"Now, I have sent you a mission. After completing it, you will be rewarded greatly." Zhao Xingzhi scolded.

Seriously, the governor of Anyang County was in a hurry, "Your skills are the best among the secret guards~"!"

"Go through fire and water, my lord!" Zhang Erhe nodded vigorously, "I promise to complete the task!"

"Very good! It's up to you to assassinate Ying Changge. If you complete it, it will be even more limitless in the future."

Zhao Xingzhi patted the dark guard on the shoulder, "If you return successfully, you will have a bright future and invincible."

"Yes!" The dark guard Zhang Erhe took the order. Since it is an order, it must be done with due diligence.

No matter what means, as long as it can kill Ying Changge, it is good for Zhao Xingzhi.

Assassination goes without a trace, and is good at coming and going in the wind and rain. Naturally, murder does not leave any traces.

After receiving the order, the dark guard immediately rushed out and headed for the direction of Ying Changge's army.

Ying Changge did not move, he swept Zhao Xingzhi's remaining army in one sweep, leaving no one behind.

Now that he is in such a situation, he is very satisfied, after all, Zhao Xingzhi has been weakened.

As long as Zhao Xingzhi's troops are incomplete, the battle for Anyang County will be smoother.

Not moving at all, not in a hurry at all, he was very indifferent, Ying Changge was still ready to go.

Only by concentrating all the troops in his hands and continuing to fight against Zhao Xingzhi can it be smooth.

At that time, everything was calm, and at least there was no other danger.

Ying Changge thought the war had stopped for a while, but she never expected that Meng Tian heard the wind.

He has his own connections all over the place, Meng Tian especially pays more attention to Zhao Xingyi's every move.

As long as there is any trouble, Meng Tian will know it immediately!

Therefore, when there was a little bit of wind, Meng Tian immediately knew the news and had a solution.

It was Zhao Xingzhi's thief who was immortal, so he had to attack Ying Changge incessantly and dispatched a killer!

What an unreasonable act! Meng Tian was not worried, and immediately dispatched his own people to start the attack.

Under such a fight, Meng Tian had already intercepted the news and informed Ying Changge.

Ying Changge was not surprised when he heard the news, he nodded immediately, "I see."

It was because of Zhao Xingzhi's narrow-mindedness that in order to kill himself, he would do everything possible to kill him.

How about such a posture! For him, it was just a dying struggle. How funny.

So, he intercepted it immediately, and let many guards come to beat him to protect him day and night.

Without the slightest bit of vigilance, Ying Changge continued as usual, eating and drinking, it was very bland.

Even if he knew that Zhao Xingzhi sent guards to kill him, he didn't care.

The Anyang County Sheriff has committed a crime, and the crime is so serious, how can he sit idly by!

Even with the appearance of Ying Changge, the governor of Anyang County was still a thief and resisted to the end.

Therefore, it is better to invite the king to enter the urn, and let Zhao (Zhao Li Zhao) do all the tricks in the palm of his hand.

Waiting patiently, he waited for the assassins sent by Zhao Xingzhi to fight him!

The daring Zhao Xingzhi can do anything, especially in such a fight, chattering endlessly.

He came in a hurry and fled in embarrassment, Zhao Xingzhi no longer had any momentum.

After being defeated by Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi was not reconciled. He felt that he was strong and serious.

So, in order to kill Ying Changge, he did whatever he could, and sent his own bodyguards to assassinate him.

Accompanied by conspiracy one by one, Ying Changge never tires of such things, he is used to it.

Chapter 650 An empty place!

In any case, the other party is also the governor of Anyang County! It is impossible for him to plot such a simple conspiracy against the enemy.

Knowing that Zhao Xingzhi is a despicable, insidious and shameless guy, Ying Changge naturally needs many precautions.

Therefore, Ying Changge left many flaws here and deliberately led snakes out of their holes.

As long as Zhao Xingzhi's dark guard came, Ying Changge would kill him directly.

Now, Ying Changge is no longer in the same boat as Zhao Xingyi, as the so-called Tao is different.

After repelling Zhao Xingzhi, Zhao Xingzhi immediately dispatched assassins to assassinate Ying Changge, which was too much.

Don't work with porcelain without diamonds, Ying Changge feels that Zhao Xingzhi will inevitably die, and he will die.

It is impossible to live by committing sins, Ying Changge wants to let Zhao Xingzhi know the consequences of offending him.

For the many crimes committed in Anyang County, Ying Changge will definitely let Zhao Xingzhi get the crimes he deserves.

Ying Changge was not to be outdone, especially this kid Zhao Xingzhi who dared to assassinate himself.

Reverse three or five times, tirelessly, always chattering to attack, aggressive. A grand picture.

But such a gesture is useless to himself, and so is the Anyang County Governor.

Dispatched by Zhao Xingzhi, the dark guard came sneakily, trying to approach Ying Changge and kill him.

Everything will be a silent gesture, but it is useless to Ying Changge and Meng Tian.

They caught each other's whereabouts early, and they also knew that the dark guard was coming to assassinate him.

Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he had already taken out a twelve-point momentum to deal with it carefully.

On the other hand, Meng Tian, ​​who was on the side, seemed to be very anxious, for fear that Ying Changge would be in any danger.

Zhao Xingzhi has secret guards, but Meng Tian also has secret guards cultivated by meditation, and they look similar.

In fact, it is different. For Ying Changge, the dark guards are all dragons and phoenixes.

Slightly better than Zhao Xingzhi, Meng Tian thought that his secret guard was higher than Zhao Xingzhi.

In Ying Changge's eyes, Zhao Xingzhi's dispatch was not a first-class dark guard at all.

He's just a nasty assassin, he doesn't fall into Ying Changge's eyes at all, and Meng Tian even scoffs at him.

With Zhao Xingzhi's order, the assassin named Zhang Erhe traveled thousands of miles and came without hesitation.

Already seeing the rising sun, the assassin Zhang Erhe continued to walk, approaching Ying Changge quickly.

Since it is an assassination, it is to be sneaky, and it is absolutely impossible to attract attention, which is very important.

If it wasn't for Ying Changge and Meng Tian receiving the news early, they might have been frightened by the assassin.

Zhang Erhe is just an ordinary bodyguard, he just wants to eat, he has no ideals.

It's just that he never expected that he would receive a very serious order and task directly.

Assassination of Ying Changge? Just with Zhang Erhe's own abilities, how can he fight against (afej) Ying Changge?

Zhang Erhe has always heard about the reputation of this Ying Changge for a long time, and no one in the world does not know it!

Especially after knowing the strength of the other party, Zhang Erhe sharpened his knife and got ready.

Taking advantage of the good weather, Zhang Erhe continued to move forward along the broad avenue, not knowing that there was already an ambush.

Originally, Ying Changge wanted to personally deal with the assassins sent by Zhao Xingzhi, but Meng Tian refused.

Because Meng Tian personally asked for his order, in any case, he had to fight the assassin himself and kill him.

Naturally, Ying Changge couldn't refuse, so she nodded and agreed completely.

Therefore, Meng Tian personally led people, but only a few people, and then went to intercept the assassin halfway.

Because Zhao Xingzhi didn't want to attract attention, the assassin sent out was only Zhang Erhe.

Silent and sneaky assassination of Ying Changge is the easiest way to succeed, Zhao Xingzhi is convinced.

Otherwise, the greater the number of assassins, the greater the possibility of exposure, and it will be difficult to be an enemy.

This is a very important matter, so he began to prepare and must go to arrest the assassin.

Zhang Erhe walked, walked, walked along the road, still this serious, unhurried appearance.

When he walked to an open place, he saw a dazzling array of people on the left and right.

Suddenly he was born, and then blocked Zhang Erhe, surrounded in all directions.

There were so many people, people were panicking, and Zhang Erhe had to stay where he was, unable to move an inch.

what is this! For a while, Zhang Erhe was very nervous, holding the hilt of the sword in one hand.

"Who are you!" Zhang Erhe asked calmly without changing his expression.

But Meng Tian just smiled contemptuously, "Of course it's the one who came to kill you! Are you ready!"

After hearing Meng Tian's words, Zhang Erhe shook his head, "I see what misunderstanding everyone has!"

"I'm just an ordinary commoner, passing by here, why do you fight and kill!"

As an assassin who assassinated Ying Changge, Zhang Erhe is still pretending, "Could it be that you are robbers!".

Chapter 651 Meng Tian shows off his skills!

Meng Tian wouldn't talk nonsense with him at all, he directly revealed his identity, "I'm Meng Tian!"

"And you are the one sent by Zhao Xingzhi! You look vulnerable, and it is difficult to be against me!"

He raised his fist and swore that Zhang Erhe would stop pretending, and he went straight to the showdown.

"That's right, I am! And you, are you Meng Tian! Then I have to kill you!"

He was aggressive and fiery, and the weapons in his hands were all hard-hitting.

With a quick horse and a whip, without stopping, Zhang Erhe's figure was so swift, he came directly in front of him.

This sword was very brave, Zhang Erhe came straight at Meng Tian, ​​and wanted to take off his head.

But Meng Tian was not in a hurry, his appearance was so bright, he looked indestructible and had no flaws.

So, when he drew his sword out of its sheath, Meng Tian also came in a hurry, and struck him with a sword.

The mighty fire, hit hard, and brought out his own momentum, is unparalleled.

The swords are staggered, colliding together, and the attack of the wind and fire has an unimaginable posture.

Knowing the strength of the other party for a long time, Zhang Erhe also tried his best and did not dare to be careless.

Who in the world does not know Meng Tian's name! We all know that he is a great general on the battlefield.

He is invincible and has few opponents, but Zhang Erhe is not afraid, he also has martial arts.

All his skills are horizontal training, so Zhang Erhe can play under Zhao Xingzhi.

He possesses extraordinary martial arts, is full of confidence, and is confident that he will directly force him to kill him.

If it weren't for the speed of his own figure, Meng Tian almost let him come directly in front of him.

He raised his sword, the dealer repeatedly, you come and go, test your skills.

Meng Tian will not try his best all at once, he has to constantly test Zhang Erhe's martial arts.

Therefore, in the fight, he easily crushed his sword, leaving him nowhere to go.

Such a fight is useless, if it weren't for this fight, Zhang Erhe would have already given up.

He saw through Meng Tian's defenses, and the sword came forward, wishing to strike Zhang Erhe directly.

However, this sword was thunderous and rainy, and it was difficult to break Meng Tian's body and cause serious injuries.

Meng Tian, ​​who was not in a hurry, immediately retreated, and the sword in his hand stabbed out with ease, and it was also windy.

Such a swift sword is very powerful, but it is still far from taking Meng Tian!

Zhang Erhe was in no hurry, he continued to hold his sword and approached from far to near.

The blade of the sword was fierce, showing a sharp edge, which broke his body at once.

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