The living beings who appeared in front of them were obviously the anti-Qin elements gathered together!

As for why these people appear at the same time?

You don't need to think to know the answer.

These people are just waiting for the intruder!

That is...

To wait for them!

They are the intruders!

"Have all the anti-Qin elements gathered here?"

"That's fine, it saves you wasting time trying to defeat them one by one."

"Destroying these anti-Qin elements all at once is a worry-free and labor-saving thing."

Ying Changge had a smile on her face, and she already had a plan in her heart.

Seeing and hearing the domineering sweep away...

Immediately, he realized the specific number of these anti-Qin elements.

"Close to 10,000 anti-Qin elements? It's a huge force."

"To be able to condense so many anti-Qin elements at one time, all of them gathered in the Mojia City. It seems that the Mojia's appeal in the arena is still quite strong."

"But unfortunately..."

"From today onwards, looking at the rivers and lakes, there will be no Mo family!"

"There is no so-called anti-Qin alliance!"

Since this group of anti-Qin elements have been waiting here for a long time.

Ying Changge thinks.

He should also take the initiative to greet each other.

"Master, what did you find?"

Meng Tian quickly came to Ying Changge's side and noticed the change in the latter's face.

Hearing this, Ying Changge told the truth: "The Mo family and other anti-Qin elements have already begun to join forces, and they are in the open area in front, waiting for our arrival."

Suddenly, Meng Tian frowned.

But soon.

His furrowed brows eased away, and a playful smile appeared on his face: "I really look forward to the moment when I meet them."

The mere anti-Qin elements, this is the rhythm of taking the initiative to confront the imperial army?

That being the case...

Let them get their wish there!

"Is this the inner hinterland of the Mojia Organ City?"

Everyone who walked out of the passage looked around at the surrounding environment.

This is a place like a paradise...

Birds and flowers!

High mountains and flowing water!

The breeze was blowing, and there was a faint fragrance in the air.

Surrounded by mountains.

And the central area of ​​the mountains is the core hinterland of the Mojia Organ City!

It is precisely because of the surrounding mountains that the city is easy to defend and difficult to attack. As a result, the city of Mojia has stood in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years without falling down at all.

The reason here.

Except for the fact that the organs of the Mojia Organ City itself are very dangerous and powerful.

The more factor is that the city is built on a steep cliff and surrounded by mountains, which makes its geographical location very strange.

Due to the peculiar geographical location, outside intruders have absolutely no way to do anything, and there is absolutely no way to try to break through the Mo Family's Organ City.

It is extremely difficult to break through the Mojia Organ City from the front!

However, it was still done by Ying Changge alone.

This is an amazing feat that spans the ages!

"General Meng Tian, ​​let's go."

"These anti-Qin elements have been waiting here for a long time."

"As guests, we can't keep them waiting for a long time."

Ying Changge said with a smile.

"Your son is right."

"It would be disrespectful to keep the host waiting for a long time."

"We, on behalf of the empire, must not lose our courtesy."

Meng Tian laughed loudly.


Under the leadership of Ying Changge, the group is constantly approaching the place where the anti-Qin alliance in front is waiting.

Chapter 286 Inside the Organ City! The war begins! 【Please customize】

With Ying Changge's arrogance and domineering perfection, of course, he was far apart, and he had a clear insight into the body information of the group of anti-Qin elements.


He caught a handful of familiar breaths.

Just like.

Sword Saint Genie!


"Gai Nie, you have joined forces with these anti-Qin elements."

This was not beyond Ying Changge's expectations.

under his investigation.

Among those people, Genie's breath of life was the most terrifying and exuberant.

simply put.

Gai Nie is the strongest among these anti-Qin elements!

There is no doubt about that.


The strength of the number one juggernaut in the world cannot be compared by everyone.


If it was changed a few months ago, Ying Changge might still be afraid of Gai Nie's strength.

but now?

Excuse me!

Now, after the collision with the Great Elder of Shushan, the invincible powerhouse in this world, Ying Changge has deeply realized the horror of his own strength!


The current Genie can no longer give Ying Changge any threat.

In a one-on-one situation, he is not afraid of all the powerhouses in the world!

And Gai Nie is obviously inferior to the invincible powerhouse in the world.

Even the invincible powerhouse in the world can't shake Ying Changge, how could Sword Saint Genie threaten his life?

"Mr. Gai Nie, I'm not what I used to be."

"My strength, compared to the time I met you at that time, is completely incomparable."

"The next meeting, I will definitely give you a big surprise!"

"at the same time."

"Also give the entire Mo family a big surprise!"

Ying Changge had a meaningful smile on his face.

Haven't seen you in a while.

When he met Genie again, his mentality had changed from the beginning.

The current Genie is completely unqualified to threaten Ying Changge.

Unless the two major descendants of the Ghost Valley line up join forces, they will initially have the qualifications to shake him.

A mere Gai Nie is far inferior!

"But since I agreed to Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization, I naturally can't take the initiative to grab people's heads."


"If it's really just a one-on-one situation, then Wei Zhuang has a 90% chance of losing to Gai Nie."

"In the end, I still have to let me personally take action to harvest Genie's life."

Ying Changge thought.

Wei Zhuang is very strong, there is no need to doubt that.


No matter how strong Wei Zhuang is, he will always be inferior to Genie.

In a one-on-one situation, Wei Zhuang has almost no possibility of defeating Gai Nie.


Ying Changge is not worried, Wei Zhuang will kill Gai Nie.

In any case, Wei Zhuang will lose in the end.

in this way.

Ying Changge is also happy to take a look.

The fight between the two descendants of the ghost valley lineage.

After Gai Nie defeated Wei Zhuang, Ying Changge chose to kill Gai Nie.

Although Gai Nie may not improve the degree of template fusion too high, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, and Ying Changge naturally holds the idea of ​​not rejecting anyone who comes.


The main goal is still Xiang Yu!

The future overlord of Western Chu!

He was the first target that Ying Changge had to kill.

Among so many anti-Qin elements, it is also the object that can greatly improve the degree of template fusion.

Of course, Ying Changge couldn't miss each other.

"Except for the life breath of Sword Saint Gai Nie..."

"I seem to have caught a few, which are also somewhat familiar."

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