Feeling the pain in his body, the man in black was not to be outdone, and he wanted to continue to fight back.

In this narrow place, he continued to shoot, trying to wipe out Ying Changge and his party.

However, Ying Changge's skills are so superb, his swordsmanship is unstoppable by ordinary people.

Continuing the fight, chattering sent out his own sword, Ying Changge pierced the man in black.

A sword pierced through the chest of the man in black, and he coughed in pain, unable to speak at all (afej).

With a weak breath, he fell to the ground like this, and the man in black fell into a pool of blood, very embarrassed.

So he raised his hand, tried to grab Ying Changge's ankle, and perished with him.

How could Ying Changge let him succeed? He avoided it easily and walked aside to avoid it.

Raising his sword, Ying Changge lifted the mask of the man in black, and sure enough, it was the face of the shopkeeper.

Crouching down and staring at him intently, Ying Changge asked, "Where is Gai Nie!"

His target is Genie.

When a person is about to die, his words are also good. The man in black vomited blood, "Near Dongyang County! He lives there for a long time."

After hearing the words of the man in black, Ying Changge nodded with great satisfaction, "Okay! You should die in peace!"

After leaving the room, Ying Changge found that there was indeed a little turmoil in Xiao Li's room.

Very worried about Xiao Li, she walked up quickly, Ying Changge pushed open the door and looked at it carefully.

Xiao Li was safe and sound, and Pixiu was also sitting beside him, with a steady appearance, not afraid of the current situation at all.

While Xiao Li was carrying the sword, the corpse under him was still bleeding, it was really bloody.

It seems that this shopkeeper really does not stop at all! It turned out to be trying to kill Ying Changge and his party.

Fortunately, Ying Changge and Xiao Li were not ordinary guys, so they killed him all at once.

"Gai Nie is in Dongyang County, let's continue on our way!" Ying Changge and Xiao Li said.

After all, it is the information that has just been obtained. Naturally, it is necessary to report it well and not slack.

After hearing Ying Changge's words, Xiao Li nodded in approval, "Okay! It's not too late for us!"

They continued on their way to Dongyang County, just to catch Gai Nie, otherwise he would escape.

In this regard, Ying Changge was in a hurry, and they kept up with it.

However, Gai Nie is not sitting still, he has already heard a lot of news.

Knowing Ying Changge's whereabouts, Gai Nie has long been very cautious, very careful, and dare not be careless.

Especially when he heard that Ying Changge was chasing him from behind, Gai Nie knew that his whereabouts had been exposed.

How is this good! At the very least, Gai Nie has nowhere to escape. Where is the home in the world?

Since Ying Changge was catching up, it would be better to invite Jun into the urn and fight generously.

Gai Nie was ready, so everything in Dongyang County began to prepare to fight Ying Changge.

With Ying Changge already an old enemy, Gai Nie is lurking here, in order to avoid Ying Changge's fight.

If you can't kill Ying Changge, I'm afraid that Genie will die, which is very dangerous.

Staying in Dongyang County, Gai Nie, who was busy with business, began to arrange a lot of people.

A net of heaven and earth was set up in Dongyang County, so that Gai Nie would be able to fight with Ying Changge happily.

Everything around is useless, especially the more people there are, the more cumbersome it will be. Genie needs elite soldiers.

Staying in Dongyang County and letting everything run as usual, Gai Nie now has everything ready and only owes Dongfeng.

As long as Ying Changge dares to come up, then Genie will let many people swarm up and defeat him.

It has long been known that Ying Changge's skills are very superb, and Gai Nie will not underestimate the enemy.

Chapter 566 The pace is brisk, steady and powerful!

Knowing that his whereabouts were exposed, and also knowing that Ying Changge came to chase and kill him non-stop, this was a crisis.

Therefore, Gai Nie arranged his own manpower to the left and right, working conscientiously and walking on thin ice.

After making any preparations, Genie is business as usual, eating and drinking without worrying about Ying Changge.

A master with such a cultivation base, Gai Nie, is arrogant and does not put any embarrassment in his eyes.

This is a rare opportunity, Gai Nie must kill Ying Changge and take the opportunity to consolidate his position.

Naturally, Ying Changge didn't know about Genie's intrigue, and he was still approaching quickly and rushed to Dongyang County.

Ying Changge got the news that Gai Nie was in Dongyang County, which was enough, better than looking for a needle in a haystack.

As long as the whereabouts of Gai Nie can be found, Ying Changge Liu will defeat him, and then capture and meet Ying Zheng.

The world is so big that it was not easy for Ying Changge to find each other, but now he has a clue.

Especially knowing the road in Dongyang County, Li Luo can be said to be riding a horse and galloping on a horse.

Along the way, he was approaching Genie, as long as he grabbed each other, everything would be fine.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Ying Changge to chase and kill Gai Nie if he wanted to make Gai Nie escape from Dongyang County again.

On the road with Xiaoli, Ying Changge did not have any obstacles or delays along the way.

Without wasting any trip, the horses under his crotch are also running around day and night, heading towards Dongyang County.

Quickly shuttled across the road, walked through a lot of dust, Ying Changge came from the breeze.

Standing under the city gate of Dongyang County, Ying Changge immediately entered the city gate and walked inside.

Xiao Li and Pi Xiu also followed quickly, and they all went to the inn in the city.

Running all the way, Ying Changge is more or less tired and needs to settle down first and rest for a while.

On the road, there was no time to eat a good meal, and Ying Changge wasted a lot of dry food.

Sitting in this inn now, Ying Changge immediately ordered a table of sumptuous meals to use with Xiao Li.

The moment Ying Changge entered Dongyang County, Gai Nie immediately knew about Ying Changge's every move.

Because Gai Nie has already found his clues inside and outside the city gate, and he also left his eyes and ears.

With so many guys, it's still very simple to kill them one by one! Genie is very confident.

The victory was in hand, and Ying Changge could not wait to fight, so Gai Nie immediately started.

However, he wouldn't kill Ying Changge in an upright manner, it would be very troublesome and difficult.

Gai Nie has a deep understanding, Ying Changge has a strong ability, and it is not so easy to be beheaded.

Therefore, Gai Nie stayed in his house, but immediately ordered several killers to disguise.

After finding the place where Ying Changge was staying, one of the killers sneaked in to the side.

If you put medicine in the stove, you put poison in the food, and the poison is naturally very violent.

With such a poison, he was able to kill Ying Changge invisibly, effortlessly.

So, they immediately went up, came to the side, picked up the food, and brought it up in person.

Putting the food on Ying Changge's table, the killer in disguise sneaked back.

Avoiding Ying Changge, the killer hid in the dark, staring meticulously at Ying Changge and Xiao Li.


Facing the food on the table, Ying Changge immediately stopped chewing and remained motionless.

Shaking his head helplessly, Ying Changge naturally wouldn't eat it, because this meal was unusual!

Xiao Li is also alert. She glanced at the meal vigilantly, and then whispered, "Poisonous!"

"It should be! That guy just now is not a shop assistant at all!" Ying Changge is also an expert.

"The guy just now walked briskly, calmly and powerfully, obviously a trainer and an assassin!"

I agree with Ying Changge's words very much, Xiao Li also has no appetite, and will not continue to eat at all.


Immediately got up, Xiao Li looked around, trying to find the dangerous guy and kill him completely.

Looking at Xiao Li's searching gaze, the assassin in disguise knew the danger, and he immediately dodged.

He bent down to hide and tried to leave here, but the figure of the assassin was still discovered by Xiao Li.

"Where to run!" Xiao Li scolded, then quickly shot, immediately approached, and started killing.

The assassin ran in front, and Xiao Li chased behind. After hearing the movement, Ying Changge also set off immediately.

The poisoned assassin never expected that he would be discovered by Ying Changge and Xiao Li. He was obviously so careful.

After secretly poisoning, it was discovered that the assassin's conspiracy was completely exposed.

Xiao Li was non-stop, and Ying Changge was in a hurry. The two immediately attacked and caught the assassin.

The assassin with nowhere to go immediately escaped through the back door, trying to leave the place and escape completely.

However, this is not the only place to leave, the assassin continues to travel far away from the back alley.

Chapter 567 Very stubborn, very stalemate!

Walking quickly, following the road, the assassin tried to get rid of Ying Changge and Xiao Li behind him.

Unfortunately, he still had nowhere to go, because Xiao Li took the lead and leaped in front of him.

Seeing the panicked appearance of the assassin, Xiao Li calmly said, "Where are you running to!"

"Who are you! Why are you attacking us! Hurry up and recruit me truthfully!"

Seeing Xiao Li's domineering appearance, the assassin snorted coldly, "Because you guys are damned!"

"No matter how you torture me, it's impossible for me to speak!"

The assassin was aggressive, and immediately took out the dagger "660" from his waist, and stabbed at Xiaoli with murderous aura.

The figure advanced by leaps and bounds, trying to force Xiao Li, but the assassin's offensive came to an abrupt end.

It turned out to be because he was grabbed by Ying Changge behind him, Ying Changge looked calm, "Stop!"

"The rude guy turned out to be a handicap to a girl, you are so despicable!"

Ying Changge immediately intercepted it, grabbed his head and slammed it against the wall with a muffled sound.

For a moment, the assassin was immediately dizzy, and he quickly took precautions, but he couldn't match Ying Changge.

Raising the dagger in his hand, he stabbed Ying Changge forcefully, hitting the center of his chest.

After seeing this scene, Ying Changge didn't panic, he raised his hand and grabbed the assassin's arm directly.

The arm holding the dagger was covered, making it impossible for the assassin to assassinate Ying Changge as he wished.

Ying Changge's expression was calm, and he hit him hard with a fist, directly knocking him out.

With a snap, the dagger in the assassin's hand fell to the ground, and he became empty-handed.

Angrily reprimanded, snorted coldly, and the assassin hit Ying Changge's head hard with his fist.

The Assassin's offensive looks very ferocious, but it is not worth mentioning to Ying Changge.

So, he raised his hand and hit hard, fighting with the assassin's arm.

With a snap, the pain of the arm being thrown directly, the assassin did not expect Ying Changge's strength to be so huge.

It was precisely because of this kind of fight that the fierce battle between Ying Changge and the assassin became more and more intense.

He continued to use his own tricks, fierce and fierce, right on his body.

The endless fighting is powerful, and Ying Changge is invincible.

Such an attack is also so intense that the assassin is difficult to guard against and easily hit.

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