It's just that Ying Changge has been letting him go directly, he doesn't need such an opponent.

Especially when he saw that the guards followed quickly, the sword in his hand was firmly on guard.

With a ping-pong sound, Ying Changge blocked it carefully, without any feeling of fighting.

For Ying Changge, the guard is just a clown jumping on the beam, what he has to do is to ask the guard's secret.

Regarding any secrets hidden by the guards, Ying Changge had to force him to ask his younger brother clearly.

In this way, Ying Changge can be sure to know what happened to Zhao Xingzhi and what evil he did.

Chapter 620 Ask Zhao Xingzhi for his crimes!

Otherwise, it would be unfair to other soldiers, because Zhao Xingzhi was still alive.

At ease and freedom, Zhao Xingzhi, the governor of Anyang County, has no one to judge.

This allowed Zhao Xingzhihui to be so arrogant and domineering here, and everyone bowed their heads and declared themselves ministers.

So, in the battle with the guards, Ying Changge wanted to deliberately ensure his survival, and he kept it useful.

Day and night follow Zhao Xingzhi closely, the guards must be clear.

Any crime is unavoidable for him, Ying Changge wants to catch the criminals in one sweep.

Especially in the confrontation with Ying Changge, it was impossible for the guards to be killed like this.

So, he raised his sword, thinking that he was fighting with a sword, and he was superior.

After having such an illusion, the guards continued to force him aggressively, and even started to kill.

The sword in his hand 740 was stabbed on Ying Changge's body accurately and accurately, trying to seriously injure him and cut the grass and roots.

The unhurried Ying Changge continued to counterattack with his sword in hand, and then steadily attacked and counterattacked.

boom! The swords smashed to the ground, and the guard's sword failed again, without killing Ying Changge.

Ying Changge continued to pursue it, fighting with the guards in this spacious study.

Continuously handing out his own sword, Ying Changge's sword move is fast, making it hard to prevent and unavoidable.

With a ping pong sound, the swords staggered and fell abruptly, and Ying Changge strode up to catch up with a shooting star with a punch.

boom! The fist hit the guard's head, causing the other party to stagger back.

Reluctantly stood on the ground, his eyes were very gloomy, and the guard was not to be outdone.

Not knowing who Ying Changge was, the guard had an illusion in his heart that he thought he was invincible in the world.

In fact, the guard's ability and swordsmanship were nothing but insignificant in front of Ying Changge, and there was no threat.

You come and go, continue to fight, Ying Changge with quick hands and feet continues to release his sword to suppress.

After attacking again and again, Ying Changge used his skills to suppress the guards, making it difficult for him to dodge.

In the study, with a quick charge, his sword was hit abruptly in the distance and fell to the ground.

In an instant, the guards became empty-handed, and there was no room to fight back against Ying Changge.

He was embarrassed.

The guard was very flustered, and hurriedly stood on the spot, then widened his eyes and looked at Ying Changge at a loss.

Ying Changge was firmly in control, his face was so indifferent, he raised his sword and put it on the guard's neck.

"Stop! Let me ask you, at the last chance, what conspiracy and crime did Zhao Xingzhi have!"

"Say it boldly, otherwise, you will die directly and be beheaded by me!"

After hearing Ying Changge's words, the guard also showed a bright smile, "That's great!"

"I've always been looking forward to worthy opponents, and you are one of them (afej)!" The guards won't panic.

He would also die, even if he died, he would die in the hands of Ying Changge, or die together.

The guard's eyes widened, and then he restrained Ying Changge's arms abruptly, "Go to hell!"

Being daring, he also wanted to attack Ying Changge, and even released his sword continuously.

Picking up the sword on the ground again, the guard's swiftness immediately knocked away Ying Changge's figure.

Swords are rampant, and the guards are attacking in an endless stream, just to kill Ying Changge, even unscrupulous.

But even so, Ying Changge was slow and slow, he always fought back and continued to attack.

The sword in his hand was very fast, entangled with Ying Changge, and the guard was still alive and well.

Never dying, never shedding tears without seeing the coffin, the guards also tried their best to attack in order to kill Ying Changge.

In the entanglement with the guards, his eyes were so calm that he even quickly counterattacked.

But for Ying Changge, his sword edge is always on point and will not seriously injure the guards at all.

Because Ying Changge still needs to save the life of the guard, so that he can ask Zhao Xingzhi about his crimes.

Ping pong, in the study, the fierce battle between you and me is continued to be publicized, and he always has a posture.

Along with the fierce offensive, the guards' sword moves were all in vain, and Ying Changge resisted them one by one.

The sword edge stabbed straight in, no matter how he slashed or counterattacked, the guards could not seriously injure Ying Changge.

On the contrary, Ying Changge remained motionless, even standing in front of the guards unharmed.

With a contemptuous smile, the guard held up his sword and looked out of breath, "How, you can't kill me!"

"Instead of fighting like this, it would be better if you honestly compromise!"

"You don't need to pay for it, otherwise, you will die under my sword!"

Don't be in a hurry, don't panic, the guard is holding his sword, still majestic and ready to move.

It seems that this bodyguard does not shed tears without seeing the coffin, this is really helpless.

Chapter 621 Heroic Sharpness!

So shaking his head, he raised his sword, and Ying Changge was about to subdue the guard in front of him.

As long as the guards were surrendered, then Ying Changge would be in no danger and could inquire about Zhao Xingzhi's crimes.

He strode up, and the sword in the Ying Chang singer was very fast, stabbing him directly, killing him.

But any attack is ineffective, especially the swords in the hands of the guards, which are mediocre.

Steadily raised his sword and attacked with perseverance, he quickly fought and killed.

The impatient attack was used to kill Ying Changge, and the guards looked gloomy and even murderous.

Approaching endlessly, the guard's sword edge was close to Ying Changge's body, specifically stabbing at his vital spot.

The throat and eyes are everywhere where you can strike. The guards are very vicious and ruthless.

Once it is shot, it is aggressive, just to kill Ying Changge, so that the murder can be silenced.

But Ying Changge's swordsmanship is still better, he kept attacking and slashing continuously.

The sword in his hand left an afterimage, as fast as a gust of wind and like lightning, and it was simply not something that the guards could block.

With a ping-pong sound, the swords collided together, and the guard fell down staggeringly, almost falling.

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person, and he grabbed his sword and reluctantly stood here.

Not to be outdone, Ying Changge held the sword in his hand again on the guard's neck.

As long as the sword in Ying Chang Singer moved a little, he could easily cut the throat of the guard.

But any confrontation with Ying Changge like this shows that he just doesn't use his full strength.

While playing with the guards, Ying Changge still released his sword without moving.

The sword's edge ran rampant for a distance, from far to near, and came to the front of the guard in an instant.

The guard was surrounded by Ying Changge's sword, full of light, and the afterimage flickered and approached the guard's body.

hum! The guard's arm was cut, and Ying Changge stood there indifferently, raising his sword.

The blood above all fell to the ground, and the blade of the sword remained heroically sharp.

Grinning in pain, the guard quickly stepped back, already standing on the ground, daring not to do anything.

An unremarkable guy, Ying Changge is very confident, he no longer continues to attack, he is calm.

He won't let the guards die, Ying Changge still has many questions to ask this guy.

The existence of the guards is not worth mentioning, he has no chance to kill Ying Changge at all, this is strength.

Amid the disparity in swordsmanship, Ying Changge would just take control of the situation, while the guards became more and more embarrassed, making it difficult to escape.

Standing in front of Ying Changge, the guard covered his wound, his face full of unwillingness.

He was Zhao Xingzhi's bodyguard, especially about the secrets in the study, the guards knew very well.

"Capture without hand!" Ying Changge gave an ultimatum, not allowing the guards to confront him jealously.

"Otherwise, you will die here, and there will be one more body in the study."

Ying Changge put the sword in his hand on the neck of the guard, "Or you can explain the secret room!"

"Behind that secret door, there are many corpses, who are they!" Ying Changge was serious.

However, standing in front of Ying Changge, the guard's eyes were so righteous, "I won't say it!"

"I won't do anything that betrays the county governor! This is my duty!"


Hearing what the guard said, Ying Changge nodded in admiration, "Very good! You are really amazing!"

"However, you are just helping the emperor to abuse, or even acting for the tiger, you can't kill me!"

His movements are fast, fast attack, in the study like a duck to water, and even run freely.

"Since you can't kill me, why don't you tell me all Zhao Xingzhi's crimes honestly!"

Even in the face of Ying Changge's threat, the guards were still very stubborn, "No! I won't say it! I swear to death!"


Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he raised his sword and cut off one of the guard's fingers.

Blood sprayed, and the guard bent down in pain and covered his hands.

The guards were incompetent in front of Ying Changge and killed him easily.

But Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he just held his sword and stood in front of the guards.

It was just a dog-legged man beside Zhao Xingzhi, so it was useless to Ying Changge.

He picked up the knife and fell, and his weapons stabbed him in an endless stream, already riddled with holes.

If the guard wanted to live, he could only kneel in front of Ying Changge and beg for mercy, that's all.

With an indifferent face and a quiet face, Ying Changge waited for the guard to speak, "Don't speak quickly!"

"Who is the corpse in the dark room!" Ying Changge scolded seriously, very seriously.

After hearing Ying Changge's questioning, the guards could only speak in a panic, "I said!"

"Those are people who know the county governor very well. Because they knew too much, they were killed and silenced." Fan.

Chapter 622 Streets with no people!

The guard's remarks are all very correct, and he speaks with sincerity and seriousness.

Ying Changge nodded very satisfied, "So it is! It seems that you are very cruel."

"Murder and kill people, kill them, you are ignoring people's lives and killing innocent people indiscriminately. It's too much."

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