Can Shushan really handle it?

too difficult!

This is a hundred thousand cavalry!

The empire's 100,000 well-trained iron cavalry elites, how can thousands of people in Shushan be able to compete?

The gap between the two is too great.

like a gulf!

By the way!

Even Yu Ziqi couldn't imagine it.

How could they, Shushan, survive this huge crisis and catastrophe.


"I really can only count on that Seventh Young Master to take action."

Yu Ziqi shook his head bitterly and sighed, thinking with a dead face.

Other than that, he couldn't think of any second possibility at all.

Just relying on their Shushan to turn the tide?

This is a big joke!

The gap in numbers cannot be made up. Even if the Shushan Wuzu has been inherited for nearly a thousand years, there are only thousands of people.

For an ordinary Jianghu sect, this number of people is definitely not small.

But if compared to the entire empire, the Shushan Wuzu would instantly appear extremely humble and insignificant.

in particular……

This time, the empire has dispatched 100,000 elite cavalry!

By contrast.

Thousands of people in Shushan are far from qualified enough to put people in their teeth.

"Seventh Young Master, I beg you to help me."

Yu Ziqi turned his head and looked at the carriage behind him.

Shi Lan also looked at the carriage, her beautiful eyes filled with hope and longing.

at the same time.

The movement of the entire army came to an abrupt halt.

Meng Ying's voice then sounded inside the carriage.

"Sir, we have successfully arrived at the foot of Mount Shu."

Mengying rode the war horse and followed the carriage all the way with due diligence. As a personal bodyguard, he was undoubtedly very qualified.

"Has it arrived yet?"

In the carriage, after hearing Meng Ying's reminder, Ying Changge couldn't help showing a bit of anticipation.

Shushan, this is a very mythical place.


Ying Changge jumped directly, and stepped down from the carriage.

Both feet landed smoothly, Ying Changge floated recklessly in the breeze in his white clothes.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing is domineering, still covering a radius of about 500 meters in diameter.

Following Ying Changge's side, Shao Siming stepped off the carriage. She was behind Ying Changge and did not dare to cross in front of Ying Changge.

The breeze blew up her soft purple hair, fluttering in the wind, three thousand blue silk dancing gracefully, with a unique faint fragrance.


Shao Siming's beautiful eyes rippled weakly.

She looked straight ahead, and carefully looked at the huge Shu Mountain.

It took several days to travel all the way from Xianyang City, and finally arrived at the destination of this trip!

For Ying Changge, with the cultivation realm of the late congenital stage, it is naturally impossible for him to feel physically exhausted from running all the way.

"let's go."


Ying Changge took Meng Ying and Shao Si Ming, and a group of three walked towards the front of the 100,000 army.


Ying Changge successfully arrived at the place where Meng Tian and Xu Fu were.


When they saw Ying Changge's figure, whether it was Meng Tian or Xu Fu, they couldn't help lowering their heads, their tone was respectful, and they didn't dare to neglect at all.

Deep in Xu Fu's eyes, there was still a deep sense of fear and fear.


What happened just now cannot be forgotten by Xu Fu until now.

Make him memorable!

The fact that he was almost killed by Ying Changge on the spot would naturally make Xu Fu unable to forget it in a short period of time.

He has no doubts.

If he had spoken rudely at that time, he might have been obliterated on the spot!

It was for this reason that he was so afraid of Ying Changge.

Unlike Meng Tian.

Xu Fu can be sure.

No matter how presumptuous he was, Meng Tian would never dare to act rashly against him.

However, only from the hands of Ying Changge, Xu Fu felt a fatal threat.

"General Meng Tian, ​​how will we deal with this group of Shushan Wu clan?"

"I really want to know."

"Do you already have a plan in mind?"

Ying Changge asked straight to the point.

"I don't know what your son is proud of"

After thinking about it for a while, Meng Tian asked a little hesitantly.

"I can't talk about goodbyes."

"My personal suggestion..."

"You can first find out the depth of the Shushan Wu clan, and then consider targeted strategies."

"In this way, it can also avoid the empire's loss of troops and generals."

"I just don't know what General Meng Tian thinks?"

Ying Changge proposed.

After a pause, he continued: "The witchcraft of the Shushan Wu clan is unpredictable and unpredictable. If it is a little careless, it may cause large-scale casualties."

"In order to avoid this from happening, I think it's better to send people first to go to Shushan to find out the details of Shushan."


"You can also discuss with the people of the Shushan Wu clan."


"Maybe a reasonable solution can be found."

The words fall.

Meng Tian was lost in thought.


Xu Fu's eyebrows were a little anxious, but he didn't dare to interrupt.

The fear of Ying Changge has been deeply etched into his bones, making him deeply afraid.


Ying Changge proposed, but Xu Fu did not dare to veto it at will.

"Your son is right."

Finally, Meng Tian nodded and agreed with Ying Changge's proposal.

If he could complete this mission without a single soldier, he would of course be very happy to accept it.

after all.

The 100,000 iron cavalry army under his hand were all cultivated by Meng Tian himself. Losing any one of them would make his heart hurt very much.

If it can be like what Ying Changge said, Meng Tian will naturally raise his hands in approval.


He thinks too.

The witchcraft of the Shushan Wuzu is so strange and unpredictable that it really needs to send some people to go ahead and test the other side.

Avoid heavy losses due to this!


"Will this group of Shushan Wu clan really let us get our wish?"

Meng Tian was deeply confused and hesitant.

"How will you know the result if you don't try it?"

Ying Changge laughed.

Hearing this, Meng Tian nodded: "What the son said is very true."


Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan were escorted to the front of the army.

When they came to Ying Changge's side, the two of them felt uneasy and worried, and their eyebrows were full of helplessness and despair.

Will Shushan live or die in the end?

The real answer is about to be revealed!

The life and death of Shushan...

Only in this seventh young master's thought!

There are only a thousand people of the Shushan Wu clan, naturally it is impossible to resist the 100,000 army of the empire!

If the two really broke out disputes and fights.

Then there is no doubt...

Shushan will surely be destroyed because of this!

Destroyed today!


Thinking of this, Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan looked at Ying Changge with longing eyes.

Ying Changge is their only hope.

Whether they can save Shushan, they can only rely on Ying Changge.

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