The Great Elder is the leader of the Shushan Wu clan!

This is recognized by all the Wu people in Shushan.

More precisely.

The Great Elder is the belief of the Shushan Wu people!

"I'm calling you here today for one thing."

"You know."

"What are the duties of Yu Yuan's guards?"

The first elder looked at the two brothers and sisters, spoke slowly, and asked in a gentle voice.

"Guards of Yu Yuan..."

Yu Ziqi thought for a while, and then replied, "Elder, Yu Yuan's duty as a guard is to guard the Fusang Sacred Tree and guard it with his life!"

"This is our duty and responsibility passed down from generation to generation."

This idea has been instilled in their minds since childhood.

Including Shi Lan, also nodded in agreement.

"Then do you know the origin of Fusang Shenmu?"

The elder asked with a smile.


Yu Ziqi couldn't answer for a while.

His mind was stuck.

Because these things are things he has never been in contact with before.

He just knows.

His duty is to protect the sacred tree of Fusang!

But the origin of Fusang Shenmu?

He was completely unaware of this.

No one has ever mentioned to him any information about the origin of Fusang Shenmu.

in their eyes.

Fusang Shenmu is the most sacred thing in the world, and it is not something they can talk about casually.

Otherwise, it will be regarded as disrespectful!

"As you said."

"It is our duty to guard the Fusang Sacred Tree."

"It's also what we Shushan Wuzu need to do for nearly a thousand years."

The first elder sighed with emotion, and his eyes were filled with complicated emotions.

After a pause, he continued.

"But what you don't know is..."

"We're just a bunch of guardians!"

"Fusang Shenmu, there is a master!"

"We are just the guardians who have been guarding the sacred tree of Fusang for nearly a thousand years, helping the owner of the sacred tree to guard it and keep it from being destroyed."

The elder sighed inexplicably.

"What, what?!"

Yu Ziqi was taken aback.

He heard it for the first time.

Fusang Shenmu actually has an owner? !

Aren't they Shushan Wuzu?

Doesn't Fusang Shenmu belong to them?

Is its owner someone else?

Who is that?

Who is the owner of Fusang Shenmu?

For a time, Yu Ziqi's heart was violently ups and downs.

He was obviously frightened by what the elder elder said just now.

I have never heard that the sacred tree of Fusang that they have guarded from generation to generation even has an owner!

All of this has subverted Yu Ziqi's cognitive view.

Including Shi Lan who didn't say a word beside her, her pretty and delicate little face also showed a bit of surprise, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared blankly at the Great Elder.


The Fusang Sacred Tree is just a sacred object for their Shushan Wu clan to help others take care of for the time being?

Instead of belonging to their Shushan Wu clan?

This incident had a serious impact on Shi Lan's mind, making her mind even more confused.

"Elder, who is the owner of Fusang Shenmu?"

"Nearly a thousand years have passed."

"Could it be..."

"Is its owner still alive?"

Yu Ziqi's throat was dry and he couldn't help but ask.

He wanted to question.

But in view of the majesty of the Great Elder, he could only believe in this time that terrified the world.

"Before mentioning its owner."

"I'll tell you first, there are many introductions about Fusang Shenmu."

The Great Elder seemed to be lost in contemplation and memories.

quite a while.

He then said: "Fusang Shenmu, rumored to be the habitat of the sun god, because it is bathed in the sun god's **** fire, it contains extremely strong vitality inside the sun **** fire."

"The more sun energy you absorb, the more vigorous the vitality of the Fusang Sacred Tree will be, which will feed back to all living beings around the Fusang Sacred Tree..."


"This is the reason why the world is eager to get the sacred tree of Fusang."

"And we have lived beside the Fusang Shenmu for generations, and we have benefited a lot from it. We are often nourished by the vitality of the Fusang Shenmu."

"And this is the main reason why our physique is so strong."

"It's been passed down."

"The real Fusang Shenmu is the nest of the three-legged Golden Crow, under which there is a dragon soaring nine days away..."

(afej) Gradually.

Under the popularization of the Great Elder, Yu Ziqi and Shilan's two brothers and sisters had a deeper and deeper understanding of Fusang Shenmu.

After a while.

Yu Ziqi's trembling mood was still unable to calm down.

He couldn't help asking: "Elder, why are you telling us this today?"

Of course he could see it.

The first elder confided so much to them today, and the introduction and origin of the Fusang Shenmu is naturally not just a momentary boredom.

"A thousand years ago..."

"Our Shushan Wu clan is still weak. In that era when human life is regarded as a must, our Wu clan wants to find a way to survive, it is as difficult as going to the sky."

"And at that time, we Shushan Wuzu met Zhongrun, who is the sacred tree of Fusang. Instead of him, we have been guarding the sacred tree of Fusang, and made a thousand-year agreement."

"In the past thousand years, our Shushan Wuzu has grown stronger and stronger, and has grown to the present level by relying on the sacred tree of Fusang."

"But after all..."

"The fate of a thousand years has come quietly!"

"After a thousand years, what does not belong to our Shushan Mountain does not belong to us after all. The owner of the Fusang Sacred Tree must also come to recover the Fusang Sacred Tree."

"This is fate!"

"The fate of our Shushan Wu clan!"

The Great Elder was deeply moved.

"Elder, who is the owner of the divine tree?"

Shi Lan asked.

"I have no idea."

The Great Elder smiled bitterly.

This made Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan look astonished.

Even the Great Elder doesn't know who his master is?

Then who will collect the Fusang Sacred Tree?

"The person from a thousand years ago must have left the world..."

"In this world, there is no such thing as immortality."

"But his descendants will definitely come to collect Fusang Shenmu!"

The elder continued to speak.

"So, what do you mean, Great Elder."

"Soon, Fusang Shenmu doesn't belong to us anymore?"

Yu Ziqi asked a little uncomfortable.

"Do not!"

"It's not that it's more important..."


"My eyelids are beating wildly recently, and I always have an ominous premonition."

"So, I cast the prophecy on a whim!"

The elder said that he stopped here for a while.

"Prophecy? This is a sorcery that can only be performed by destroying one's life!"

"Elder, you..."

Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan looked anxious and worried.

"Listen to me as I go on."

The elder waved his hand.

He sighed, "Compared to my loss of life, this is harmless. However, I predicted a very bad thing that will happen in the next few days."

"The exact time cannot be estimated."


"This prophecy shows."

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