Compared with these two possibilities, Ying Changge prefers the former.

Shao Siming is now closely following his side. If he is a member of the Yin and Yang family, he does not need to send people to come to the arrows.

So, but just superfluous.


"Is it Zhao Gao?"

"Have you heard the news about my return to Xianyang City so soon?"

"As expected of the master of the net."

"This pervasive intelligence network is really hard to guard against."

"That is to say."

"These three monitors of the Innate Realm come from Luo Net? Are they the top killer of Luo Net?"

Ying Changge thought of this possibility in his heart.

he thinks.

This should have been inseparable.

Except for the snare, it is difficult for the rest of the forces to come up with three innate powerhouses!

Under the domineering package of Ying Changge's perfect level of knowledge, the carriage continued to move forward on the street, and the three innate powerhouses also followed behind, and did not fall behind at all.

In this way, Ying Changge can be more sure of their purpose and identity.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, and Zhao Gao has started to swell again."

"The deep impression I left on him half a month ago obviously couldn't deter him."

"It's only been half a month since we haven't seen him, and he has made a comeback. Want to try to send a killer from the innate realm to come and continue to test my depth and details?"

For a time, Ying Changge thought a lot.

He couldn't help but think.

Is the news circulating in Xianyang City recently related to Zhao Gao?

Is there anything to do with the snare?

Countless thoughts made Ying Changge fall into deep contemplation.

"Just when I returned to Xianyang City, it sent me so many tedious and troublesome things."

"The next few days seem to be busy."


Xianyang Palace.

dong dong dong!

In front of the huge palace gate, there was a gentle knocking sound.

I see.

Li Si was at the gate of the palace, bowed his head and looked respectful.

As soon as he returned to Xianyang City after traveling thousands of miles, he drove the carriage to enter the palace without stopping, and chose to report the matter intact as soon as possible.

"Come in."

A majestic voice came from inside the palace.


Li Si exhaled softly, adjusted his cautious and uneasy mood, pushed open the gate of the palace directly, and stepped into the glorious palace.

In less than a moment.

Li Si arrived at the main hall of the palace.

The splendid palace is surrounded by countless dazzling decorations, gold and silver, and countless beautiful emeralds and jades embellish the splendor and dignity of the palace.

On the red carpet with red gold rims under his feet, all the way up the steps with his eyes in front, there is a middle-aged man wearing a golden dragon robe.

Don't be angry!

His whole body was filled with a strong royal aura, full of majesty.

"Chen Li Si, see Your Majesty."

After seeing Ying Zheng, Li Si hurriedly clasped his fists and cupped his hands, bowed his head slightly, and behaved respectfully.

"Aiqing left Xianyang City on this trip, what was the harvest?"

Ying Zheng asked straight to the point.

Between his eyebrows, there was a bit of sadness and exhaustion.


What happened in Xianyang City in recent days has left him physically and mentally exhausted.


When he saw Li Si in front of him, Ying Zheng didn't show much joy.

"Report to Your Majesty."

"The two ministers and the seventh son have successfully completed the mission plan for this time. We hereby return to Xianyang City for thousands of miles to return to your Majesty."

"The quicksand organization and the head of the Gongshu family have agreed to cooperate with the empire. Their big forwards will personally go after the Mo family and other anti-Qin elements, trying to find out where the Mo family's government city is."

"And then."

"When they find out the exact location of the Mojia Organ City, they just need to wait for the day when all parties gather in the Organ City, which will be the moment to completely eradicate all the anti-Qin elements."

Li Si reported truthfully.

"Aiqing has worked hard all the way."

After listening to Li Si's report, Ying Zheng's feeling of exhaustion eased slightly.

This is the best news he has heard in recent days.

"It is an honor for the minister to share his worries for Your Majesty."

Li Si continued to bow his head.

After thinking about it for a while, Ying Zheng asked again: "By the way. How is the overall performance of this long song?"

When it comes to Ying Changge, Ying Zheng's unremarkable eyes show some anticipation.

Ying Changge is the prince that Ying Zheng has high hopes for!

"Seventh son, he..."

Li Si took a deep breath and paused for a moment.

"What? Could it be that he behaved so badly? It's hard for you to talk about it?"

"Aiqing, but it's okay to say it, just tell the truth, I won't blame you."

Ying Zheng raised his brows with a serious look on his face.

For Ying Changge, he attaches great importance to it.

"Your Majesty, I really don't have the qualifications to evaluate the performance of the Seventh Young Master."

After a long while, Li Si gave an ambiguous answer.

"What's the meaning?"

Ying Zheng was slightly surprised.

He noticed.

What Li Si said is not that he cannot be evaluated, but that he is not qualified to evaluate!

The two are quite different.

Immediately, Ying Zheng felt a strong curiosity in his heart.

"Seventh son, his performance is far better than Wei Chen himself!"

"This line……"

"If it weren't for the Seventh Young Master, I'm afraid that Wei Chen would not be able to do it. It would be so simple and easy to convince the two major forces in the rivers and lakes to cooperate with the empire."

"In general."

"If we let Wei Chen decide."

"The reason why the plan was successful this time was that the two major forces in the rivers and lakes cooperated with the empire to jointly deal with the Mo family and other anti-Qin elements."

"Here, Seventh Young Master's credit should at least occupy more than half of it!"

"And the credit occupied by Wei Chen may be less than 30%."

"The Seventh Young Master's importance is far higher than that of Wei Chen!"

Li Si smiled bitterly.

These words, of course, came from the bottom of his heart.


The scene in which the leader of the Quicksand Organization, Wei Zhuang, and the others in the Quicksand Organization were strongly shocked by the Seventh Young Master alone made Li Si feel very emotional.

If it weren't for the seventh son...

The task of this trip is not so smooth.

With the character of the rebellious people of the Quicksand Organization, coupled with the arrogant attitude of the leader of the Quicksand Organization, Wei Zhuang...

Want to convince the Quicksands to agree to work with the Empire?

The Empire must pay a huge price!

And Li Si, naturally, it takes a lot of effort to convince the other party.

However, due to the existence of the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge, the entire Quicksand Organization was intimidated by a strong force, which led to a group of arrogant and arrogant people in the Quicksand Organization, who dared not ask for any cooperation from the Empire.

At the end of the day.

The quicksand organization will be so obedient and cooperate with the empire, the biggest reason is naturally Ying Changge!

"Oh? What did Aiqing mean? Quickly tell me about the situation in detail."

Ying Zheng's face showed a strong sense of anticipation.

My son's long song...

How can you take such a high credit in this mission?

This is an incredible thing!

"'Your Majesty doesn't know anything."

"The Quicksand Organization and its leader, Wei Zhuang, are a group of unruly and arrogant people. If they want to cooperate with them, the Empire must pay a huge price to persuade them."

"But because the Seventh Young Master used his terrifying strength to intimidate the Quicksand Organization before, the Quicksand Organization was very obedient in the end, and almost unconditionally agreed to cooperate with the Empire."

"During this trip, the seventh young master showed extremely terrifying strength. With his own strength, he defeated and killed several members of the Quicksand Organization."

"Moreover, a fierce confrontation broke out with Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization."

"In this confrontation, the Seventh Young Master has absolute dominance, pressing and fighting Wei Zhuang, the leader of the quicksand organization on the opposite side, so that the latter has no power to fight back!"

"Although there is no winner or loser in this battle, it is clear that the strength of the Seventh Young Master is no less than that of Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization. It is even more likely that he will surpass Wei Zhuang."

"It is with this amazing strength that the Seventh Young Master can strongly deter the Quicksand Organization and force the Quicksand Organization to cooperate with the Empire unconditionally."

Li Si explained the entire process of cooperation with the Quicksand Organization in one breath.

he thinks.

The Quicksand Organization will unconditionally cooperate with the Empire to deal with anti-Qin elements, and the biggest credit is undoubtedly the seventh son Ying Changge.

If it wasn't for the other party, if he wanted to convince the Quicksand Organization, the difficulty factor would undoubtedly increase a lot.

It is very likely that they will have to face some harsh conditions proposed by Wei Zhuang, the head of the Quicksand Organization.

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