As strong as the Sword Saint Genie, they were all severely injured.

can only say.

The strength of this monster in front of him has reached an unimaginable level.

Especially the martial arts performed by the other party, they used to ask Sosven!

Weird and unpredictable!

Hard to guard against!

"This time, it's completely planted."

"The arduous task of reviving the state of Chu..."

"It's shattered!"

Xiang Shaoyu shook his head with a dead face, and let out a strong sigh.

He shoulders the arduous responsibility of reviving the state of Chu.


He doesn't think so.

He still has the opportunity to accomplish this task.

Now he is facing a huge death crisis!

This desperate situation...

Ten dead!

"Shaoyu, are you alright?"

Jing Tianming dragged his aching body and couldn't help but ask.

"I can't die for a while."

"But visually, I'm going to die soon..."

"That monster won't let us go."

Xiang Shaoyu stared straight ahead with despair in his eyes.

The young figure in white clothes was unscathed from beginning to end, even spotless.

where the opponent is.

The earth crumbles and collapses on all sides!

One after another cracks and cracks spread, spreading in all directions like spider webs.

And in this dilapidated terrain, this young figure in white clothes is particularly eye-catching and aloof!

Under the desperate gazes of Xiang Shaoyu, Duanmu Rong and others.

I see.

Ying Changge slowly raised his right arm, his palm facing Duanmurong and Xiang Shaoyu.

The corners of his mouth moved slightly.

"Gravity · Vientiane Tianyin!"


A terrifying gravitational force enveloped the bodies of Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu on the spot, tens of meters away.

Pulled by the majestic gravitational force, the bodies of the two suddenly rose into the air, and at an extremely alarming speed, they kept flying backwards and approaching Ying Changge.

"It's over!"

Xiang Shaoyu's thoughts were burning.

He had lost all hope.

He was seriously injured and didn't even have the strength to struggle.

He could only watch helplessly.

His body was pulled by gravity, and he kept getting closer to Ying Changge, but he couldn't resist.

Duanmurong is the same.

"Sister Duanmu!"


Gao Yue's worried screams came from behind.


The two were already close at hand, floating in front of Ying Changge.

Due to the gravitational pull, the two of them never fell.

next second.

Ying Changge stretched out his arms and directly grabbed Xiang Shaoyu and Duan 4.9 Mu Rong's necks from left to right, keeping their lives in the palm of his hand.

Just a thought...

You can lead the life and death of these two!


Duanmurong and Xiang Shaoyu's faces turned red, their necks were firmly locked, which caused them to be extremely hypoxic, and their minds became blank.

Those who were strangled by their necks felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to breathe, and their feet that had never landed kept struggling and swaying, but they could not break free from the shackles of their necks.

I wanted to speak, but couldn't say it for a while.

The survival response stemmed from the body's instinct, causing Duanmurong and Xiang Shaoyu to struggle constantly.


Their lives have been completely controlled by Ying Changge!

And from start to finish...

From the moment I set foot in this secret room.

Ying Changge didn't make much movement.

He just stood there quietly, enough to sweep the audience effortlessly! .

Chapter 328 One move! One trick to conquer! despair! 【Please customize】

one move!

Once again subdued Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu!

Because the repulsive force of the Shen Luo Tianzheng outbreak was too terrifying, the current Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu were unable to recover from their serious injuries.


After being grabbed by Ying Changge's neck with one hand, the two of them could only struggle constantly, their faces flushed, but they could not break free.

With their necks locked, Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu became more and more distracted, with bloodshot eyes all over their eyes, their faces flushed, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.

this moment.

They smelled death at the same time.

away from death...

Just one step away!

The breath of death enveloped their bodies.

For the first time, Xiang Shaoyu faced death at such a close distance.

He never dreamed of it.

In the end, he was actually killed alone!


"This is destiny."

"I should have destroyed the state of Chu together."

Xiang Shaoyu was burning with all his thoughts, and countless thoughts floated through his head.


From a young age, high hopes were placed on him, and he was entrusted with the arduous mission and responsibility of reviving the state of Chu.

He shoulders this responsibility and accompanies Xiang Shaoyu's growth all the way.

He didn't dare to waste a quarter of an hour, and continued to train hard in order to complete this mission that he had shouldered since he was young.

For this mission, Xiang Shaoyu devoted most of his life.

He didn't live for himself for a quarter of an hour.


About to face death, Xiang Shaoyu finally got his wish and was able to let go of these missions.

these years.

He was almost completely overwhelmed by these arduous missions.


He still held on!

In order to revive the state of Chu, he gave everything.

"If I die."

"The state of Chu will also be completely destroyed."

"There is no such thing as the revival of the Chu State again."

Xiang Shaoyu was distracted.

The tingling sensation in his body reminded him all the time.

He was about to die.

The terrifying shock wave just now caused him an extremely painful injury on the spot.

so that.

Let him not even have the strength to struggle now.

"It's not too bad to die in the hands of this monster."

"The blood of the royal family of Chu flows through me..."

"I, deserved to die on the battlefield."

Xiang Shaoyu was already mentally prepared for death.

Even in the face of death, he has no fear.

As early as the day he rushed to the battlefield in person.

He had expected.

One day, he will also die at the hands of the enemy just like the Chu troops he led.

And today.

This is the moment when all this is fulfilled.

"bring it on!"

Xiang Shaoyu's face flushed red, with bloodshot eyes on the corners of his mouth, his eyes fixed on Ying Changge.

beside him.

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