He was completely powerless.

In this situation, except for the first elder to come in person, it is impossible for others to suppress the fighting spirit and anger of the Shushan Wu clan.

"Innate perfection..."

"Seventh son, can you stop it?"

Yu Ziqi looked at Ying Changge worriedly.

If Ying Changge is injured in Shushan, he can be sure that today Shushan will be completely wiped out by 100,000 iron cavalry.

The identity of this Seventh Young Master is too noble!

"Uncle Yu, don't you really plan to wait for the first elder to come?"

Yu Ziqi hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but ask.

He still wanted to persuade him.

Although he knew, his dissuasion was basically meaningless.


Uncle Yu, a burly and burly man, shook his head: "I will not allow anyone to try to meddle in the sacred relics of our Shushan Mountain. Even if a hundred thousand iron cavalry surrounds Shushan, I will never back down without authorization!"

"I will live and die with Shushan!"

The words fall.

Almost a hundred responses!

"Well said!"

"We live and die with Shushan in this life!"

"How can we allow others to plunder the sacred objects that we have guarded for nearly a thousand years?"

"It must not be tolerated."


The four late Xiantian came to Uncle Yu's side.

A total of five congenital gods stared at Ying Changge.


There is even a top powerhouse with congenital perfection!


There are also five Innate Realm who were seriously injured but still possess a certain combat power, and dozens of first-class warriors surrounded Ying Changge.

Countless second-rate warriors are looking for an opportunity to raid Ying Changge.

this moment.

Shushan showed their courage and firm belief!

They can lose!

Can be defeated!

Can perish!

However, they will never hand over the sacred relics that Shushan has guarded for thousands of years for generations!

This is their bottom line!

"I understand."

Yu Ziqi sighed.

He seemed to understand.

The situation here is obviously not something he can interfere with.

He could only pray silently in his heart.

I hope the elders can come to the scene as soon as possible.

Otherwise, things will get even more turbulent.

"Elder, come quickly!"

"Otherwise, Shushan will really be destroyed."

Yu Ziqi thought to himself.

all around.

The Shushan disciples from all directions are all eyeing Ying Changge.


"Follow me to conclude the Shushan Witchcraft Formation!"

"This man's strength should not be underestimated!"

"I suspect that his strength may be second only to the Great Elder!"

"Even me, it's hard to beat him alone."

Uncle Yu stared at Ying Changge with a solemn expression, and then solemnly instructed his colleagues.

He felt a very strong sense of crisis from Ying Changge.

This sense of crisis, he definitely does not think it is an illusion!


He can infer.

The strength of Ying Changge in front of him must be very terrifying, even enough to seriously threaten him, a top powerhouse with consummation!

Only in this way can he explain the strong sense of crisis in his heart.

"Even Uncle Yu, don't you dare to say that you can win this kid?"

"Is he really that strong?"

"You are born with perfection! You are about to hit the martial arts master!"

"But even with your strength, there is no certainty that you will win?"

A group of innate powerhouses were deeply moved and moved.

Of course, they have a deep understanding of Uncle Yu's strength.

In addition to the elders of Shushan, the strongest person is this Uncle Yu!

The cultivation base has reached the realm of congenital perfection!

did not expect.

As the second strongest man in Shushan, when facing the young man in front of him, he had no certainty of winning.

Thinking of this, a group of Shushan disciples who had reached the innate realm, involuntarily raised their spirits, and their eyes were full of dignified gazes at Ying Changge.

After the confrontation just now, no one of them dared to underestimate Ying Changge.

in particular……

Ying Changge is really too young!

They couldn't even imagine it.

Why is a young man so young with such terrifying strength!

This is totally unreasonable!

But now, there is no time for them to think about it.


Uncle Yu shouted loudly.

The words just fell.

Surrounding him, several innate powerhouses around him began to run innate qi, and walked to the four directions of east, west, north, south, and locked the prototype of a formation.

"Get up!"

Uncle Yu walked forward step by step, getting closer and closer to Ying Changge.


His palm prints are constantly changing, and the speed is so fast that he can see afterimages, and the innate zhenqi entangled in his body also becomes more and more vigorous and powerful.

Visible to the naked eye.

Taking the place where Uncle Yu stood as the center, a light blue line spread out from under his feet, and it quickly spread in all directions.

at the same time.

The four Shushan disciples in the innate realm are located in the four directions of east, west, north and south, and a light blue line quickly spreads out from their feet.

In less than a moment, the lines formed an integral formation.


Unparalleled surging energy suddenly soars into the sky!

The light cyan lines condensed to form an exquisite and mysterious formation. The internal structure was very complicated and cumbersome, and it exuded an extremely powerful aura.

Uncle Yu, whose cultivation base has reached the realm of congenital perfection, is located in the center of this formation.

This is a formation formed with him as the core!

It is the most exquisite witchcraft array passed down by Shushan over the years!

The formations are ever-changing and unpredictable.

A little careless...

Enough to bring a devastating blow to the enemy!

Not to mention.

This Shushan sorcery formation is still run by an innate perfection level powerhouse as the core.

in this way.

It is enough to make the danger level of the witchcraft formation to 320, climbing several grades!


The array is formed.

One after another light blue lines, like spider webs, spread over a radius of dozens of meters.

In four directions, east, west, north and south, four innate late-stage powerhouses are in charge.

The core axis of the central area is controlled by Uncle Yu, who is congenitally perfect.

In this situation.

The magic formation can completely kill the real master of martial arts!

"The rest of the personnel are all evacuated from the battlefield!"

"The next battle is not something you can participate in and interfere with."

"Under Heaven, leave immediately!"

Uncle Yu's voice sounded loud and clear.

as he commanded.


The disciples of Shushan who were born under the sky all withdrew from the battlefield, retreated back to the crowd, and looked at the movement of the battlefield in front of them with anticipation.

"This kid is finished!"

"The witchcraft great formation in charge of Uncle Yu himself is activated..."

"Next, he will end up being crushed."

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