can only say.

The seventh son, Ying Changge, is a terrifying existence that can completely subvert common sense!

Seeing the changes in the expressions of everyone present, Meng Ying, who had been beside Ying Changge, felt extremely proud.

Did you see it all?

This is my son!


Li Si also reacted slowly, suppressing the deep shock in his heart.


The way he looked at Ying Changge became even more awe and worship than before.

Shao Siming maintained a calm expression as always, the beautiful face hidden under the veil was calm, like a calm lake, without any emotional ups and downs.

But no one knows.

In her heart, there were waves of faint waves.

"All right."

"The next thing, it's up to you, Lord Xiangguo, to hand over to the head of Gongshu."

Ying Changge said something to Li Si.

Let Li Si handle the rest.

After all, Li Si planned to deal with the anti-Qin elements this time.

And Ying Changge is just an escort!

Although it is said that Ying Changge, who is an escort, solved almost all the troubles for Li Si along the way, and soon became a decision maker against the customer.

But to deal with the plan of anti-Qin elements, Li Si himself should explain many details.

"Master Gongshu, you must already know the purpose of our visit this time, right?"

Li Si asked straight to the point, and didn't play dumb.

He believed.

Gongzuiqiu will not refuse!

Whether it's because of Ying Changge's face, or the fact that Gongshujia has hated the Mo family for hundreds of thousands of years.

For all these reasons, Gongshuoqiu, the head of the contemporary Gongshuo family, will definitely agree to cooperate with the empire!

Any chance to deal with the Mo family, Gongshuoqiu will never miss it.

There is no doubt about this.

The Gongshujia and the Mo family had hated each other for too long.

As the head of this generation of Gongshuo family, Gongshuoqiu hated the Mo family to the core, and wished that the Mo family could be uprooted and eradicated immediately.

Over the years, Gong Shuqiu did not fail to try to deal with the Mo family in the past.


It is obviously not an easy thing to deal with the Mo family just because he is weak and weak.

And now everything is different.

With the intervention of the empire, it was a matter of course for the public losers to deal with the Mo family this time!

In front of the empire, the little Mo family was incomparably humble and insignificant.

Seeing this kind of opportunity right in front of you, how could Gongshuoqiu miss it?

"Master Xiangguo's intention, the old man already knows."

"The old man represents the loser and agrees to cooperate with the Empire."

"To deal with the anti-Qin elements, the old man must do his best. Especially to deal with the Mo family, even if the old man spares no expense, he will eradicate the Mo family!"

"Let the Mo family completely disappear from the arena."

Mentioning the Mo family, Gong Zuoqiu's eyes showed a strong killing intent.

Master Lu Ban, the grandfather of the Gongshu family, lost to Mozi, the grandfather of the Mo family.

He really wanted to find an opportunity to get face back for his grandfather, Master Lu Ban!

Wash the shame for the losers!

In the eyes of Gong Zuoqiu, the grandfather Master Lu Ban lost to Mozi, has become a huge shame that has tortured Gongluo for hundreds of years.

This humiliation, Gong Zuoqiu naturally wants to wipe it out with his own hands!

And getting rid of the Mo family was the best way Gong Shuuqiu could think of.

As long as the Mo family is removed, this shame will naturally dissipate.

It is for this reason.

Gong Shuqiu showed unprecedented enthusiasm for dealing with the Mo family.

"If there are words from the head of Gongshu, then I can rest assured."

Li Si laughed.

Now, the lineup to deal with the anti-Qin elements is completely formed.

To deal with high-end combat powers such as Sword Saint Gai Nie and Mo Family Commander, there are Wei Zhuang and others from the Quicksand Organization.

As for the matter of breaking the Mojia government city, Gong Shuqiu, the contemporary head of the Gongshu family, personally took the lead.

As such.

The two complement each other perfectly.

Under this kind of cooperation, the anti-Qin elements can be completely eradicated smoothly!

As for the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State who accompanied these anti-Qin elements of the Mo family?

Then it will be handed over to the elite cavalry of the empire to eradicate and destroy them as much as possible!

Three-way cooperation is enough to eradicate anti-Qin elements!

This is the core of Li Si's plan.

Let the Quicksand Organization and the Gong Loser, the two forces in the rivers and lakes, get involved in the plan to eradicate the anti-Qin elements.

In this way, the empire can still reap the benefits of the fisherman.

at last……

As long as those difficult characters are resolved, and then the elites of the empire's iron cavalry attack, the remaining power of these anti-Qin elements can be easily wiped out.


"The plan can already be officially launched."

"The quicksand organization and Gongshujia will join forces to break through the Mo Family's Organ City, and after the Mo's Organ City is broken down. Let the elite iron cavalry of the Empire collectively level the Organ City!"

"In this way, the casualties of the imperial soldiers can be minimized."

"However, consider this matter and let General Meng Tian lead the army to attack!"

Li Si was thoughtful.

He has already started planning in his mind, the next series of plans for anti-Qin elements.

Everything is ready now...

Only owe the east wind!

With the quicksand organization and the losers taking the lead, the elite iron cavalry of the empire can sit back and relax.

The only thing that is still lacking is the lack of an excellent general, leading the elite iron cavalry of the empire, to encircle and suppress the anti-Qin elements and the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State.

"This general's candidate..."

"General Meng Tian is well deserved."

Li Si made a decision in his heart.

Slightly suppressing the many thoughts in his heart, Li Si talked with Gong Suqiu again about the content of the plan.


He turned his eyes and looked at Wei Zhuang next to him, and said politely: "Mr. Wei Zhuang. This time, I will trouble you all to deal with this group of anti-Qin elements."

"With the help of Sect Master Gongshu, we will definitely be able to break through the Mo family's government city with ease."


"After the Mojia government city is breached, the elite iron cavalry of the empire will directly step on the entire government city and kill all the anti-Qin elements."

Li Si's plan is not complicated, but very simple and pure.

Take the lead with the forces of the two rivers and lakes.

And the iron cavalry of the empire is harvesting wildly behind.

"Master Xiangguo, please rest assured, I will not break my promise of what I promised."

"Now, with the addition of the head of Gongshu."

"Presumably, even the Mo family's official city will be broken and disintegrated."

Wei Zhuang nodded.

After recovering his mood, he kept his cold expression as always.

His target is the Sword Saint Genie!

The target of Gongshuoqiu is the Mo family!

The two complement each other and just have a common purpose!

The goal of the empire is to eradicate all anti-Qin elements.

In general.

The purpose of the three parties is generally the same.

In this way, you can ensure that the benefits of cooperation will be maximized.

So far.

The tripartite cooperation has been successfully and successfully achieved!

The Mo family has a foothold in the government city that has not fallen for hundreds of years. The head of the contemporary Gongshu family, Gongshuoqiu, is responsible for dealing with the cracking.

As for the powerful leaders of the Mo family and their sword sage Gai Nie, the quicksand organization led by Wei Zhuang dealt with them and killed them.

As for the last...

The remnants of the remnants of the Chu State, as well as the many Mohist disciples who have lived in the Mohist government for many years.

Then naturally, it can be handed over to the elite iron cavalry of the empire to eradicate all of them! Where.

Chapter 152 The degree of fusion has improved! Divide the troops! Back to Xianyang! 【2/6 ask for custom】

After the tripartite cooperation was reached.

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded in Ying Changge's mind.

There is no sign...

In an instant.

The system's prompt sound hummed in Ying Changge's ears.

【Ding! 】

[Detected that the host changed the original world trajectory by 2%...]

[Template fusion degree +2%]

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