A group of bandits are all very scared, and in front of Ying Changge, they can only beg for mercy.


"Don't kill us! Our department is the garrison of Anyang County." "Yes! We are also forced to help!"

"Being forced to make a living, there is nothing we can do, so we can only rob houses!"

"That's right! We only rob money, not sex! Oh no, we only seek money, not kill!"

After hearing what everyone said, Ying Changge was also very surprised, "What! You are the garrison!"

Unexpectedly, the soldiers of Anyang County would fall to such a level that they would rob them one by one.

Acting as a bandit, blocking the road, to what extent is forced to do such a thing!


It's so nasty! So Ying Changge shook his head, and immediately raised his sword, "How unreasonable!"

"As soldiers, you have been mixed up to such a degree, what is the Anyang county guard doing!"

In order to bring justice to these garrisoned troops in Anyang County, Ying Changge will do justice for the sky and discuss for them.

"Go! Leave as soon as possible to see what kind of conspiracy the other party is and what he wants to do!"

Ying Changge subdued this group of soldiers who acted as bandits, and then quickly went to Anyang County.

Along the way, these soldiers followed behind Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​so that they could question Zhao Xingzhi.

Just doing nothing, abandoning the Anyang County garrison, is Zhao Xingzhi going to starve them to death!

In such a situation, Ying Changge had to take this Anyang county guard carefully and seriously interrogate him.

In order to act on behalf of the heavens, and to give these Anyang County garrison a bad breath, Ying Changge went non-stop.

It is getting closer and closer to Anyang County, Ying Changge and his party are also swiftly approaching Fan.

Chapter 602 They were all heroes!

In order to find Zhao Xingzhi Xingshi and question him, Ying Changge quickly led the soldiers here.

The chattering approaching, coming unscrupulously, Ying Changge even wanted to prepare the army to attack directly.

However, after hearing Ying Changge's words, Meng Tian hesitated, "This is not right!"

From Meng Tian's point of view, although the Anyang County Governor is burly, he may not want to raise his army to attack at once.

If they attacked the city gate, it would only make Anyang County even more chaotic and unstable.

Acting recklessly will only lead to others, so Meng Tian advised Ying Changge to be calm and serious.

Otherwise, breaking Anyang County and not seeing Zhao's "Seven-One Zero" approach would also be a powerless method, which cannot be said in the same way.

There was still anger in Ying Changge's heart, he was angry at Zhao Xingzhi's inaction.

With someone like Zhao Xingzhi serving as the county governor, wouldn't it make the entire Anyang County difficult for the people!

With so many soldiers being forced to become bandits, Ying Changge has to rectify it himself.

Otherwise, let such a chaotic atmosphere permeate the whole city, and I am afraid that all the people will die.

In order to know who Zhao Xingzhi was, Ying Changge led the soldiers and went to him to ask for an explanation.

Otherwise, if so many soldiers are displaced, without food or drink, wouldn't they starve them to death!

The cruel and ruthless Zhao Xingzhi really deserves to die, so Ying Changge will try his best to judge him.

And Ying Changge is not a stupid guy, he understands that Zhao Xingzhi has supreme power.

In Anyang County, Zhao Xingzhi waved his hand easily, and he was able to dispatch troops and dispatch soldiers.

At that time, if Ying Changge enters the city alone, he is afraid that he will be directly surrounded by Zhao Xingzhi's soldiers.

At that time, he may not be able to survive, and he may easily be trapped by the soldiers of Anyang County.

The situation here is a mess, the people's feelings are complicated, and it is not so easy to control and disintegrate.

He came quickly and led so many soldiers, what a miserable man!

Originally it was the garrison of Anyang County, and everyone was this lively and aggressive soldier.

As a result, with a long period of starvation and cold, the soldiers in the garrison had to become bandits and act as bandits.

This is really a chilling thing, so he must ask Zhao Xingzhi.

Anyone who is detrimental to the common people, or even the soldiers in the garrison, must be eradicated together.

Otherwise, if such a county governor continues to stay here, the world will be in chaos! He couldn't care less.

Sitting on the sidelines will only cause more soldiers to die at the hands of Zhao Xingzhi, and he must act for the sky.

The soldiers behind them are all dead. If they can't live, they will starve to death.

Zhao Xingzhi ignored his soldiers, and everyone was so embarrassed.

They did not die at the hands of Ying Changge, but at the hands of Zhao Xingzhi, and they were abandoned.

Each soldier was originally a hero, but under such neglect, he died long ago.

Especially if Zhao Xingzhi ignored it, these soldiers were forced to make a living, so they could make money without killing them.

It is a pity that these soldiers cannot demonstrate, the military orders are like mountains, and Zhao Xingzhi is the heaven of Anyang County.

Therefore, in this place, Ying Changge had to raise his troops and directly exterminate all of Zhao Xing's group.

Every guy is a pitiful person. As the so-called hateful person, there must be something to be pitied about...  

Ying Changge was about to use the forces in his hands to dispatch a large army and directly attack Anyang County.

However, Meng Tian, ​​who was following Ying Changge, still disagreed. This matter is no trivial matter and must be handled with caution.

It is not easy to raise troops to attack without knowing why Zhao Xingzhi ignored the soldiers.

But he didn't care about so many Ying Changge, he just wanted to rejoice in his grievances and kill the Quartet, leaving no one behind.

There are almost no responsible people in Anyang County, especially Zhao Xingzhi, who may even be a villain.

Ying Changge's mind was full of plans to send his own army to break through Anyang County and kill him.

This is a very turbulent plan, and Ying Changge can't afford to delay for a moment, just to kill him.

The county governor of Anyang County is a mediocre guy, the people are struggling to live, and their lives are ruined, it is really damn.

For the sake of peace in Anyang County, Ying Changge had to take Zhao Xingzhi in one fell swoop, so that he could be interrogated for his crimes.

It is Ying Changge's privilege to kill first and play later. He possesses such strength, otherwise it will be too late to make amends.

This is the most crucial opportunity for 4.9. Ying Changge wants the army to directly level Zhao Xingzhi's Anyang County.

Everything is the order of justice, Ying Changge, who walks the path for heaven, wants justice for the officers and soldiers behind him!

Ying Changge came all the way to Anyang County just for three things, fairness, justice, or special justice!

But Meng Tian, ​​who was in charge of protecting Ying Changge, was very rational. He had seen strong winds and waves and knew everything.

Any embarrassment is useless, because Meng Tian needs evidence to kill Zhao Xingzhi.

After all, Zhao Xingzhi is not an ordinary person, but the county governor of Anyang County! Extraordinary.

Chapter 603 Zhao Xingzhi's Site!

Enough to accompany him, the soldiers who act as bandits behind him still follow Ying Changge earnestly and look forward to it.

In order to defeat Zhao Xingzhi, Meng Tian persuaded Ying Changge to spy on Zhao Xingzhi.

Entering Anyang County, carefully and secretly inquire about the county governor, in order to prescribe the right medicine.

Under Meng Tian's persuasion in every possible way, Ying Changge finally understood very clearly, which was a good plan.

So, giving up the idea of ​​directly leading troops into Anyang County, Ying Changge had to enter the city to inquire.

The soldiers behind him naturally have to follow Ying Changge, this is a very important witness!

So, the group of them went along the city gate, and immediately entered the city gate to find a place to stay.

05 As long as he takes a break in Anyang County, then he can go to search for evidence in one go.

Nothing escapes the eyes of Ying Changge, and Ying Changge wants to collect more witnesses.

What Ying Changge didn't know was that they had already been noticed when they entered the city gate.

Because Zhao Xingzhi is in Anyang County with his eyes and hands, and nothing will be hidden from his eyes.

Having heard the wind of Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi understands that maybe his own affairs have been exposed.

Since the crime was so serious, Zhao Xingzhi could not sit idly by, he was going to start fighting back!

Therefore, Zhao Xingzhi immediately sent a lot of people to follow Ying Changge first.

Not only the appearance of Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​but also because of the many soldiers behind Ying Changge.

Those were soldiers who fell into trouble, Zhao Xingzhi knew this all too well, and he was very worried.

He couldn't let Ying Changge uproot himself, that's why he had to fight back seriously and attack first.

No matter what, as long as he can ensure his own safety, then Zhao Xingzhi will do whatever he can.

Sitting in his own mansion, Zhao Xingzhi waved his sleeves, and he was able to strategize and command the surrounding.

Anyone is loyal to Zhao Xingzhi for a long time. After all, this is Anyang County, and Zhao Xingzhi is the county governor.

In the head of a group of people, he has his own connections and the power to reach the sky.

Zhao Xingzhi, who had nothing to say, had only one thing, and that was to kill the soldiers that Ying Changge brought.

He has his own conditions. After all, it is not so easy for each soldier to be killed.

Therefore, Zhao Xingzhi had to mobilize more of his life and quietly kill those soldiers.

As long as they are killed, then there will be no danger at that time, and the witnesses will be eliminated directly.

If you don't do it again and again, kill people and kill people, Zhao Xingzhi will not be soft-hearted, and he starts to act.

Every move is to follow Ying Changge closely, Zhao Xingzhi should pay attention to the whereabouts of the soldiers and let them disappear.

Zhao Xingzhi said that the people in the underground soon started, and they were in Anyang County, tracking the soldiers' movements.

With the winning ticket in hand, Ying Changge entered Anyang County and first went to find a place to rest.

Entering Anyang County, this is Zhao Xingzhi's territory.

If you don't enter a tiger's den, you can't get a tiger's son, so Ying Changge is extraordinarily serious.

The sword in his hand never left his side, he was always wearing it on his waist, so cautious.

A group of soldiers must loyally guard Ying Changge, so that he can be safe and sound.

Otherwise, if all these important witnesses died, Ying Changge would be very distressed.

He placed these soldiers by his side so that they could avoid any misunderstanding.

In Anyang County, Ying Changge and Meng Tian continued to visit the surrounding people without stopping.

In the city, so many people are a very good evidence, Ying Changge has to inquire carefully.

As long as certain clues are obtained from the people, Ying Changge can continue to explore Zhao Xingzhi.

By grasping Zhao Xingzhi's handle, Ying Changge will continue to lead his army and kill him with confidence.

He was so brave and fearless, walking on the streets with Meng Tian to listen to the people around him.

710 Ying Changge and Meng Tian continued to walk in Anyang County, but the number of soldiers was very large.

These soldiers are in groups and stand out from the crowd wherever they go, so Ying Changge must protect them.

Therefore, Ying Changge immediately set up an inn in a remote place, which allowed them to rest well.

Ying Changge walked slowly on the streets, especially when he saw that many people were busy.

This is a great opportunity! So Ying Changge walked up and immediately asked, "Hello!"

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