The organs here were completely broken and disintegrated by Ying Changge alone!

There are thousands of organs, without exception, all of them were destroyed.

Hidden under the floor tiles, as well as the gears on the square wall, all entered a state of stagnation.

That is to say.

Looking at the huge hall around, even if it is trampled at will, there will be no more organs that will be triggered.

only because.

The core organs here have been destroyed by Ying Changge himself.


After completing this goal, Ying Changge slowly turned around.


He spoke directly to Meng Tian and the others who were still in the passage: "You all come in, the organs here will no longer be triggered."

The loud voice spread slowly and spread in all directions.

at the end of the passage.

Meng Tian and Meng Ying were stunned.


what's going on?

Did you hear it wrong?

This has cracked all the organs here? !

Seventh Young Master clearly set foot in the second place, and the whole journey is less than half an hour!

That is to say.

In half a quarter of an hour, Young Master, he has completely destroyed thousands of Mohist institutions? !

real or fake?

Shouldn't this be a dream?

Both father and son were stunned.

Standing beside them, Gong Zuoqiu was also shocked.

He widened his eyes and looked at Ying Changge's figure with shock on his face.

"Me, my God!"

"Did I have hallucinations~"?"

"Seventh son, he let us in?"

"Doesn't that mean."

"All the organs here have been completely destroyed by the Seventh Young Master? And can no longer be triggered by others?"

"But, but, how much time has passed?"

"It's only half an hour!"

"In such a short period of time, Seventh Young Master has already destroyed all the organs? This is impossible, right?"

Gong Zuoqiu was stunned.

The time frame he originally expected...

Within half an hour.

Even if the Seventh Young Master is terrifying, it will take at least half an hour to destroy all the organs here.


Facts have subverted the worldview of Gongxieqiu.

He couldn't even dream of it.

Seventh Young Master, it only took half a quarter of an hour to solve it.

Destroy thousands of organs!

The whole process only takes half an hour!

What is this concept?

I can't imagine losing my hatred.

all in all.

Now all of this has completely overturned his previous cognitive scope.


The members of the Quicksand Organization swallowed their saliva involuntarily.

They also looked surprised and shocked.

"Is this solved?"

"Don't you mean that there are at least a thousand kinds of organs hidden?"

"Seventh Young Master spent half an hour and easily destroyed thousands of organs? Is this possible?"

"Such a short time..."

"It's such a shocking move!"

"Oh my God!"

Chi Lian's pink lips moved slightly, and her beautiful eyes were wide and round, revealing the strong sense of shock in her heart.


Bai Feng was also stunned.

real or fake?

In half a quarter of an hour, thousands of organs were solved?

Is that human being?

Just a monster!

Do not!

Monsters are not so scary!

The Mo Family's institution, the extremely dangerous institution in the city, has been destroyed by thousands of people so easily?

be nice...

If this news spreads out, I am afraid that the entire river and lake will be fully detonated!

The extremely dangerous place of the Mojia Organ City was actually used by the Seventh Young Master as a back garden, and he broke all the organs here effortlessly.

"Monster, monster!"

Bai Feng stared blankly at Ying Changge's back.

Rao is as calm as Wei Zhuang, and he is also unavoidably shocked.

"It only took half an hour..."

"It has cracked the thousands of Mohist institutions that Mohist disciples have gathered for hundreds of years of blood."

"It must be fake, right?"

Wei Zhuang was deeply moved, and his eyes were lost for a while.

He was stunned.

The head of the dignified quicksand organization was dumbfounded by the amazing feat of Ying Changge in front of him.

"Master Gongshu, didn't you say it would take at least half an hour?"

A weak voice sounded.


Gongzuoqiu was speechless for a moment.

Where do I know when I ride a horse...

Seventh Young Master can be a monster to such an extent!

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have underestimated Seventh Young Master!

"'What is the concept of cracking thousands of mechanisms in half a quarter of an hour?"

Meng Tian was in a trance.

Shao Siming's beautiful eyes flickered, and the beautiful face hidden under the veil also rippled with waves.

As cold as she was, Ying Changge's amazing feat caused huge emotional waves.

As for the two siblings, Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan, they were even more stunned and stiff on the spot.

who I am?

where am i?

where is this place?

what happened?

The two brothers and sisters were buzzing.

They only felt that the whole worldview was about to collapse.

turn out to be……

There really are such almighty monsters in this world!

At this moment.

They saw it with their own eyes.

The prestigious Mojia Organ City, which contains countless dangerous organs, is not even qualified to put the seventh son in the teeth!

Who can imagine this?

"In just half a quarter of an hour, I managed to forcefully destroy more than a thousand kinds of organs..."

"Dare to ask."

"What kind of evildoing is this?"

"The grandfather is on top, the old man is an eye-opener today."

"In this world..."

"There are really monsters!"

Gong Zuqiu's extremely shocking mood could not calm down for a long time.

At this moment, Ying Changge's behavior is a feat.

In his eyes...

Like a miracle!

Let him, the master of the mechanism, who has almost unrivaled in the world, has to feel a big gaffe.

Everyone present, including Meng Tian, ​​Meng Ying, Wei Zhuang and others, without exception, were still in an extremely shocking emotional state.


A pair of eyes full of shock, awe, and admiration, involuntarily all gathered in the white-robed figure in the front hall, unable to move from it any longer.

Seven sons...

It is worthy of being the number one evildoer in the ages! .

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