Once it falls, it will be very difficult for the Soldier Demon God to get up, which is a very catastrophic thing.

Therefore, Bingmo Shen continued his efforts, he roared and waved his fists, trying to crush Ying Changge and Xiao Li to death.

On the ground full of trees, the figures of Ying Changge and Xiao Li were very easy to hide.

But the Demon God of War would not let it go, he continued to swept away thousands of troops and smashed everything around him.

The trees fell, the woods were sparsely uprooted, and the tops of the mountains were almost bare.

The flatter the ground is, the easier it is to be killed, and both Ying Changge and Xiao Li will die.

Therefore, to avoid the wide line of sight, Ying Changge and Xiao Li are also separated from each other and distanced.

You can't get too close to the God of Soldiers, otherwise you will be hit hard by his fists easily, and your blood will be blurred.

He stood firmly on the ground, and the sword in his hand also pierced in an endless stream, causing a light.

The sword qi went down unscrupulously, and spread out on the body of the God of War, causing a fierce offensive.

The body of the Demon God of War was unable to maintain his own stability, and for a while, he was very passive.

Continued chasing, aggressive galloping, the Bing Demon God thought he could kill Ying Changge and Xiao Li.

It's a pity that in the midst of such an invasion, Ying Changge and Xiao Li teamed up to be evenly matched with the Bing Demon God.

The sword edge overflowed, the sword energy swept across, and the Soldier Demon God was restricted from his figure and became more and more restrained.

Unable to stop Jianmang 660, the cracked sword energy exploded all over the body of the Bingmo God, causing suppression.

The obvious offensive is very powerful, especially the combination of Ying Changge and Xiao Li is perfect.

Almost lost, but fortunately, with the help of Xiaoli, Ying Changge became even more powerful.

On this bumpy ground, Ying Changge and Xiao Li attacked and counterattacked in a very orderly manner.

A steady stream of volatilized his own fierce offensive, this offensive is already around.

The defense of the Bing Demon God is very poor, and it is impossible to block the menacing swords of Ying Changge and Xiao Li.

When Ying Changge attacked, and Xiao Li covered, when Xiao Li charged bravely, Ying Changge immediately avoided.

This is a very flexible and brave offensive, and their cooperation is so unmatched.

Especially Ying Changge, the sword edge in his hand is still stabbed in an endless stream, resulting in a mighty power.

The Demon God of War is evil and very cruel, and his power is suppressed in all directions.

Chapter 559 Very calm, raise your arms!

Anyone who comes close will die, and with a wave of the Demon God of War, all the people will be crushed to pieces.

I thought I could continue the fight, but unfortunately, the Bing Demon God encountered resistance from Ying Changge and Xiao Li.

The offensive of the two was very fierce, and they were entangled in the body of the God of War, leaving him full of holes.

Feeling the exhaustion of his body, the soldier and demon **** was in pain, and his offensive slowed down immediately.

If it weren't for Ying Changge's restriction here, the Bing Demon God would have already started killing people, blood flowing into rivers.

Especially Ying Changge is so righteous and awe-inspiring, he acts for the heavens, punishes evil and promotes good, very fast.

He grabbed the Demon God of War all of a sudden, and Ying Changge's sword was sharp, which had stabilized the situation.

Even if he is alone, there is no problem, at least it will be difficult for Ying Changge to fight the Bing Demon God.

With Xiaoli's great help, Ying Changge was able to liven up his life and suppressed every move of the God of War.

Taking the lead, taking the lead in attacking, Ying Changge was not stingy at all in the battle with the God of War.

Especially in the confrontation with the God of War, Ying Changge's swordsmanship is becoming more and more superb and very flexible.

Quickly resisting, avoiding the left and right, the Bing Demon God can only helplessly hug his head.

If they can't resist the swords of Ying Changge and Xiao Li, I'm afraid the Bing Demon God will be buried in this place.

Anger turned into anger, resentment shot, the eyes of the soldier demon flashed with a very fierce murderous intent.

Staring at Ying Changge without blinking, he shot in resentment, he waved hard, trying to suppress Ying Changge.

His fists are fierce, and the attack of the warrior demon is so fast, and he is full of power under such a fight.

If he can't stop the heavy blow of this evil thing, the God of Soldiers and Demons is afraid that it will sweep the world again.

Carrying a heavy responsibility, Ying Changge knows his responsibilities, so he will continue to attack.

Suppressing the demon **** of soldiers and restricting his whereabouts, Ying Changge stared at his every move intently.

Otherwise, the Demon God of War cannot be restrained, and Ying Changge will see everything in the world become lifeless.

He continued to shoot and attack quickly, in order to completely kill the God of War.

This is a kind of repression of the situation, Ying Changge and Xiao Li combine the two swords, and his offensive is very brave and fearless.

If you can't kill the Demon God of War, Ying Changge will be heavier and more cumbersome, which is not good.

Thanks to Xiaoli's great help, she made continuous shots from the side, and the sword energy swept the thousands of troops.

Being attacked by the enemy on the back and belly, the Bing Demon God was beaten badly by Ying Changge and Xiao Li, and was scarred for a while.

Ying Changge and Xiao Li are not mediocre people, they did their best to deter this evil.

He didn't want to waste time like this, so his strength was already fast-paced, stabbing the Demon God of War.

The sword is drawn and the momentum is menacing, under such a fight, it is impossible to completely kill Ying Changge.

Having already seen the figure of the demon warrior fighting aggressively, Ying Changge was very calm and raised his arms.

The sword edge ran rampant, and suddenly fell on the body of the soldier demon, trying to eradicate him.

The Demon God of Soldiers had had enough of fighting, so he guarded his arms in front of him, blocking Ying Changge's sword.

With a ping-pong sound, Jian Feng only left a trace on the arm of the God of War, but it did not cause serious injuries.

With a grim smile, he stared at Ying Changge intently, the Bing Demon God wanted to break his arm.

Ying Changge is very dexterous, he knows how to dodge to avoid such a fight.

When the fist of the soldier demon was about to hit Ying Changge, he quickly avoided and left the place.

boom! The mighty and heavy fist hit the ground at once, but it was unable to kill Ying Changge.

Dodging calmly, Ying Changge brushed past the fist of the God of War, and he was unharmed.

Raising his sword and continuing to attack bravely, Ying Changge tried to continue to inflict heavy damage on the Demon God of Soldiers.

But the Demon God of Soldier was completely alert, and he was vigilant against Ying Changge's killer move.

Especially Ying Changge's sword edge direction, this kind of fight is fierce, fast like a gust of wind and like lightning.

Concentratingly, staring at Ying Changge's every move, the God of Soldiers and Demons concentrates on defense.

Breaking open everything around, the **** of soldiers swept away thousands of troops, trying to destroy a mess here.

The offensive of Ying Changge's action (Wang Wang's) was blocked for a while, and the Bing Demon God will be very safe.

Unable to escape from the Demon God of War, Ying Changge fell into a fierce battle and continued to kill him.

Xiao Li would not sit idly by, she came from a distance and approached from one direction.

When Ying Changge and Bingmo Shen were caught in a fierce battle, it was when Xiao Li came to rescue the scene.

Chiyou's sword was fierce and powerful, and he was so powerful and swift that he approached the Demon God of War.

A bunch of guys can't kill themselves, so the combat power of the warrior **** is very powerful.

Therefore, the Demon God of War continued to attack incessantly, in order to completely kill Ying Changge.

Chapter 560 Long Yin Hu Xiao, very irritable!

The Demon God of War was just staring at Ying Changge with all his attention, but he didn't notice Xiao Li behind him.

Xiao Li came very quickly, and the sword in her hand stabbed swiftly, hitting the Demon God of War.

Chiyou Sword is powerful.

boom! After being beaten to the ground, the God of Soldiers almost fell to his knees on the ground, very embarrassed.

Anger turned into anger, the soldier demon scolded angrily, opened his palms, and tried to capture Ying Changge.

As long as Ying Changge is crushed alive, the Warrior Demon God can have one less enemy, which is very effective.

His fists attacked quickly, especially aiming at Ying Changge, and they continued to attack.

Once he is hit, I am afraid that he will die completely and become two halves directly.

In such a battle between you and me, Ying Changge's figure swiftly avoided, staying away from the God of War.

Only Soldier Demon God 660 was still aggressively attacking. In order to kill Ying Changge, he threw out his fists.

The fists alternated and swayed vigorously, the ground swayed and slapped, the ground shook and the mountains almost broke.

Fortunately, the cooperation between Ying Changge and Xiao Li is so clear, they know very well what to do at this moment.

When the Demon God of Soldiers attacked Ying Changge, Xiao Li attacked from behind, piercing the sword in his hand.

puff! Jian Feng did not enter the body of the Demon God, causing him to scream in pain, very resentful.

With a mighty shot and a forceful counterattack, his stout arm immediately hit Xiao Li.

Because he was attacked by Xiao Li, he was very resentful and wanted to crush her.

Xiao Li's figure was very dexterous, and he quickly retreated, already letting go of the fist of the Demon God of War.

The fist was not on Xiao Li's body, she was not in a hurry, and she was not in a hurry when facing the Demon God of War.

Holding the Chiyou Sword, she quickly retreated, and she disappeared on the ground in a blink of an eye.

The tree trunks on the top of the mountain are crooked, but they can still provide appropriate cover and cover for Xiao Li.

Therefore, after only running a few steps, Xiao Li hid behind the tree trunk, avoiding the soldier demon.

Eyes widened, the Demon God of War lost Xiao Li's whereabouts, and he became even more angry and violent.

When Xiao Li stepped back, Ying Changge, who was very tacit with her, knew that it was time to let herself play.

In a hurry, he avoided the heavy attack of the Bing Demon God. Xiao Li was very safe and had no worries about his life.

Seeing how the Demon God of War and Xiao Li were fighting, Ying Changge also rushed up chatteringly and tried to fight back.

After seeing Xiao Li get up because of this, Ying Changge did not spare any effort to attack, and went to kill the Demon God of Soldiers.

The sword in his hand is very fast, always running rampant, and then hits the body of the God of War.

Flick left and right. Being attacked on the back and belly, in this short period of time, the Demon God of War has been unable to control the situation.

Facing Xiao Li who suddenly disappeared, the Bing Demon God can only focus all his attention on Ying Changge (afej).

Ying Changge stepped out quickly, and released the sword energy vigorously, which filled the surroundings and was aggressive.

Because he was keeping an eye on Xiao Li, the Bing Demon God didn't notice Ying Changge's approach, which was a very dangerous thing.

Ying Changge's sword was immediately released bravely and stabbed him, leaving him scarred.

The Soldier Demon God was in great pain. He was so resentful and roared loudly, like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring, very irritable.

Standing in front of the God of War at close range, he could feel the shocking sound, which was very intense.

Unable to control it for a while, Ying Changge had to cover his ears and step back.

The roar was piercing and heart-piercing, and the roar of the Soldier Demon God was full of anger and madness.

It is precisely because of this that Ying Changge is unwilling to let this dangerous guy continue to live.

Even if the Warrior Demon God wanted to defeat Ying Changge, he had to do everything he could.

Otherwise, under such a battle between you and me, Ying Changge will defeat the demon gods one by one.

The faster the figure is, the faster the sword in his hand is. This is the strength of nature.

In particular, Ying Changge's skills are superb, a group of people will never die like this, and they will be shattered naturally.

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