Empire doesn't care about process either.

As long as the Quicksand Organization can do it, find out the old nest of the anti-Qin elements, and break through the Mo family's government city.

The rest of the matter, handing over to the elite iron cavalry of the empire is enough to solve.


If the Quicksand Organization wanted to go it alone and completely eradicate these anti-Qin elements, Li Si would not have much opinion.

all in all.

The two sides have a high degree of consensus.

The main target of Wei Zhuang, the head of the Quicksand Organization, the Sword Saint Genie, is also included among the anti-Qin elements.

Aiming at the sword sage Gai Nie is equivalent to targeting anti-Qin elements.

There is not much difference between the two.

It is in this way that the cooperation can be achieved so smoothly and successfully.

"It's not an easy task to break through the Mo family's official city."

Wei Zhuang raised his brows and asked the question in his heart.

The Mojia government city is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it can be said to be famous in the world.

How could it be so easily broken and disintegrated by the efforts of the Mohist tycoons who had gathered for hundreds of years?


Wei Zhuang wanted to know.

How will the empire find ways to crack the Mo family's mechanism city?

Although the quicksand organization is indeed very strong, it is impossible to easily break through the city.

There must be a charter!

At least.

It is necessary to clearly investigate the main structure of the Mojia Organ City, as well as its internal structure and so on.

Only by knowing this information, the Quicksand Organization can think of ways to target it.

"Mr. Wei Zhuang can rest assured."

"This time, the empire will not only cooperate with the Quicksand Organization, but also invite the contemporary head of the Gong Loser, Gong Losang."

"Like a rumor."

"The contemporary head of the Gongshu family, Gongshuo, has already reached the pinnacle of his one-handed technique, even comparable to that of his grandfather, Master Lu Ban."

"If this Gongshuoqiu Sect Master is invited, he will surely have a solution to the Mojia Organ City."

Li Si smiled confidently.

He believed.

The orthodox heir of the domineering mechanism must have a way to crack the Mojia mechanism city.


The person who knows a person best is often his enemy!

And the public loser, as the enemy of the Mo family, has been maintained for nearly a thousand years!

For those who know the Mo family, they are naturally the losers!


If you want to break the Mo family's organs, as long as you invite the head of the public loser, you will be sure to be foolproof.

What's more, the head of the Gongshu family of this generation, Gongshuoqiu, is also an authority master who has cultivated domineering mechanism techniques to the pinnacle.

"Gong loses revenge?"

After listening to Li Si's answer, Wei Zhuang's eyes changed slightly.

Have to admit.

He was indeed persuaded by Li Si.

If you invite the head of the public loser, then the matter of breaking the Mojia government city may not be as difficult as imagined.

"That is to say."

"I still need to go to the residence of the public loser on this trip? Go and invite this public loser?"

Wei Zhuang asked.

"That's it."

Lis nodded.

"Do you need our company?"

Wei Zhuang asked again.

"We won't mind if Mr. Wei Zhuang is willing to accompany you. It's up to you, Mr. Wei Zhuang. You want to accompany the iron cavalry of the empire to the station of the loser."


"Choose to shoot directly and attack and kill anti-Qin elements."

Li Si gave Wei Zhuang several options.

Hearing this, Wei Zhuang thought for a moment.


He gave the answer: "For the time being, walk with the empire."

"it is good!"

Li Si laughed.

that's it.

The 2,000 elite iron cavalry of the Empire on this trip were accompanied by the Quicksand Organization.


Cooperation and many other matters have all been explained properly.

Liz returned to the carriage.

Ying Changge also took Shao Siming, Meng Ying and others to the carriage, leaving only the backs of the quicksand organization where they were standing.

Watching Ying Changge leave, Wei Zhuang's brows were still furrowed, and he caressed the hilt of the shark tooth in his hand, as if he was thinking about something.

"Lord Wei Zhuang, do we really want to cooperate with the Empire?"

Chi Lian's pink lips moved slightly, he hesitated for a while and couldn't help but ask.


Wei Zhuang thought about it for a while and then gave an answer.


Chi Lian was thoughtful.

The eyes of Bai Feng and Canglang Wang flickered.

They quickly understood what Wei Zhuang meant.

"All in all, scheming with tigers is not the right strategy."

"Everyone gets what they need now."

"When their respective goals are fulfilled, that is the moment to part ways."


"This tiger may eat us in turn."

Wei Zhuang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had already thought a lot of follow-up strategies.

Fighting against Sword Saint Genie is indeed the biggest obsession in his life!

Now is the chance!


Cooperating with the Empire is also not a wise choice.

after all.

The empire is so powerful!

Although their quicksand organization is also very strong, it is only a small organization of less than ten people.

Compared to a behemoth like the Empire, the Quicksand Organization is too small and insignificant.

When working with the Empire, you must be extra cautious and cautious!

in particular……

Among the people sent by the empire this time, there is such a terrifying and unfathomable existence!

This made Wei Zhuang have to be more vigilant.

Even him, there is no absolute certainty to win the opponent.


He felt his chances of winning would be very low.

In the face of this mysterious and terrifying monster, Wei Zhuang had no choice but to prepare himself for the battle.

"How much do you know about that Seventh Young Master?"

Wei Zhuang asked suddenly.

"Seventh son..."

Bai Feng and Canglang Wang quickly fell silent...

Chi Lian took a deep breath, and his tone was serious and heavy: "Very strong! Very strong! This is an unfathomable and powerful existence! Don't provoke it easily."

Wei Zhuang had already expected Chi Lian's evaluation.

After a pause, he asked again: "What about more understanding? For example, what are his abilities? What martial arts did he practice? Is it true that he defeated Genie?"

Accompanied by many questions from Wei Zhuang.

Bai Feng was the first to answer: "It should be true that he defeated Gai Nie. About half a month ago, there was indeed news from Xianyang City."


"Sword Saint Gai Nie was severely beaten and defeated and had to escape from Xianyang City."

"I just didn't expect that this incident was caused by a young man in his weak crown."

The words fall.

Wei Zhuang was silent.

It looks like...

My teacher, Gai Nie, was indeed defeated by this seventh young master!

Although he didn't know the specific battle situation, since he was able to defeat his brother, it was enough to show how terrible this seventh young master was.

It made Wei Zhuang feel troubled and apprehensive.

"and also……"

Bai Feng hesitated for a while, but stopped talking.

"Speak straight."

Wei Zhuang glanced at Bai Feng.

Bai Feng took a deep breath and spoke again: "This Seventh Young Master seems to be just an incompetent martial artist as early as half a month ago."

"That is to say."

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