"At that time, my brother and I were already in despair. We planned to fight to the death, but we never thought that fate made us meet the mysterious existence you predicted."


Shi Lan then informed the Great Elder about the thrilling deeds of the trip.

After listening to Shi Lan's introduction, the first elder was even more shocked.

"What, what?!"

"You mean to say..."

"The savior of Shushan that I predicted was actually the seventh son of the current empire?!"

"He belongs to the prince of the empire?!"

The elder was stunned.


He was completely unpredictable. The only one who could save Shushan in the prophecy would be the prince who had such a major involvement with the empire!

Everything has overturned the Great Elder's cognition.

"Furthermore, First Elder, that Seventh Young Master's strength is terrifying!"

"Even if I am about the same age, my strength has already reached the level of yours."

"Far beyond ordinary martial arts masters!"

Shi Lan said seriously.


The elder was shocked again.

Just in a weak year, his strength far exceeds that of ordinary martial arts masters? !

Even close to him, an invincible powerhouse with the perfect level of martial arts masters?

how is this possible? !

How could there be such a terrible existence in this world?

"Furthermore, First Elder, this Seventh Young Master and the Yin and Yang Family are also very wrong."

"I believe."

"He must be the only savior of our Shushan!"

"If it is the seventh son, he will definitely be able to save our Shushan from the dire straits."

Shi Lan's pretty face was very firm.

Along the way, she had already seen the horror of Ying Changge.


She wants to believe.

Shushan's current severe situation and huge crisis will definitely not be difficult for the seventh son!

If the other party is willing to rescue, then they will be able to survive this disaster smoothly.

"You let me calm down first."

The first elder exhaled heavily, and couldn't help raising his hand to rub his temples.

only because.

The news that Shi Lan brought back was really shocking.

In just a few days, they actually let the two brothers and sisters find the true master!

The key is……

This righteous master is actually the seventh son of the empire!

Even with the calm psychological bearing ability of the first elder, he was deeply moved by this and lost his composure.

In fact.

For this mysterious existence, whether it can really save Shushan from dire straits.

All this, the elders expressed some doubts in their hearts.

But he can only choose to believe!

after all.

They have only one way to survive in Shushan.

"That Seventh Young Master, is it really as terrifying as you said?"

The elder could not help but ask again.

"Far beyond imagination!"

Shi Lan nodded solemnly.

Her evaluation of Ying Changge is very high!

"I see."

The Great Elder took a deep breath and calmed down a little.


He asked again: "What's going on outside now? Why is it so noisy? Could it be that there's already a fight?"

Shi Lan answered truthfully: "Yes, it has already started. But it is not against the iron cavalry of the empire, but against the seventh son. Our people can't control the anger in their hearts..."

"So, when you see the seventh son."

"`〃Our Shushan disciples released the anger and killing intent in their hearts, and a battle broke out immediately."

"Now, presumably the two sides have already fought in full swing."

Speaking of this, Shi Lan's pretty face was full of anxiety and worry.



"Let's go stop them!"

The elder's pupils shrank slightly, and he quickly made a proposal for the time.

If the two sides really tear their faces.

Then, the situation of Shushan is really dangerous!

"Come on!"


The first elder took Shi Lan, and the two quickly left the Holy Land, heading to the battlefield at the fastest speed.

There was not much time left for him now.

He must seize every moment!

If you don't hurry, stop the fight between the two sides in time.

He worries.

Next, it may really get out of hand.



Depressed atmosphere!


The chilling air swept in all directions.

The Shushan Witchcraft Formation headed by Uncle Yu was thus concluded.

He stood in the central area, stepping on light blue lines under his feet, and the blue lines were connected together to form a mysterious formation like a spider web.

In the four directions of east, west, north and south, there are four top powerhouses in the late innate stage.

The power emanating from the formation became more and more powerful, and the sense of oppression became more and more terrifying.


The entire Shu Mountain seems to be pulled by this formation, and there are traces of faint tremors.

From all directions, eyes have come together.

Thousands of Shushan disciples looked at Ying Changge expectantly, and their eyes did not hide their excitement and anticipation.


from their perspective.

Ying Changge is already in danger!


"The unique witchcraft formation of the Shushan Wu clan?"

"Things have gotten a little bit more interesting."

"This time, I can get my wish, and experience Shushan's characteristic sorcery (good) technique."

"I hope you don't let me down."

Ying Changge showed great interest.

For a moment...


The perfect-level sight-seeing color spreads domineeringly, covering the area of ​​​​300 meters in diameter.


All the main structures, structures, etc. of the entire array cannot escape Ying Changge's insight.

All the secrets will be completely pierced by him!

All secrets, no way to hide!

"This is really a mysterious and infinite witchcraft formation, and it is even more subtle than the Yin-Yang family's Yin-Yang formation."

"If you change to a person who doesn't understand the formation method, even if he is as strong as a martial arts master, he will most likely be trapped and killed!"

Ying Changge felt a little emotional.

Insight into the mystery of this magic formation gave him a general understanding of the power of this formation.

Have to admit.

This sorcery formation is indeed very good.

The many main structures inside it are also very delicately distributed!

"If you meet other martial arts masters, maybe you can really successfully surround and kill each other."

"Only the most unfortunate place is..."

"It just so happens that the person you met was me!"

Ying Changge smiled.

As an ordinary martial arts master, there is absolutely no way to deal with such a subtle and mysterious sorcery formation.

after all.

This is a formation that consists of four late-stage powerhouses, and is controlled by a congenital perfection!

Combined with this lineup, a very exquisite large-scale sorcery formation!

For dealing with ordinary martial arts masters, it is definitely easy to capture.


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