Must be fake!

this kid...

Must be lying!

"This joke is not funny at all~".

Master Ban's eyes were fixed on Ying Changge, his tone was stiff and cold.

not difficult to see.

He didn't believe what Ying Changge said.

only because.

If the Mojia Organ City was really broken by the other party, then the matter would be too subversive.

A young man at such a young age, the other party can break through the city alone?

is it possible?

The class master has never been able to accept it.

The other party is too young!

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a grandmaster who can break through the city.

No matter how talented the genius is, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a terrifying feat.

If it was what the other party did...

Then there is no way to describe each other with genius.





"You think this is a joke?"

"What poor self-esteem! Your self-esteem makes you unable to accept this fact?"


Ying Changge burst out laughing.

"It can't be you!"

Master Class is still firm on this point.

"Then how do you explain what happened just now?"

"Could it be..."

"The organs you used to block me just now were suddenly damaged by themselves?"

Ying Changge smiled playfully.

Hearing this, Master Class's expression froze.


How to explain what just happened?

The mechanism that I thought could stop the opponent for at least half an hour was easily broken and disintegrated by the opponent.

For a time, the class master couldn't find a reasonable excuse at all.

Or rather.

There was no excuse at all to convince himself.

"Can't think of a reason to refute?"

With the silence of Master Class, the smile on Ying Changge's face became even brighter.

Want to beat someone.

There are many ways.

The easiest one is...

From the place that the other party is most proud of, forcibly crush the other party's confidence and pride.

Just like this moment.

Ying Changge was about to crush the pride in Master Class's heart.

Destroy the self-esteem of the class master!

In the field of mechanical techniques, which Master Class is most proud of, he forcibly trampled the opponent's dignity on the ground and rubbed it.

This is the best way to defeat Master Class.

Forcibly destroy the other's pride and confidence.

"`〃No way!"

"You can't shake my faith."

Class Master is still very stubborn.


His confidence has also begun to shake violently.

Is all this true?

Is it as the other party said?

The Organ City, which had spent hundreds of years of the Mo family's efforts, was really attacked from the front by a young man in his weak crown?

It always sounds like a dream!


"The Office City has spent countless efforts and hundreds of years of efforts by the Mohist giants of all dynasties to finally make it look like this."

"How could it be broken down by such a young kid?"

Master Class kept shaking his head.

(Mano's) He tried to deny these startling thoughts in his mind.


Very helpless.

He couldn't suppress these constant thoughts at all.


He just saw it too.

The scene where the opponent breaks the mechanism here!

"Organ City..."

"Is it really broken by this young kid?"

"Standing in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years, was this broken by a kid?"

"What the **** is going on here?"

Class Master's mentality collapsed.

How many generations did it take to build the city?

How many generations of Mojia giants have been improved?


It is impossible for an outsider to break through the city.

But today's army.

Known as an impossible city to break through, it was not only broken by outsiders.

The scariest thing is...

The person who broke through the city was still a young man under the age of twenty!

This is the most unbelievable part of the class master.

Chapter 345 Doubts about life on the spot! Kill the class master in seconds! 【Please customize】

"Now, you probably understand."

"How ridiculous is what you did just now?"

"Want to use the mechanism here to trap me?"

"Don't you think this is a very funny thing?"

Ying Changge kept smiling.

Hearing this, Master Class's throat was dry, and his face was pale and bloodless.

He was speechless.

Because he really thinks so.

Even the organs of the outer passage of the city can't stop this monster!

And he was ridiculously misunderstood.

Using these organs in the secret room, can you trap the other party for at least half an hour?

How ridiculous is this?

Recalling what happened before, Master Class felt a deep sense of frustration and despair.

turn out to be……

The most ridiculous person is himself!

"What did I just do?"

"I actually think for the first time, using these organs in the secret room can stop a monster that has broken through the city of organs?"

"I must be crazy!"

Master Class doubts life.

His eyes were dull and lost.

The truth that Ying Changge took the initiative to tell completely overturned the worldview of Master Class.

The one who has been searching for a long time, the terrifying existence that broke through the city.

Just around the corner!

Knowing the truth about doing things, not only did not let go, but it was even more embarrassing.

Ying Changge is too young!

so that.

Class Master 490 can't even think of breaking his head.

How did the other party manage to break through the city?

Such an impregnable fortress, what method did the opponent use to break through?

And it's only used, and it's still less than half an hour's short time!

Just by the sound of it, the class masters felt that this was seriously unreasonable.

Beside the class master.

Master Xu was also in a state of extreme confusion.

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