Can these guys break through their city! impossible! Zhao Xingzhi remained steady.

With an indifferent smile, Zhao Xingzhi turned around and left the city wall. He was hungry and wanted to eat something.

At the same time, Ying Changge's army is still dispatched in an endless stream.

A group of people are all under the control of Ying Changge, and they have extraordinary specialties and extraordinary qualities.

The soldiers in his hands were quickly arranged into a new camp, and then went to attack the city.

Ying Changge knew that the city guarded by Zhao Xingzhi was not so easy to break, and adjustments had to be made.

After allocating the soldiers, Ying Changge no longer waited, and chose to attack immediately to attack Zhao Xingzhi.

Seeing so many soldiers of Ying Changge condensing under the city gate, Zhao Xingzhi immediately ordered the soldiers to take precautions.

Cloudless, today is a fine weather, Ying Changge ordered Meng Tian to lead the army and prepare to attack the city.

The city wall is thick and indestructible, it is absolutely impossible for it to collapse like this, it is impregnable.

But even so, Meng Tian didn't panic, he divided his troops into two to outflank the city.

"Attack~"!" Following Meng Tian's order, many people rushed up immediately.

A large number of people and horses have an extraordinary attitude, and they are mighty, approaching the gate of the city, and killing them.

Standing on the city wall, Zhao Xingzhi didn't care when he watched the fierce attack of Ying Changge's army.

With a contemptuous smile, Zhao Xingzhi ordered the soldiers to guard the city gate, and it was absolutely impossible to open the door.

With the collision of Meng Tian's army, a group of people attacked aggressively.

boom! The city gate made this very heavy sound, Meng Tian ordered the knife and axemen to continue the attack.

On the contrary, Zhao Xingzhi was condescending, watching all this with his eyes fixed, his face expressionless, and his heart panicked.

Now that he remains in the city, Zhao Xingzhi's strategy is very simple, that is, to stay behind closed doors.

When a tortoise with a shriveled head, using the generosity of the city wall, it can naturally hinder everything without obstacles.

Otherwise, Ying Changge would just laugh out loud when only a few people came to attack the city.

They are just a few ordinary guys, can they really attack their city gates! wishful thinking!

Hiding in the city safe and sound, Zhao Xingzhi quietly waited for Meng Tian to attack the city.

Under Meng Tian's command, the knife and axemen slammed into the city gate, hitting the heavy city gate with a bang.

In the face of such a blow, he did not change his face, and shook his head calmly, "`〃Impossible!"

Zhao Xingzhi ordered the soldiers to reinforce the city gate, the city gate would not have been knocked open by Meng Tian so easily!

Of course, Meng Tian didn't just use the city gate as the primary purpose of the attack, he was still fighting in two directions.

Another team of soldiers immediately set up the ladder, and then climbed aggressively, preparing to climb the city wall.

Naturally, Zhao Xingzhi was already on the city wall, parrying many soldiers and forming a defensive formation.

When he saw that these (good money) enemy troops were rushing up, Zhao Xingzhi ordered the soldiers to fight back immediately.

On the city wall, archers fired arrows and knife and axemen threw stones, all of which were hindering Meng Tian's army.

Surrounded by so many troops and with such an offensive, Zhao Xingzhi also fell into a state of anxiety.

"The speed of the archers is faster! The arrows must be fast and the people are fast! Don't give the enemy any respite."

"Open your eyes, you can't let the enemy on the wall, you must protect yourself!" Zhao Xingzhi shouted.

During Zhao Xingzhi's bluffing, the soldiers were all focused and quickly attacking the enemy.

Under the city wall, the soldiers came and went, and the fierce confrontation was called a death battle.

Chapter 700 All kinds of crimes should be punished!

Facing such a battle, Zhao Xingzhi couldn't help clenching his fists, he was very nervous.

To know that these people can break through his situation, he will sacrifice all the soldiers in his hands.

In order to resist the fierce attack of Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Xingzhi did everything in his power to do everything in his power.

Because of frequent defeats, Zhao Xingzhi was beaten by Ying Changge and Meng Tian and fled.

It was precisely because he knew the strength of Ying Changge's leadership that he would bring out all the people in his hands.

A soldier, a team of troops, has an extremely powerful posture, which is the most useful.

As long as these people do their best to arrange in all directions of the city, they will form an invincible position.

Sure enough, even if Meng Tian led his army to attack, there was no problem with Zhao Xingzhi's city wall.

The defense without flaws, the impregnable city, Zhao Xingzhi is almost impeccable in this 803 land.

Led by Meng Tian, ​​the army came in an endless stream, and they had a menacing attitude.

As long as it is attacking the city, then it will go forward without any fear at all.

Continue to let the army go, and a group of people will attack quickly, and make a quick decision so that they can occupy the city wall.

However, there are Zhao Xingzhi's army on the city wall, so many guys are in tandem.

The city walls are full of figures, and Zhao Xingzhi has reserved a lot of troops.

With so many defenses, Meng Tian's soldiers were unable to attack at all.

At the same time, many soldiers in Zhao Xingzhi's hands were hidden behind the city gate, forming a pillar.

They are all heroic. As long as they continue to resist, the city gate will not be breached and will remain intact.

Under the leadership of Meng Tian, ​​the army continued to wave out, trying to do both.

In the previous battle with Zhao Xingyi, the two armies fought head-on, and it was easier to tell the winner.

The other party has no city to rely on, and it is easy to be defeated by the army of Ying Changge and Meng Tian.

But now, with Zhao Xingzhi occupying the city, Meng Tian knew that it was not so easy to control.

Therefore, he did his best to attack, and the troops in his hands were continuously volatilized.

A gang of people was aggressive, rushing on, hitting the city gate with a shaky posture.

Zhao Xingzhi stuck to the city gate and didn't come out at all, just showing a contemptuous smile, but that's all.

Even if Meng Tian's army is so strong, the city occupied by Zhao Xingzhi is enough to embarrass them.

All of them are just wandering outside the city, and there is no chance to attack at all.

Ying Changge was not satisfied with such a situation, but he was not impatient, but waited patiently.

Let a group of people continue to attack the city, Meng Tian looked at the city's unmoving appearance and fell into deep thought.

Such a situation is not something that can be easily overcome. You must be calm and considerate.

In the city, Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers only defended (afej) and did not attack, and let Meng Tian's soldiers attack it.

The city walls were not breached, and the city gates remained motionless. Zhao Xingzhi hid in the city and was very safe.

Knowing that there was such a situation, Meng Tian should have stopped Zhao Xingzhi halfway and prevented him from entering the city.

When Zhao Xingzhi fled in a hurry, Meng Tian should not hesitate, but directly pursued him.

Now that Zhao Xingzhi is hiding in this city, Ying Changge and Meng Tian have no choice.

What a pity, Meng Tian regretted it too late, but still continued to attack the city unremittingly.

The group of people left quickly and continued to attack, Meng Tian saw that his soldiers were gradually disappearing.

One by one, people died in battle, and there were even rivers of blood, and the corpses were all over the place.

Even if caught in such a battle, Meng Tian wanted to wipe out Zhao Xingyi's net, not to be outdone.

Zhao Xingzhi is a sinner. He has committed various crimes and should be punished. He is an unforgivable person.

He was famous for sending troops, so Meng Tian was going to intercept the opponent here and kill them all, leaving none of them behind.

Meng Tian led the army to continue to fight in the city, and the persistent attack had been exhausted for a long time.

He is not a reckless person, and it is impossible to hit all the soldiers in his hand, but to keep some.

So under such a confrontation, Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers were almost rare, and Meng Tian's soldiers died.

With so many soldiers' turnover and duel, Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers had the advantage from the beginning.

If you want to be evenly matched, the attacking side must have three times the strength of the defending duel.

Therefore, the siege is very difficult, even Meng Tian is helpless, there is no way to fight the enemy.

So many guys are aggressively guarding the city wall, and they have the tendency to be one husband and ten thousand people.

After a long stalemate with Zhao Xingzhi's army, Meng Tian's soldiers weakened a lot and sacrificed too much.

It had been a whole day of fighting now, and after several hours, Meng Tian was still unable to capture the city.

This was unexpected, but it was expected by Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi was sinister and hateful, despicable and shameless.

Chapter 701 Unmoving, safe and sound!

After occupying the city and unable to retreat, Zhao Xingzhi responded to the changes without changing, and was too lazy to pay attention to Meng Tian's army.

Even if Ying Changge and Meng Tian's army attacked aggressively, Zhao Xingzhi was not afraid.

Now he can see that occupying the city by himself is a very wise choice, and there is no obstacle.

Guarded by the city wall, many soldiers were hiding in the city, so separated from the Meng-Tian army.

Life and death are separated, each is different, Meng Tian's soldiers want to attack in, kill and kill, sweeping away the enemy.

On the contrary, Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers were calm and patiently guarding the city, and the eight winds were blowing - not moving.

Protected here in a brazen situation, Zhao Xingzhi is not in danger, very happy, and looks like he is watching a play.

Sitting on the sidelines, not in a hurry, Zhao Xingzhi comfortably directed the army to continue to defend.

Those who attack the city are anxious, and those who defend are calm and relaxed, this is the spirit of having a city to rely on.

Watching Meng Tian's army anxiously attacking, Zhao Xingzhi laughed.

With a contemptuous smile, he looked calm, "How is it! Meng Tian! You better hurry back!"

Leaning on the parapet, Zhao Xingzhi's face did not change, "If you die, you will be defeated directly."

"Maybe, you can still submit to me, let's do a big business together, how about it!"

After hearing Zhao Xingzhi's flamboyant words, Meng Tian was not at all angry, he was used to it.

Ugly people are often at fault, and ruthless ridicule on the battlefield is also accustomed to it, which is a common routine.

In particular, Zhao Xingzhi hasn't scolded his mother yet. These are trivial matters, not worth mentioning, Meng Tian won't fall for it.

He led his army to continue the attack, and let the soldiers in his hand attack the city gate in an orderly manner.

Meng Tian could see that the city gate was fortified, Zhao Xingzhi was really careful and prepared in advance.

Taking precautions and taking precautionary measures, Zhao Xingzhi took all the measures against the Ying Changge army.

As long as it was Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​they would never enter the city, but he had a solid city.

Such a city has played a great role in Zhao Xingzhi's hands, and it is not wasted at all.

With the resistance of the city walls and the blockage of the city gates, Zhao Xingzhi's army was hidden in the city and sneaked.

Like a shady rebel army, Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers did not stand out and show their faces.

It had been a stalemate for a whole day, and Meng Tian failed to break the city gate and failed in the first battle.

This battle made it impossible to attack and charge, Meng Tian was already at a loss, and there was nothing he could do.

Although the first battle was unsuccessful, Ying Changge was not discouraged and continued to attack for a long time.

So he quickly gathered everyone in his hands to retreat to avoid greater casualties.

Meng Tian received Ying Changge's order, so he asked the siege soldiers to retreat and retreated to the camp.

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