With Ying Changge's orders and Ying Changge's expectations, the dark guard must complete this task perfectly.

Even if it is to go up the mountain and go down the sea of ​​fire, it is an obligation for the dark guard to go through fire and water.

So, the dark guards made plans to die together with Wang Zheng, and he came quickly.

Approaching quickly, holding the sword in his hand, he hit Wang Zheng abruptly.

Seeing that the sword stabbed into his chest, Wang Zheng was not in a hurry, he immediately raised his arm.

The sword's edge resisted, and a crisp ping-pong sound made Wang Zheng's figure take a step back, but he still stood firm.

On the contrary, the dark guard saw that Wang Zheng was not injured, so he continued to stab his sword and hit him in the chest.

As long as he can kill Zhao Xingzhi's lieutenant, the Dark Guard is worth dying for!

He admired and admired Ying Changge.

The dark guard continued to attack quickly with the sword in his hand, and the sword edge in his hand was all coming.

Unscrupulously took out his own momentum, this fight is very simple, but it has no power.

Going straight, the swords are rampant, Wang Zheng is vivid in his eyes, blocking the attack of the dark guards.

The swordsmen of every move are all Lei (Zhao Zhao's) resolutely, but for Wang Zheng, it's nothing more than a hindrance!

He hasn't seen any battles, what moves he hasn't seen through, that's why he keeps attacking.

The sword in his hand fell sharply, and it was already a mighty strike around him, sword light and sword shadow.

The dark guard never stopped, the sword in his hand was so fast, and he continued to deal with Wang Zheng.

Jian Feng changed his moves. Facing Zhao Xingzhi's lieutenant, the dark guard showed his righteous aura.

The unpredictable sword edge severely injured Wang Zheng, leaving his body scarred and bleeding all at once.

Feeling the pain, Wang Zheng's expression became even more unkind, with a gloomy and gloomy look on his face.

Chapter 670 Falling to the ground directly, I can't afford it anymore!

If it weren't for the fact that he just drank a lot of wine, Wang Zheng would not be weak and swaying now.

He was drunk, but Wang Zheng was killed by the dark guards.

It's so nasty! So, Wang Zheng raised the sword in his hand and hit it hard!

boom! The swords and the fronts are sparring together, it is already mighty, the dark guard perseveres, and Wang Zheng has a murderous look on his face.

With such repeated attacks, Wang Zheng was already aggressive and full of anger.

A little-known soldier who was instructed by Ying Changge, dared to kill himself, out of his own power.

So, after hitting the sword in his hand hard, Wang Zheng was going to kill the opponent.

The swords are anxious, stabbing together, so the attack of you and me has become more and more intense.

After seeing this scene, the dark guard was not in a hurry, he remembered Ying Changge's mission deeply.

This is a very important 770 mission, so it is impossible for the Dark Guard to give up! He wants to complete the order.

In order to live up to Ying Changge, the dark guard also used all his powers to attack quickly.

The sword edge in his hand slammed down and hit Wang Zheng's body.

The more they continued to fight, the more powerful they possessed, making them all so anxious and intense.

Wang Zheng kept his footsteps, and the dark guards danced with their swords. Under such a slaughter, it was more than enough.

The sword edge approached and stabbed several people quickly, showing his extraordinary strength.

Even in such a situation, Wang Zheng was not in a hurry, he felt that he had the chance to win.

Even if he was entangled with the dark guard, Wang Zheng, who had been drinking, felt that he was invincible and had few rivals.

So, gnashing his teeth, he continued to attack, cutting down the sword in his hand with all his might.

With a ping pong sound, the two swords slashed together again, causing Wang Zheng to sway directly.

The wine he drank in his stomach was already fermenting, making him dizzy and weak in his hands and feet!

Drunkenness welled up in his heart, making Wang Zheng unable to do it himself, and it became more and more difficult for him to fight against the dark guards.

Thinking of Ying Changge's order, the dark guard's face lit up with joy, and he chased after the victory and handed out his sword.

This was a swift and resolute sword, as fast as lightning and like a gust of wind, directly coming to Wang Zheng's chest.

Wang Zheng was stumped, and he was completely incapable of drinking, not to mention dealing with the dark guards.

With Ying Changge's order, the Dark Guard must kill Zhao Xingzhi's lieutenant and cut down the grass.

As a general by Zhao Xingzhi's side, Wang Zheng was also careless for a while, and it was difficult to fight against the dark guards.

hum! The sword edge passed by, beheading him with ease, causing Wang Zheng to fall directly to the ground, and he can no longer afford it.

Blood flowed and swayed, Wang Zheng stared at the dark guard's actions with an unbelievable look on his face.

The dark guard did not hesitate, the sword in his hand was very fast, and he directly chopped off Wang Zheng's head.

With a snap, his head fell directly to the ground, and he couldn't get up again, just died like this.

(afej) He died in the right place, and he had no power to fight back. Wang Zheng was assassinated by the dark guard to such a death that he had no chance.

After the dark guard succeeded, he immediately turned and left, hiding his merit and fame, and went back to report to Ying Changge.

Ying Changge has received a lot of news about the victory in the first battle, which is a great thing!

Showing a very satisfied smile, he nodded, and then continued to direct the dark guard in his hand.

The generals around Zhao Xingzhi were assassinated one by one.

Under such a slaughter, he also showed his own skills, and even more aggressively confronted the enemy.

An angry Zhao Xingzhi immediately gathered all the people in his hands together to fight Ying Changge.

But even so, he couldn't stop Ying Changge's dark guards, because he sent too many dark guards.

The dark guards are all one after another, like a big wave washing the sand, and they are constantly coming to assassinate Zhao Xingzhi's lieutenant.

Zhao Xingzhi couldn't hold his breath when he was treated like this by Ying Changge's people, he was very angry.

So he dispatched all the people in his hands one by one, forming a large formation against the enemy.

Because the assassinated lieutenants died one by one, there was no way to fight back, so Zhao Xingzhi's morale was low.

Being confronted by such an enemy, the army around Zhao Xingzhi was also panicking, and everyone dared not move.

For fear that under Ying Changge's assassination, he would lose his life for no reason, that would be inappropriate.

In a helpless situation, Zhao Xingzhi can only go to stabilize the morale of his army first, which is very important.

After all, he was about to start a war with Ying Changge, but the people in his hands continued to panic.

Because death permeated the soldiers of the army, they all felt fear and were at a loss.

Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers didn't know what to do, and if they fought the enemy reluctantly, they would naturally suffer defeat.

Once the battle with Ying Changge begins, all the soldiers around Zhao Xingzhi will be useless and will inevitably die.

Now, the team is big, the hearts are scattered, and it is not easy to lead! He was very frightened, and Zhao Xingzhi was angry.

Chapter 671 A shocking event!

Damn Ying Changge, he actually used such a scheme to deal with himself! How should this be!

Sitting at the back, Ying Changge still received good news one after another.

The lieutenants around Zhao Xingzhi died one by one under his assassination, and he was done.

There is no need to inquire about the information, Ying Changge also knows that Zhao Xingzhi must be in chaos in the army now ~ it has become a mess of loose sand.

Zhao Xingzhi had no choice but to force the soldiers under his command to start training - prepare for war.

In case Ying Changge attacks, he still has the opportunity to directly kill them one by one.

Otherwise, it would be very terrifying if so many soldiers died in the hands of Ying Changge.

Human life is at stake, and the number of soldiers is the key to Zhao Xingzhi's battle. Only in this way can we win.

Otherwise, if the soldiers die one by one, they will be in trouble.

Even Zhao Xingzhi himself is naturally trapped in a dead end, and then there is only one dead end.

Such a state is very important. He has no choice but to ask the soldiers to cheer up.

Zhao Xingzhi also personally led the training, but now he is full of anger, but he has nowhere to vent.

The sword in his hand came quickly and continuously, and slashed on the grass man's body in a rush.

The more powerful the sword, the more powerful the posture, Zhao Xingzhi tried to awaken the blood in the soldiers' hearts.

However, in the army, one by one the generals died like this, and the soldiers were already unwilling to fight.

The deaths of their dead, wounded and wounded, and the death of generals brought soldiers a mentality that they did not dare to fear a war.

Almost all of the dark guards that Ying Changge dispatched came back alive, which was great news.

Nodding very satisfied, Ying Changge began to sharpen his knife and hurriedly attacked the pigs and sheep, ready to attack.

Now the morale of Zhao Xingzhi's army is low, this is a good thing, it can be attacked.

Therefore, he was very satisfied with the arrangement of the army in his hands, so that they all marched in one go.

Putting on an offensive stance, Ying Changge only needs a wave of his hand, and they can be wiped out.

Zhao Xingzhi committed heinous crimes. In any case, they are all mortal, and they cannot leave the roots of disaster.

Let the tiger return to the mountain, there will be endless troubles, this is impossible for Ying Changge!

He had no intention of letting Zhao Xingzhi live, so he had to be beheaded and let him die.

Just about to move, the army on Ying Changge's side has already begun to prepare, and can't wait to set off directly.

People in the army were panicking, and Zhao Xingzhi saw the low morale, so he was especially wary of Ying Changge.

Dispatching people and paying attention to Ying Changge's every move, Zhao Xingzhi was afraid that he would be attacked.

Today, when Zhao Xingzhi was worried, he heard a very important news.

That is the army of Ying Changge seems to be preparing to attack! This is a shocking event!

There is no doubt that Zhao Xingzhi knew that Ying Changge was going to attack him, which was very dangerous.

If Zhao Xingzhi didn't prepare in advance, I'm afraid he would die at the hands of Ying Changge immediately.

How to do! Zhao Xingzhi himself was also panicking, and he didn't know what to do, so he looked panicked.

keep fighting? Or leave quickly? This was a difficult choice for Zhao Xingzhi.

After thinking about it carefully for a while, he finally made up his mind and knew how to deal with it.


Fighting is impossible! Zhao Xingzhi had suffered defeats in the hands of Ying Changge and Meng Tian.

Especially now that the morale is low, there is absolutely no way to resist the charge of Ying Changge's army.

If that's the case, then just leave well and let your army escape this embarrassing situation!

He was very serious and nodded with satisfaction, so he began to prepare his own evacuation plan.

This is the best thing, Zhao Xingzhi understands, as the saying goes, take a step back and see the sky.


So, while Ying Changge's army has not yet attacked, he will start to retreat.

Evacuate the army in his hands as soon as possible, and at that time, he will be able to escape and disappear.

Ying Changge personally led his army, so that the soldiers under his command were united in one go.

Let them all come in a hurry, and they can't wait to attack directly, so that Zhao Xingzhi can be killed.

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