He knew it.

Ying Changge in front of him is a blind person!

But the other party still has such a terrifying insight.

This alone is enough to show that the other party is very difficult!

The move failed to succeed, Wei Zhuang did not hesitate at all, and very decisively manipulated the shark teeth in his hand, and again aimed at Ying Changge with a sharp sword energy and cut it down.

The sharp blade pierced through the sky with a piercing sound.

call out!

The crimson sword energy was filled with raging killing intent.

Just when the blade was about to hit Ying Changge.

I see.

Ying Changge slowly raised his right hand, the surging Innate True Qi surged in his body, and the terrifying gravitational energy gathered between the palms of his right hand.

Aim at the camouflage in front of you.


Gravity, full blast!

"Gravity · Shen Luo Tianzheng!"


The overwhelming terrifying gravity repelled and enveloped Wei Zhuang's body.

Taking the place where Ying Changge was located as the center point, the terrifying repulsive force that erupted generated a shock wave, and the shock wave hit Wei Zhuang head-on in a short period of time.

For a moment.

Wei Zhuang was shot several meters away from the air on the spot.

Fortunately, the majestic innate qi that was still entwined around his body resisted a lot of shock waves.

Otherwise, Wei Zhuang would not just be bombarded a few meters away.

Wei Zhuang, who was bounced off a few meters away, rubbed his feet on the ground for half a meter, and two hideous cracks appeared in the ground friction, revealing the impact of the shock wave on the body.



The shark teeth around the waist that Wei Zhuang held tightly in his hand also hummed and trembled.

The blades seemed to be screaming.

The violent vibration made Wei Zhuang's right hand clenching the hilt of the sword a little numb.

His eyes narrowed, and he stared at Ying Changge solemnly.

"It's this trick again!"

"In an instant..."

"An extremely terrifying shock wave erupted, and I couldn't get close at all."

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

Wei Zhuang took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.

He was deeply shocked by the horror of Ying Changge's strength.

I have never seen such a strange existence as Ying Changge in front of me!

Since the day he set foot on the rivers and lakes, Wei Zhuang has experienced countless life-and-death struggles. But he has never felt the oppression of Ying Changge today.

Even Genie back then had never brought him this sense of crisis.

a time.

The air was swirling with bursts of oppression.


Just when Wei Zhuang was preparing to plan the second round of attack.

Ying Changge took the lead.

"Gravity · Vientiane Tianyin!"

A terrifying gravitational force instantly wrapped Wei Zhuang's body.

next second.

Wei Zhuang's body rose into the air uncontrollably.


"here we go again!"

Wei Zhuang's expression changed slightly, and he immediately activated the surging innate energy in his body, forcibly wiped out all this power.


With the majestic innate resistance of his martial arts master realm, this gravitational force was completely wiped out by Wei Zhuang.


His body was already less than half a meter in front of Ying Changge.

"not good!"

Seeing Ying Changge's face so close, Wei Zhuang's heart sank.

He was about to lift the shark tooth in his hand and slash it down at Ying Changge.

But before he did it.

Ying Changge has already made his move.

"Gravity · Shen Luo Tianzheng!"


Another terrifying repulsive force directly hit Wei Zhuang's body.

On the spot, Wei Zhuang was shot dozens of meters away.

Without any precautions, Wei Zhuang's body was like a kite with a broken string. He was hit by a single move for dozens of meters, and rolled upside down in mid-air, looking particularly embarrassed.


Wei Zhuang flew upside down dozens of meters away. After his body rolled, his feet stumbled to the ground, and the huge shock wave still carried him several meters away before it was relieved.


With a heavy exhalation, Wei Zhuang forcibly calmed down his terrified mood.

He firmly grasped the shark tooth in his right hand, looking at Ying Changge with more and more frightened eyes.

The internal organs in the body that were shaken by the shock wave were somewhat damaged, which made Wei Zhuang gradually feel that his state was slowly starting to decline.


The terrifying gravity that had been suppressing his body was constantly affecting his speed and ability to move.

The original Wei Zhuang was extremely fast!


Being suppressed by the terrifying power, Wei Zhuang only felt that every movement his body made would suffer from unprecedented interference and influence.

The body functions became sluggish, and the movements became extraordinarily stiff.

at this time.

Feeling that Wei Zhuang was shot dozens of meters away, Ying Changge couldn't help shaking his head slightly, feeling a little regretful.


"If I had a weapon in my hand just now."

"I can display extremely powerful single attack tactics..."

"Gravity Knife Tiger!"

Ying Changge thought.

Gravity Knife Tiger, this is a very powerful offensive method for blind swordsmen.

Blessing gravity on the blade will force it to explode in an instant, producing a terrifying gravity suppression on the place where the sword energy is swept away, crushing and destroying all objects and creatures.

This move is much stronger than the pure repulsive force of Shen Luo Tianzheng.

The lethality caused to the enemy is also terrifying countless times!


Ying Changge is still short of a handy weapon.

"If I had known it earlier, I should have carried the Long Yuan Sword given by General Wang Li with me."

"Otherwise, this time I can use Wei Zhuang, the martial arts master in front of me. Let's test how strong the gravity knife, the fierce tiger, I exploded."

Ying Changge is looking forward to it.

After the brief and intense fight just now, both Ying Changge and Wei Zhuang had already understood each other's strengths.

Especially Wei Zhuang.

He was deeply aware of it.

The seventh young master who is still in the weak crown and blind in both eyes is a terrifying monster with unfathomable strength!

Even if he has the cultivation realm of a martial arts master, he cannot guarantee that he will be able to win the opponent.

In the fight just now, Wei Zhuang has already deeply understood.

The Ying Changge in front of him is definitely not a terrifying existence that he can easily shake!

Even if the Sword Saint Genie came in person, he might not be able to shake the opponent.

Thinking of this, Wei Zhuang's fighting spirit gradually calmed down.

His character is indeed belligerent, but that doesn't mean he's going to fight pointless battles.

not to mention.

The strength of Ying Changge was far beyond Wei Zhuang's expectations.

Until now, Wei Zhuang has not been able to really check the strength of the opponent.

Only briefly know.

The strength of the other party is by no means an idle generation!


Possibly even better than him!

This alone is enough to make Wei Zhuang stop and dare not continue to fight.

"He is strong!"

"Very strong!"

"Even if I do my best and do my best, the odds of winning will never exceed 50%."

"I have at least a 50% chance of losing to him."

"This battle is no longer necessary to continue."

Wei Zhuang thought so.

This was a rough conclusion he had come to in his mind after the brief fight just now.


In fact.

What he didn't want to admit was that.

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