As if the sky had been pierced and torn apart, the world-shattering noise that erupted spread far into the distance.

The two forces created friction.

Visible to the naked eye.

This soul-like dragon swim that Luna broke out is now shattering and disintegrating.


It could not withstand the shock wave of terror that Ying Changge erupted.

Soul Xi Longyou couldn't get close to Ying Changge's body at all, so it was crushed by the shock wave on the spot and scattered.

The difference in power is simply too great!

Even if Moon God Gui is a master of martial arts, this is still the top onmyo technique she burst out with all her strength.

even so.

Her soul wanders like a dragon, but she still can't stop Ying Changge's Shen Luo Tianzheng!


Another deafening voice sounded.

Just below the friction of the two forces, the soil is constantly crumbling, as if unable to withstand the friction of the two forces, and constantly shattering and splitting.


The huge secret room was shaken by force, which produced a series of shock effects.



There are more and more cracks on the ground and more and more dense.

There seems to be an earthquake here!

Within the range of this area, everyone can feel that the floor tiles under their feet are shaking and shaking frantically.


The soul of the moon god, Longyou, was crushed on the spot.

This golden dragon, which contained extremely surging waves, was directly smashed by the shock wave, turned into countless gas fragments, scattered and danced in the air.

The broken golden dragon turned into golden halos, like fragments scattered all over the sky, which is pleasing to the eye.

And the shock wave that Ying Changge erupted also stretched dozens of meters away, rolling Luna's smooth purple hair and sky blue clothes.

The air wave blew, rolling the hair of the Moon God, she subconsciously took a half step back, her beautiful eyes were full of horror and stared at Ying Changge in front of her.

Her beautiful eyes hidden under the translucent veil were full of emotions such as horror, shock, and disbelief.


She never dreamed of it.

Soul Xi Longyou, who burst out with all his strength, was resolved so easily.

Or break it down with your bare hands!

All of this has really subverted the world view of Luna.

She can't take it in her life. (afej)

The powerful ultimate move that she is most proud of is being resolved so easily by people today.

Luna, whose purple hair was constantly blown by the air, had a pretty and charming face full of sluggishness and astonishment, and his fair face was full of confusion.

"Has, been cracked?!"

"Soul Xilongyou..."

"Is it blocked so easily?"

"Even, Seventh Young Master hasn't even moved his footsteps from beginning to end."

"One hand blocked the soul Xilongyou that burst out with all my strength."

"how can that be?!"

Moon God's eyes widened.

At this moment, what she witnessed with her own eyes was seriously impacting her heart.

She had a hunch.

The seventh son is very strong!

But she could never predict.

The seventh son, Ying Changge, is actually so powerful!

Blocked her full blow with one hand!

what does that mean?

Obviously the same cultivation realm...

The opponent is a martial arts master.

Likewise, she is also a martial arts master!


The strength of the other party can actually lead her so much? !

This is totally unreasonable!

Seventh Young Master is too monster!

Under the same realm, you don't even have the qualifications to shake the opponent?

Luna couldn't help but doubt life.

Although this has been expected for a long time, when the moment of reality is really faced.

She couldn't help but doubt herself.

"Is this a monster?"


Luna stared at Ying Changge's figure with lingering fears.

Look around.

She looked at the environment around Ying Changge's feet again.

The whole land was destroyed beyond recognition!

Full of holes!


The dilapidated terrain here is simply shocking.

Seeing this, Luna finally understood why her Soul Xi Longyou was broken.


The power that Seventh Young Master had just erupted was actually powerful enough to easily destroy the terrain!

By contrast.

Her outburst of soul and dragon travel seemed a bit ridiculous.

"Compared to the power that the seventh son broke out."

"The Soul Xilongyou, who burst out with all my strength, is simply vulnerable to a single blow."

"Is this the terrifying power under the control of the Seventh Young Master?"

"Strongly outrageous!"

"After breaking into the martial arts master from the late Xiantian, the strength of the seventh son has become even more terrifying countless times."

"The Seventh Young Master now is obviously thousands of times stronger than when he was dealing with the Star Soul at that time. It's completely different."

"And I actually chose to offend the Seventh Young Master who has become so powerful?"

"I'm just crazy!"

Luna panicked.

She had never been so panicked in her life as she is today.

Chapter 361 Ying Changge vs. Luna! One-shot kill! 【Please customize】

Luna's character has always been very elegant.



Don't take the world in your eyes.

Wherever he goes, Luna is the most eye-catching.

at the same time.

When encountering anything, Luna is confident that he can deal with it calmly.

Her state of mind is very calm and calm.


She faced what was happening in front of her.


Her calm demeanor was deeply moved by her feelings and gaffes.

only because……

The strength of Ying Changge in front of her was far beyond her imagination, which made her feel gaffe and panic, and even felt at a loss.

Luna in this state is quite rare.

In the past, it was in the eyes of all Yin-Yang disciples, and in the minds of countless martial arts practitioners.

The right protector of the Yin-Yang family, the Moon God, is not only a mysterious and powerful woman, but also an existence that can penetrate people's hearts and control everything in her hands!


Want to see Luna panic?


too difficult!

Difficult to reach the sky!

But just when facing Ying Changge, Luna lost his composure very rarely, no longer as graceful and calm as before, only a deep panic and fear remained.

the other side.

When they saw Ying Changge and the moon **** fighting each other, Jing Tianming and Gao Yue were dumbfounded.

What is a summit match?

That's it!

"Good, very strong!"

"They are all so strong!"

"It's just a showdown of tricks, but it's enough to forcibly destroy the topography of the scene."

"What amazing power is this?"


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