The seventh son in front of him is the real powerhouse!

There was no action in the whole process, but it was still strong enough to shock all personnel in all directions!

The strong deserve it!



This is Bai Feng's impression of the power that a real powerhouse should possess.

Even if you compare it with Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization, it is far inferior!

"Seventh Young Master's power is too strong!"

"Only one person, shocking all the anti-Qin elements in the audience!"

Meng Tian was excited.

the other side.

Shao Siming, Yu Ziqi, Shi Lan and the others flickered in their eyes as they watched Ying Changge's retreating back, their expressions full of awe.

in the eyes of the crowd.

Ying Changge traversed the entire battlefield!

From the east of the battlefield, all the way across the west!


A spacious and empty road was created directly with the place Ying Changge passed.

No one dared to approach!

The entire battlefield was easily penetrated by Ying Changge.

The scariest thing is...

He didn't make a move during the whole process.

The terrifying deterrent power alone is enough to make those anti-Qin elements retreat, take the initiative to give way, and let Ying Changge pass through here smoothly.

Chapter 311 Deterring the audience! The fierce battle broke out! 【Please customize】

"These guys..."

"It's very interesting."

"I originally thought that I should warm up a little and kill a few people to stand up."

"I didn't expect that they would give up a path so wisely."

"It does save me - a little time."

Ying Changge smiled and thought to herself.

There was hardly anyone blocking him wherever he went, allowing him to easily and quickly traverse the entire passage here.

If no one stops him, he will naturally not make a move.

after all.

He never forgot.

His main target is Xiang Shaoyu, the future overlord of Western Chu.

As for these so-called anti-Qin elements?

Then leave it to Meng Tian and the others to deal with.

Ying Changge didn't want to waste too much unnecessary time on these irrelevant people.

Even if these people were killed, it would not be able to give Ying Changge an improvement in the integration of the template.


His goal has always been Xiang Shaoyu!

Even the leader of the Mo family was not Ying Changge's primary target.


After walking out of the battlefield, Ying Changge paused for a moment.


He turned around slowly, facing the direction of the battlefield behind.

Notice his actions at the moment.

All the anti-Qin elements on the battlefield, including the commander of the Mo family, Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng and his swordsman Gai Nie, felt a tremendous pressure.

This pressure only comes from Ying Changge alone!

Just one person is enough to give all the anti-Qin elements in the audience a huge sense of oppression!

This is the strength that Ying Changge showed, and the terror and deterrence it caused to all the anti-Qin elements on the scene.

"These guys..."

"I'll leave it to you, General Meng Tian, ​​to deal with it."

"And I, there is one more important thing to do in person."

The corners of Ying Changge's mouth moved slightly, and she whispered to herself.

Finished talking.

He turned around again, took steps without hesitation, and gradually left the battlefield.

The direction he is going now is to rush to the most core area in the Mojia Organ City!

Under the domineering investigation at the perfect level, he was able to clearly understand most of the architectural structures of the great Mo Family where he was currently.


How to find Xiang Shaoyu?

He already had detailed plans and arrangements in his mind.

Watching the back of Ying Changge drifting away, the expressions of several Mo clan leaders on the battlefield changed slightly.

They looked at each other, their eyes full of anger.

"This guy, doesn't he want to find Master Class and them?!"

Robber Zhi couldn't help but blurted out.

"Not good!"

Snow Maiden bit her pink lips.

"No matter what his purpose is, we have nothing to stop him."

"It's just weird..."

"We are too weak!"

"So, the top priority is to solve the Qin army in front of us. The terrifying strength of that monster is far from being distracted and blocked."

"You should all be well aware of this."

Gao Jianli calmed down a little and sighed helplessly.

Hearing this, Roof Zhi and Xue Nu could only be silent.


As Gao Jianli said.

Even if you know clearly that the other party's purpose is to target the class masters and the others in the core area of ​​Organ City, what can they do?

Can they stop each other?


This is a terrifying existence that even Sword Saint Genie can severely damage!

How can they stop each other's footsteps?

The only person who is qualified to block the opponent from the front is the Sword Saint Gai Nie.

"We are too weak!"

"I'm really unhappy!"

"Watching helplessly, this **** guy broke into the core hinterland of our Machine City."

"Even, Master Class, they may be miserable, but we can't do anything about it."

Robber Zhi gritted his teeth, looking unwilling.

"As long as we defeat the Qin army in front of us, that's victory!"

"The rest, we'll make plans after we've repelled the Qin army."

Gao Jianli slowly raised the Shuihan sword in his hand, and stared at Bai Feng with sharp eyes.

"you're right."

Robber Zhi restrained his mind and concentrated on preparing to deal with the enemy in front of him.

"I hope Master Class and the others can protect themselves and never run into that monster."


"That's it!"

Snow Maiden could only pray silently in her heart.

No one could have imagined.

Ying Changge's goal, from the beginning to the end, is not the high-level Mo clan like Master Class.



Xiang Shaoyu!

This point, even Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng could not think of it.


Even Meng Tian, ​​Meng Ying, and Shao Siming, who have been following Ying Changge's side, are absolutely unpredictable.

My son's goal...

Turned out to be a teenager? !

If Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng and the others knew that their young master Xiang Shaoyu had already been targeted by an extremely terrifying monster at this moment.

I'm afraid...

They may be about to jump over the wall on the spot.

Xiang Shaoyu is the key to the revival of Chu State!

At least.

In their eyes, only Xiang Shaoyu has the qualifications to revive the state of Chu.

As you can imagine.


The importance of Xiang Shaoyu to them.


No one could have predicted that a terrifying existence that was powerful enough to severely injure Sword Saint Genie would even target a young man in his weak crown!

After a while.

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