The attack opened and closed, Meng Tian's figure approached, came to them, and showed his momentum.

With a quick counterattack and a quick battle, the swordsman quickly defeated several rations and soldiers to the ground.

The grain soldiers rushed to charge, but they still died under Meng Tian's sword~, the battle was so fierce.

The number of grain soldiers escorting grain and grass is not many, just to hide people's eyes and ears, so they can't make a big move-quiet.

As a result, the food soldiers were blocked by Meng Tian, ​​and a group of people stayed here, and it was impossible to kill the other party.

So, under such entanglement, they quickly struck and took out their mighty stance.

On the road, the narrow road met with hostility, and there was an endless stream of fights, and Meng Tian's soldiers were sure to win.

Coming in a fierce manner, Meng Tian carried a weapon, and the sword edge repelled all the food and soldiers.

The sword in his hand had a flawless blow, and Meng Tian's sword moves were rampant, as fast as a gust of wind.

Whoosh! Another sword struck, and the sword's edge directly cut the head of a grain soldier on the ground.

Heads fell, blood was sprayed, Meng Tian fought **** battles, and defeated a group of food and soldiers.

It is impossible for the grain soldiers to intercept them, and it is impossible for the rabble to kill Meng Tian.

In order to show the momentum of turning defeat into victory, Meng Tian spared no effort and killed them all with one sword.

Zhao Xingzhi's food and soldiers died in battle, and only the abundant supplies and provisions were left in front of Meng Tian.

Very satisfied, without hesitation, Meng Tian led the soldiers to pull away so many things.

If one did not stay, all the food and forage were removed, and Meng Tian dispatched soldiers to stay here at the same time.

He robbed Zhao Xingzhi of a lot of food and grass, which was enough for ten days and a half months.

Returning with a full load, Ying Changge was not surprised after hearing the news of Meng Tian's great victory.

Everything is reasonable, so Ying Changge personally led a soldier and horse, and wanted to see how the food was going!

Hearing that Meng Tian stole his food and grass, Zhao Xingzhi was furious and could no longer bear it.

Because he was repelled by Ying Changge and Meng Tian repeatedly, Zhao Xingzhi was already full of anger.

Now, his own food and grass have been robbed, doesn't it ruin Zhao Xingzhi's way back! How ridiculous!

So, shaking his head helplessly, Zhao Xingzhi was about to gang up and attack him, defeating Ying Changge and Meng Tian.

Because of the successive victories, Zhao Xingzhi became even more arrogant, and he felt that he was invincible in the world.

As long as they can kill them all, there is nothing to show off.

Therefore, Zhao Xingyi was in a hurry and moved his troops immediately to try to defeat Meng Tian and Ying Changge.

It has long been known that Zhao Xingzhi would have such an action, and Ying Changge even took the lead in order to plunder the opponent.


What I didn't expect was that Zhao Xingzhi's movements were so fast, which was unexpected by Ying Changge.

I thought that Zhao Xingzhi was extremely arrogant, but Ying Changge was surprised by such arrogance and domineering.

Could it be that Zhao Xingzhi is not afraid of losing battles? It turned out to be in a hurry, and the reckless and sloppy came!

However, even so, Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he went to respond to prevent Meng Tian from being attacked.

Just on the way, Ying Changge's army was also in a hurry, passing by without stopping.

In the dust, there was a murderous aura that stabbed Ying Changge's body coldly and secretly.


Feeling such a state, Ying Changge felt very cramped for some reason.

dangerous! Ying Changge immediately stopped the soldiers in his hands, "Stop the whole army and be on alert."

The military orders were like mountains, and without any hesitation, Ying Changge's soldiers immediately stopped and set up a large formation.

Although there is no one around, as long as it is Ying Changge's order, it must be executed.

Without delay, they quickly intercepted, and a group of soldiers watched and listened to all directions, solemnly.

Sure enough, as Ying Changge felt, there was indeed an ambush by Zhao Xingzhi around him, and he was very sinister and vicious.

Ying Changge's movements had long been noticed, so Zhao Xingzhi dispatched all his soldiers one by one.

The soldiers blocked one by one, and they blocked each other as much as they wanted, so that there was no danger.

Seeing that Ying Changge's army stopped and set up a great formation, Zhao Xingzhi's ambush was restless after this scene.

If you don't attack at this time, when will you wait! The soldiers under Zhao Xingzhi's ambush immediately came out of the world.

Chapter 707 It's so funny!

"Kill! Kill the opponent in one go, and leave no one behind!" Leading Zhao Xingzhi's ambush, the lieutenant charged.

Soon, many enemy troops appeared from this hidden place and surrounded him in an endless stream.

Feeling such a chilling gesture, Ying Changge took his time and rode on his horse in a calm camp.

"Array! Soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. Let's guard this place and don't mess around!"

Wanting to contain Zhao Xingzhi's food and grass, the two sides fought for this food and grass, and there was a lot of wind and fire.

Of course Zhao Xingzhi refused to let his food and grass go, so he dispatched soldiers in ambush to grab it back.

Knowing that Ying's "820" long song will definitely show up, Zhao Xingzhi was the one who made the move and didn't take the lead in attacking.

There are many people in their hands, and so many people leave quickly, and they go to intercept each other in one go.

Ying Changge was surrounded by a lot of ambushes in a blink of an eye, and he shook his head indifferently.

Before he could meet Meng Tian, ​​he encountered such a thing, which really made him a little annoyed!

Zhao Xingzhi was beyond his own power, and dispatched an ambush to attack him. He was really arrogant and arrogant.

Just after fighting against Meng Tian for a few rounds, Zhao Xingzhi became proud, and he was really impetuous.

Staying here unintentionally, he immediately raised his sword and ordered the soldiers to charge.

One by one, the soldiers were loyal, came quickly, and attacked the people around them unscrupulously.

This offensive is very ferocious, as fast as a gust of wind and like lightning, galloping and entangled in an endless stream.

The two sides attacked together, and Ying Changge was caught in Zhao Xingzhi's ambush, more or less caught off guard.

The soldiers took precautions, but still retreated many steps under the attack of the ambush.

The big formation was difficult to fight, and under such a charge, they all gradually retreated.

Feeling that his soldiers were overwhelmed, he did not change his face, and immediately gathered the soldiers around him.

A series of soldiers came quickly, protected in front of Ying Changge, and retreated in an orderly manner.

Zhao Xingzhi's ambush was very brave, their morale was high, and they seemed to think that they were invincible.

Such a large army sneaked in, ran along the ground in a series, and came to him.

They were surrounded in all directions, and this time, Ying Changge was in Zhao Xingzhi's hands.

Even so, he still didn't change his face, so calm, with an indifferent smile.

It's funny that the mere rabble want to ambush themselves and kill themselves in one sweep!

Don't be in a hurry, quickly gather the army in your hands together, and charge out as much as you like.

Putting a group of people on the front line quickly, Ying Changge blocked the ambush attack.

Zhao Xingzhi did his best to ambush Ying Changge this time, and he showed his momentum.

Especially the leader who dispatched the ambush, and even his lieutenant, Zhu Gang. He has a knack for it.

He was good at leading troops to fight, so he shouldered the great responsibility of Zhao Xingzhi and came to snipe Ying Changge in person.

It's enough to surround Ying Changge and break them one by one! Zhu Gang is bound to win this.

Attacking with confidence, Zhu Gang personally led a team of cavalry to the front of Ying Changge.

"Ying Changge! Today is the time of your death! I'm here to take your head!"

He came quickly and led the soldiers to the front of Ying Changge, murderous and ambitious...

Riding on the horse safe and sound, Ying Changge's eyes were very calm, "Is it just you!"

"How can you crooked melons and cracked dates kill me! It's really whimsical!" Ying Changge shot.

Pulling on the reins, he came quickly on horseback, Ying Changge went straight to Zhu Gang, capturing the thief first and capturing the king.

In this ambush, Zhu Gang saw that he was the leader of the general, and if he killed him, it would be done once and for all.

Zhu Gang saw Ying Changge running to his side quickly, and a contemptuous smile appeared on his face.

"I'll meet you!" Zhu Gang shouted, and quickly took out the sword in his hand.

The sword's edge was very fast, so violent, it slashed at his head in a blink of an eye, and Zhu Gang's sword was cold and stern.

On the contrary, Zhu Gang's swordsmanship is not dominant in front of Ying Changge, Ying Changge's swordsmanship is outstanding.

He came on a horse, ran wildly, and then charged quickly, slashing at Zhu Gang with a sword.

Avoiding Zhu Gang's sword, Ying Changge's dexterous strike has become even more unpredictable and difficult to track down.

The sword fell down and struck quickly, and the sword edge quickly stabbed Zhu Gang's arm, blood flowing.

Feeling his own pain, Zhu Gang grinned, but stared at Ying Changge without blinking.

With a big wave of his hand, the sword in his hand ran rampant, came quickly, and hit the air abruptly.

The sword-blade hit, ping ping pong pong, so intense, even unexpectedly powerful.

After seeing this blow, Zhu Gang felt that he was winning and would definitely be able to kill Ying Changge.

However, Ying Changge's ability is more than that, he easily avoided this blow in an instant.

Chapter 708 Take one to ten, do your best!

Whoosh! The figure twisted, Ying Changge passed Zhu Gang's sword, and only then did he stabilize his figure.

With a quick blow, the sword edge continued to swim, rippling on Zhu Gang's body, shaking his arms.

Zhu Gang's figure was unstable, and in this ambush battle, the soldiers behind him also filed out.

Many soldiers followed closely behind Zhu Gang and stretched out their hands.

This is how he hugged Zhu Gang easily, and when he was thrown off the horse, he didn't end up like a dog eating shit.

Reluctantly standing upright, Zhu Gang turned his head angrily and saw Ying Changge continue to come.

From far to near, condescending, Ying Changge's sword quickly stabbed Zhu Gang's shoulder.

hum! The sword's edge cut through 05 and was stained with blood. Zhu Gang hurriedly covered his wound and quickly retreated.

Surrounded by soldiers, Zhu Gang had an angry look on his face, "Give it to me! Kill them all!"

Came recklessly and after a fierce battle with Ying Changge, Zhu Gang knew that he was difficult to be hostile.

If it's just a one-on-one fight, I'm afraid he doesn't have such a chance, and is very embarrassed.

Therefore, he would back away to avoid being killed by Ying Changge's sudden beheading and hurried death.

With a cold snort, he stayed here resentfully, Zhu just let his soldiers continue to charge out.

A group of people rushed out quickly, surrounded Ying Changge in an endless stream, making him watertight.

Standing here calmly and calmly, Ying Changge held his sword and let the surrounding circles continue.

Soldiers fighting against each other's attack, they took out their own momentum, so boiling and violent.

On the contrary, Ying Changge's soldiers, not to be outdone, were surrounded by them, but they were still the same as before.

In a sea of ​​people, fighting with blood, the soldiers are fighting with all their might.

In this unknown ambush, Ying Changge regretted that the troops he led were somewhat scarce.

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