loudly, and the sword edge slammed down hard.

Following Ying Changge's head with all his strength, he wanted to split Ying Changge's head in half.

It's a pity that Ying Changge's sword moves are always blocked, and Zhao Xingzhi is always one step behind him.

Holding his sword and swinging his arms, Zhao Xingzhi's every sword was so swift and murderous.

Such a sword, murderous and straight, is even more powerful and full of explosions.


A life-and-death crisis, a desperate battle, such a force can directly numb Ying Changge's shocking arms.

But even so, Ying Changge still blatantly didn't move, and landed here steadily, and he did his part.

Whoosh! A sword spun, the blade twisted, and the blade pierced his chest first when he was unprepared.

Feeling his injury, Zhao Xingzhi was in pain. Looking down, the armor had been pierced.

There was a crack in the armor. Fortunately, Zhao Xingzhi's heart was not pierced, and he was safe and sound.

With a look of resentment, Zhao Xingzhi shouted loudly, and then continued to approach.

He charged hard, and all of his abilities were controlled by Ying Changge, hurriedly charging.

After a vigorous battle, the chatter broke, and the sword edge also stabbed into Ying Changge's heart.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, Zhao Xingzhi was not willing to hurt himself, and he had to let him bleed.

Fighting in the chaotic army is dangerous, Ying Changge is easily injured, but he is not afraid.

After all, Ying Changge is a rare powerhouse, he can be called a rare martial arts prodigy.

Chapter 717 The battlefield is chaotic, a mess!

Even though he was intercepted by Zhao Xingzhi, the sword in his hand was quickly released.

One sword is against each other, and two swords are at each other's edge. When you come and go, the sword's edge is as bright as electric light and flint.

Under the charge of the army, the dead and the wounded, the soldiers on both sides have their own injuries.

The soldiers sacrificed and the battle was fierce, but they continued to attack, showing their fierce aura.

In such a battle, the soldiers were not afraid of hardships, but also not afraid of death, they were called warriors.

Under the collision of Zhao Xingzhi's army, Ying Changge was surrounded by many soldiers again.

No matter what, he will be copied by the army package "833", and Ying Changge cannot leave this place with one person.

Fighting hard, unable to move an inch, he used the sword in his hand as a means to forcibly kill a path.

The fast charge was blocked in Zhao Xingzhi's hands, and Ying Changge didn't know how many moves he blocked.

Especially Zhao Xingzhi, unwilling to be outdone, always came here desperately, wishing to kill Ying Changge!

But Ying Changge has no flaws, always sitting here easily, he can't continue to hold on.

The army is fighting more fiercely, and the skills they have come up with are also more powerful, which is unexpected.

The soldiers persevered and Ying Changge fought **** battles, but only Zhao Xingzhi was still aggressively attacking.

Holding a weapon, Ying Changge responded calmly, and he defeated many soldiers one by one.

The blade of the sword was stained with blood, which was the blood of the enemy, which showed that Ying Changge had killed many people.

Under the charge of the two armies, he still did not change his face, staring straight at Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi resented.

"As expected of Ying Changge, she has a bit of skill, and she has been struggling to support so many rounds under my hands."

I don't know how long Ying Changge will be able to stalemate, but Zhao Xingzhi will not let the soldiers stop.

"Continue to chase and kill!" Zhao Xingzhi's face was annoyed, "Could it be that you can't kill him!"

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