simply put.

The domineering tricks of the public losers are far more dangerous than the non-offensive tricks of the Mo family!

"Then, Lord Xiangguo, do you have a plan to enter the public loser's residence~"?"

Ying Changge asked with a smile.

"Long before the time of arrival, the subordinate office has dispatched personnel to summon the loser. Presumably, the person from the loser should be about to welcome me and wait for my door."

Li Si naturally arranged it properly and leaked.


The people from the Quicksand Organization also came.

The members of the quicksand organization headed by Wei Zhuang came to Ying Changge's side.

The eyes they looked at Ying Changge all inadvertently showed a strong sense of awe and restraint.

It is not due to the suppression of Ying Changge's identity, but purely because of their strong strength displayed by Ying Changge, which casts a huge psychological shadow.

That's all.

"Lord Xiangguo, you must have a good plan to enter the public loser's station, right?"

"I heard it long ago."

"There are countless dangerous organs built by domineering organs in the public loser's residence. Even a strong martial arts master level, once rashly set foot in it, the mortality rate will be as high as 90%."

Wei Zhuang's voice was flat and without emotional ups and downs.

"Mr. Wei Zhuang can wait for a while, and the losers will go out to greet them soon."

Li Si explained with a smile.

"That's fine."

Wei Zhuang nodded and said no more.

As Lis said.

After a while.

The loser appeared.

The person who came was not the head of the Gongzuo family, Gongshuoqiu, but a younger disciple of the Gongluo family.

"Lord Xiangguo, please forgive me for being negligent."

"He is currently developing a brand-new organ product, and he has reached the most critical moment. Therefore, we need to let you all wait for half a day."

"However, the sect master has already instructed the disciples, please enter the public loser's residence and wait for a while."

This public loser disciple looked a little frightened and uneasy.

"Then it's up to you to lead the way."

Li Si did not feel angry, but expressed understanding.


Under the leadership of this disciple of the loser.

Ying Changge followed Meng Ying and Shao Si Ming by his side, step by step, and was about to set foot on the mountain in front.

"Lord Wei Zhuang, shall we keep up?"

The Blue Wolf King asked.

"Go, let's see the domineering tricks of Gong Loser."

Wei Zhuang took a step and followed very calmly and forcefully.

Chi Lian followed closely behind.

Then there are Bai Feng, Canglang Wang, Hidden Bat and so on.

A group of about a dozen people arrived at the foot of the mountain with the disciple of the Gong Loser.

The two thousand elite iron cavalry of the empire will naturally not follow Ying Changge and others to set foot on the Gongluo home.

Although the mountain is huge, it would be troublesome for two thousand people to set foot on it at the same time.


There are countless dangerous organs in the mountain. Once they are touched rashly, I am afraid that it will lead to very serious consequences.

The fewer people there are, the lower the probability of touching the organ will naturally be.

"My lords, please."

A respectful invitation from the disciples of the Gong Loser.

Under his leadership, it is possible to greatly avoid the probability of rashly triggering the organ.

If there is no one to lead, even a martial arts master, I am afraid it will be difficult to break through this mountain range full of institutions.


Ying Changge is an exception!

When he stepped on the mountain, Ying Changge's body burst out instantly, a terrifying perfection-level domineering look.


An invisible wave of air erupted from Ying Changge's body and swept in all directions.


The area with a diameter of 500 meters has been completely shrouded in this perfect level of domineering.

Within a range of 500 meters, any movement of any object could not escape Ying Changge's insight.


Including these organs hidden in the mountain, it is no exception to be clearly penetrated by Ying Changge.

simply put.

When the perfect level of seeing and hearing is displayed, all the organizational structures and thematic structures of the mountain will present a three-dimensional anatomical map, which will be displayed in Ying Changge's mind.

He can penetrate very accurately and meticulously, the organs contained in the entire mountain.

This is the terrifying thing about the domineering look of the perfect grade.

Just a thought.

The countless subtle and mysterious mechanisms hidden in the huge mountain have already been penetrated by Ying Changge, and there is no way to hide from his knowledge.

These organs are presented in great detail, so that Ying Changge and even every detail of the organs can be clearly controlled with unparalleled precision.

"Is this the domineering trick of the loser?"

"It's an eye-opener."

"It's an incredible mountain of organs!"

"Simply ingenious!"

Ying Changge felt a little emotional.

Only after seeing the mechanism hidden in the mountain can he deeply realize how powerful and dangerous this mechanism is.

It's so dangerous!

If it wasn't for his perfect sense of sight, Ying Changge didn't think that with his ability, he could break into this mountain and be safe and sound.


The domineering arrogance of the perfect level of knowledge is the biggest nemesis of all institutions and formations!


Even without the leadership of this Gongluo disciple, Ying Changge's desire to traverse this mountain of Gongluo's organs would still be extraordinarily simple and easy.

No stress!


For Ying Changge, no matter how subtle and mysterious the mechanism is, it cannot threaten his life.

Even this ingenious mountain of organs, which contains countless mysterious and domineering organs, will not be an exception.

"''Walking in this mountain, every step is in the calculation of the organ."

"As long as there is one wrong step, it will trigger the trigger of these organs!"

Ying Changge was quite emotional.

Different from the vigilance and prudence of Li Si, Meng Ying and others around him, and the seriousness of Wei Zhuang, Chi Lian and others...

Ying Changge walked around this mountain, just like walking in his own back garden, his face remained very calm, calm and indifferent as always.

It seems that he doesn't care about the countless organs of this mountain at all, and does not take the danger of these organs to heart at all.

"Young master, aren't you afraid?"

Meng Ying asked nervously in a low voice.

"Afraid? You mean the organs hidden in this mountain?"

"Did you forget something?"

Ying Changge laughed.

"I almost forgot, even the organs in the tooth-devouring prison can't beat you, son."

Meng Ying was stunned in hindsight.

He almost forgot.

Even the tooth-devouring prison, known as the Empire's strongest defense prison, contained countless subtle and mysterious mechanisms, which were finally cracked by his own son.

At the moment, the organs in the public loser's residence should not be able to threaten their son.

"Master, can you crack it?"

Meng Ying asked again curiously.

"It's not difficult to crack."

Ying Changge shook his head with a chuckle.

Hearing this, Meng Ying's eyes lit up.

The conversation between the two naturally didn't mean to cover up (Li Zhao), so it fell into the ears of everyone around him without reservation.


Including Wei Zhuang, Chi Lian and others.

Wei Zhuang looked at Ying Changge with a surprised expression, and said in a low voice, "Could it be that the Seventh Young Master still knows how to do tricks?"

A martial arts practitioner with such a high level of cultivation, his strength is even comparable to that of a martial arts master!

Does the other party even know the mechanics?

Is there any reason for this?

A pair of eyes focused on Ying Changge's body, deeply curious and puzzled.

"Have you heard of Tooth Eater?"

Before Ying Changge could answer, Meng Ying, who was beside him, raised his chin with a proud look on his face, and his tone was full of awe and admiration.

"My son is the only one in the world who can crack the many mysterious mechanisms in the tooth-devouring prison!"

The words fall.

Wei Zhuang's eyes changed a little when he looked at Ying Changge.

Tooth-devouring prison he is of course thunderous.

This is a terrible prison with thousands of institutional changes inside!

Once caught in the tooth-devouring prison, it will be difficult to leave the tooth-devouring prison in this life.

This is the common understanding of the tooth-devouring prison of countless martial arts practitioners.

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