With a quick charge and rampage, Meng Tian's army directly greeted Zhao Niu's face.

Seeing that so many enemy troops were charging in front of him, Zhao Niu was nervous, but he couldn't do anything.

He can't be a deserter. No one dares to be safe when Zhao Xingzhi escapes, but Zhao Niu's escape must be dealt with by military law.

Therefore, he could only lift his spirits and not be afraid in the face of danger.

Zhao Niu devoted himself to confronting Meng Tian's army, trying to suppress them.

The sword in his hand was very fast and had an unusual posture. Zhao Niu instantly beheaded several enemy troops to the ground.

With a ferocious look on his face, Zhao Niu roared, "The whole army charges! Kill them all for me!"

After hearing Zhao Niu's roar like this, Meng Tian's eyes looked straight at the other party.

Among Zhao Xingzhi's army, Zhao Niu's figure is very conspicuous, charging ahead, hurriedly adding whip.

That is probably the general of the enemy army! Meng Tian's eyes were discerning, and he recognized the identity of the other party at once.

Without hesitation, Meng Tian came on horseback, the sound of horse hooves was frantic, and the figure was approaching from far to near.

With a quick charge, he went straight to approach, and the sword in Meng Tian's hand slashed at Zhao Niu's body, "Suffer to death!"

Ping-pong, sword-fights come and go, Zhao Niu can be said to be in a hurry when he shows his momentum.

The soldiers around him also felt his shock, charging unscrupulously and quickly confronting the enemy.

Unbridled galloping, the army around him was also inspired, and he came in full force.

They were as fast as the wind and lightning, and a group of people charged up quickly to defend the granary.

As long as he can resist Meng Tian's army, he can start to fight carefully.

Destroying them one by one was what Zhao Niu wanted to do most, but unfortunately, they were still blocked.

So many people have unusual postures, and the soldiers are entangled and fighting.

Flying over and attacking quickly, Zhao Niu's swords slashed at Meng Tian's body one after another.

In order to kill him, Zhao Niu used twelve points of strength to defeat Meng Tian.

The sword is against the enemy, and you are pulling me back and forth. Under such an invasion, they have nowhere to go.

If it weren't for his own cold eyes, then I'm afraid he would have already died in his hands.

He came quickly, and the sword in his hand stabbed into Meng Tian's chest in a blink of an eye.

This murderous sword looks so hideous, as expected of Zhao Niu, full of energy.

Meng Tian raised his weapon and collided with him, and immediately felt his own strength.

With such a reckless confrontation with the enemy, he swept the sword in his hand, but Meng Tian was slightly unsupported.

Zhao Niu's vigor is indeed very abundant, and his sword swept through 787, with an earth-shattering appearance.

Riding on the horse, Meng Tian blocked the sword firmly, but his arm was still swayed by the vibration.

With a painful expression on his face, he quickly attacked and continued to stab Meng Tian with his sword.

It turned out that when he was retreating just now, Meng Tian's sword swept across and cut through the armor on Zhao Niu's arm.

In an instant, the blood flowed, and Zhao Niu had a scar on his hand, and the blood flowed non-stop.

Ignoring the injury on his arm, he continued to confront the enemy, and the swords in his hand kept smashing down.

I don't know swordsmanship, but Zhao Niu also made a big kill on the battlefield with his excellent strength.

Because Zhao Niu's vigor is like an ox like a tiger, no matter how many people come, he can't get close to him.

This is the most obvious disparity. His whole body's vigor came vigorously and suppressed Meng Tian.

Even if Meng Tian confronted him head-on, under the charge of Jian Feng, he had already done everything in his power.

Chapter 684 Divided into two, divided into four!

Jian Feng's attack, Zhao Niu and Meng Tian's figures were entangled and unstoppable.

He has long known that he is full of energy, so Zhao Niu feels that he is also invincible.

With a rapid charge and a rapid explosion, the sword in his hand came to Zhao Niu, but rebounded.

The sword edge that Meng Tian answered was blocked by Zhao Niu with precision, making it difficult for Meng Tian to kill him for a while.

Holding the sword in his hand firmly, Meng Tian refused to give up the murderous intention this time.

He was as fast as a gust of wind, and the sword edge snapped down, stabbing Zhao Niu's body again and again.

It was very uncomfortable to fight a little, but then, Zhao Niu was already in control of such a fight.

With a quick blow, he brought out his own strength, like a bull rushing into it, making it hard to guard against.

He stumbled and stepped back quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Zhao Niu landed on the ground because he used too much force.

After being thrown off the horse, Zhao Niu was not in a hurry, after all, he has a powerful strength!

There were horses in the way, and Zhao Niu couldn't see Meng Tian's figure. He shouted angrily and hit the horse's butt.

This is not flattering, but contradicting the horses. Zhao Niu's strength is really not to be underestimated.

He contradicted him like this, and suddenly the horse flew out and hit the horse under Meng Tian's crotch.

Seeing this scene, Meng Tian had to jump up cautiously, he wanted to pull the horse back.

It's a pity that he never expected that he would be hit directly under such an attack.

The horses under Meng Tian's crotch also screamed, and then they turned on their backs and were easily knocked down by Zhao Niu.

With his head up and his chest raised, Meng Tian calmly stood up, and he continued to charge up bravely with his sword in hand.

"I'm going to kill you~"!" Zhao Niu shouted angrily, the whole person was like an angry bull, which was irresistible.

But is Meng Tian afraid of this! Naturally impossible! He is battle-hardened.

As a general with many victories, Meng Tian faces any enemy with only one thing, and that is to kill!

The blade of the sword came out of the sky, struck down quickly and violently, and landed around, forming an afterimage.

As expected of Meng Tian, ​​the light and shadow pierced by the sword in his hand is divided into two parts, and the two parts are divided into four parts.

After seeing this scene, Zhao Niu was not to be outdone, he placed the sword in front of him, very cautious.

He blocked Meng Tian's blow with precision and error, which gave Zhao Niu a chance to counterattack.

He took a big step forward, and the whole person's strength was concentrated on his arm to push hard.

Zhao Niu tried to overturn Meng Tian to the ground, and then made a quick decision to kill the enemy general.

However, Meng Tian would not be defeated so easily, his arms continued to dance.

The swords came in an endless stream, slashing at Zhao Niu's arm one after another, leaving bloodstains.

It can be seen that Zhao Niu's ability is high and strong, especially his strength, which makes people unable to withstand the enemy.

Therefore, Meng Tian had to hurt Zhao Niu's arm first, so that Zhao Niu couldn't use his strength.

He made up his mind and attacked quickly, and the sword in his hand slammed, quickly attacking the enemy.

With a rapid charge, the sword's edge from far to near, flickering faintly, landed on Zhao Niu's body.

Although Zhao Niu was wearing armor, he was only flesh and blood. He was easily hit and was heavily scarred.

But even so, Zhao Niu didn't say a word, and he landed on the spot and continued to shoot.

Even with a thousand cuts, Zhao Niu was able to stand up from this difficult and dangerous predicament without panic at all.

With a quick shot and a quick battle, he grabbed the gap in Meng Tian's attack and rushed forward.

boom! The figure directly knocked Zhao Niu into the air, and his strength was so powerful that it was difficult to fight against.

Crackling, the sword's edge is scattered, such a battle directly makes Zhao Niu show the color of inevitable victory.

Collision with Meng Tian's figure, Zhao Niu punched and kicked, using all his strength.

The more powerful the attack, the more powerful it is. Zhao Niu can be said to be invincible.

Fighting against him would naturally involve thousands of twists and turns. Zhao Niu didn't want Meng Tian to break through the camp he was guarding.

So he grabbed Meng Tian's arm, and Zhao Niu tried to force him to the ground.

Meng Tian didn't bend his knees to the enemy, he (Zhao Qianzhao) straightened his spine, and then kicked it hard with a fist.

boom! He kicked Zhao Niu away abruptly, his figure was swaying, but he still dragged Meng Tian.

At this moment, Zhao Niu is like a cowhide plaster, and he will die with Meng Tian no matter what.

Not in a hurry, not afraid of danger, the sword in his own hand slashed more intensively.

The swords were staggered, Meng Tian didn't believe that Zhao Niu could be invulnerable with all his strength, and his movements were fast.

Whoosh! The sword edge landed on Zhao Niu's chest, bruising his armor with scars and holes.

The damaged armor was full of scars, but he was not in a hurry, Zhao Niu felt that he had the chance to win.

Chapter 685 Let the tiger return to the mountain, there will be endless troubles!

He was going to continue to attack, and he put his sword in front of him to avoid Meng Tian's pursuit.

Although his strength is not as good as Zhao Niu's, Meng Tian's swordsmanship is very superb, and his slashing is unpredictable.

As long as the sword edge successfully hit Zhao Niu's body, it would definitely be damaged and cause him to bleed.

Zhao Niu couldn't stand it for a while, and he had no way out in the cold light of Jianfeng.

Entangled with Meng Tian's sword, Zhao Niu was unprepared for a while, and was directly covered with scars.

The approach became fragmented, and Meng Tian couldn't stop the fight for a while, he was very embarrassed.

Destroyed the sword marks on his body, the bleeding continued, the wound continued to overflow, and the pain was splitting.

The burly and sturdy body has an unusual posture. He is as burly as a mountain, and at first glance, it is not easy to defeat.

Eight winds didn't move, he stood firmly here, his eyes were full of resentment.

"The guy who is messing around in my barracks can only end up dead, and you are no exception!"

Hearing Zhao Niu's threat, Meng Tian smiled calmly, "You idiot!"

"Submissive to a sinner like Zhao Xingzhi, you are not a good person." Meng Tian made a big splash.

"I'm going to kill you all! It's too late for you to surrender now! How about it!"

Meng Tian just wanted to plunder Zhao Xingzhi's food, grass and supplies, and the others didn't care at all, so he suddenly ignored it.

Because Ying Changge's order is also very simple, that is, to cut off Zhao Xingzhi's food and grass.

As long as Zhao Xingzhi's army has no food and grass, then it is like breaking his back path at the same time.

When marching and fighting, food and grass are very important. As long as there is no food, avoidance will be a complete defeat.

Zhao Xingzhi escaped, but (afej) he would still make a comeback, which Ying Changge had already expected.

Let the tiger return to the mountain, there will be endless troubles.

Knowing that the other party is not giving up, or even stalking, Ying Changge has to prepare in advance.

Otherwise, let such a kid continue to go unpunished, how can he explain to the people of Anyang County!

It was because Zhao Xingzhi became the county governor of Anyang County that Anyang County wailed and the people could not live.

The arrogant and domineering Zhao Xingzhi has committed numerous crimes, and Ying Changge must eradicate him together.

The most important thing is to grab food and grass first. Both Ying Changge and Meng Tian are brave and resourceful people.

Therefore, with Ying Changge's order and Meng Tian's lead, the army will inevitably seize his food and grass.

Unbridled attack, continuous attack, the army in his hand has a menacing offensive.

Any fight is useless, but Zhao Niu's army is in trouble under the attack with Meng Tian.

Forced to guard this place helplessly, no matter what, Zhao Niu still has to show his aura against the enemy.

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