She has been completely ignored by Ying Changge.

"Master, please raise your hand."

"In this case, the Yin Yang family will give Young Master a satisfactory price."


After thinking for a moment, Luna's face turned serious.

As can be seen.

She is already determined to save Gao Yue and bring Gao Yue back to the Yin Yang family.

Even if she faced Ying Changge face to face, she couldn't make her back down, and she couldn't make her give up the task explained by Dong Huang Taiyi this time.

"Give me a satisfactory price?"

"That sounds very good."

A smile appeared on Ying Changge's face.

Shouldn't it be over already?

Equivalent exchange!


In this case, it's not that he can't keep Gao Yue alive.

It doesn't hurt anyway.

What he couldn't bear was that the Moon God used his power to overwhelm people and wanted to play the white wolf with empty gloves.


Luna took the initiative to lower his posture, and he would pay the corresponding price to take away Gao Yue, which was very appealing to Ying Changge.

"So, son, did you agree?"

Luna breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

to be frank.

Negotiating and confronting Ying Changge put a lot of pressure on her.

After seeing that Xinghun was severely injured, she was not confident that she could defeat the Ying Changge in front of her.

If there is no conflict, this is obviously the best outcome in her opinion.


If it is a last resort, Luna doesn't mind negotiating by force!

Even for the noble and prominent Seventh Young Master, he would not hesitate.

As you can imagine.

She is a must for Gao Yue!

Even at the risk of offending Ying Changge, it was acceptable to her.

"It's okay to take a person."

"Take two? That would be difficult."

Ying Changge's mouth moved slightly.


Moon God raised his brows.


She looked at Gao Yue.

The conversation between the two did not deliberately lower their voices to cover up.

But when he saw Luna's gaze, Gao Yue immediately understood what the other party was thinking.


She shook her head very stubbornly: "I must leave with Tianming, otherwise I will never leave Organ City, and you will never want to leave with me."

"If Tianming doesn't come with me, I'd rather die in Organ City!"

Seeing Gao Yue's stubborn expression, Luna felt a headache.


Jing Tianming was impatient: "Yue'er, you are confused, you should follow her and leave here. I don't need you to care, and you don't need to worry about me."

Gao Yue shook his head: "Tianming, you don't need to say, I will definitely take you away alive."

Looked up.

Gao Yue looked directly at the Moon God with stubborn eyes.

What she meant to say was very obvious.

Seeing this, Luna couldn't help turning his head again, looking at Ying Changge, and thinking for a while before opening his mouth: "Young Master, how about handing over these two to me at the same time?"

"I will report to His Excellency Donghuang, and let the Yin and Yang family pay you the price of the same price."


"To you, Young Master, these two are just minor characters to kill."

"Giving them to the Yin Yang family will never have any negative impact on you, son."

Hearing this, Ying Changge was thoughtful.

Sounds and feels good too.

It's not impossible.

"What kind of price can your Yin-Yang family pay?"

Ying Changge was curious.

"It will definitely satisfy you, son!"

"I will try my best to persuade His Excellency Donghuang."

The Moon God's tone was solemn and serious.

"If that's the case, then take these two away."

After thinking twice, Ying Changge acted very casually.

Since the Moon God is willing to pay the price for these two people in exchange for their lives.

Why isn't Ying Changge happy?


to him.

The two were really just two corpses.

Keeping their lives is completely harmless, and it will not affect him.

Those who cannot improve the degree of template fusion are just meaningless little characters for Ying Changge.



Jing Tianming and Gao Yue are both such minor characters.

"Yue'er, thank you."

Jing Tianming burst into tears.

He was in a desperate situation, and he couldn't describe the mood at the moment in words.

"Tianming, we can survive."

Gao Yue burst into tears.

"Master, then I won't disturb your elegance too much."

Luna was about to leave with Gao Yue and Jing Tianming.

at this time.

Gao Yue suddenly raised her head and looked at Ying Changge, as if relying on the courage and confidence that the Moon God brought her.

She gritted her teeth and said firmly: "Give me back what belongs to me!"


Moon God was surprised.

Seventh son will also take a little girl's belongings?

What kind of item can actually attract the son to do this?

"Phantom Sound Treasure Box!"

Gao Yue told the truth.



Luna's pupils shrank slightly.


She immediately turned her head and looked at Ying Changge next to her.

She couldn't help but blurted out in a terrified mood, "Young Master, is the Phantom Sound Treasure Box really in your hands?"


The smile on Ying Changge's face faded.

He regained his expressionless expression and slowly took out a crimson wooden box from his arms, which is the Phantom Sound Treasure Box.

Holding the Phantom Sound Treasure Box in his hand, Ying Changge's face was flat, "Want?"

Moon God's beautiful eyes flickered, unable to contain the longing in his heart: "Young Master, this is a treasure passed down from generation to generation by the Yin-Yang family, but it was a pity that it was lost hundreds of years ago."


"Today, I actually found it."

"Can you ask your son to return the Phantom Sound Treasure Box to its original owner? This object is of great significance to our Yin-Yang family and is very important."

The words fall.

Ying Changge suddenly laughed.


"It's so interesting!"

"You guys are really interesting!"

Ying Changge laughed wildly, and the laughter spread in the huge secret room.

Do not know why.

Seeing Ying Changge like this, Luna had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Not waiting for Luna to speak.

Ying Changge's smile stopped abruptly, and she asked with a playful face: "Do you think you can make an inch in front of me? First, Gao Yue was taken away, and then Jing Tianming..."


"Even the spoils that belong to me, I want to win the empty-glove White Wolf!"

"Do you really think that I can't do anything about you?"

"Or rather."

"Do you really think I'm a soft persimmon? Can you do whatever you want?"

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