Wei Zhuang's eyes were fixed on Bai Feng's body.

Compared to the Blue Wolf King, he cared more about Bai Feng's evaluation.

after all.

Bai Feng is indeed a rare top powerhouse!

Canglang Wang's evaluation can be ignored, but Bai Feng's evaluation must not be ignored.

Even if you look at the rivers and lakes, Bai Feng's strength belongs to the top class.

"Master Wei Zhuang."

"He's so weird!"

"It's also very strong!"

"His cultivation realm is not high..."

"But his strength is very terrifying!"

"Strongly outrageous."

"Even if I did my best, I was by no means an opponent, but I was easily killed in seconds."

"Yes! He will kill him instantly!"

Bai Feng took a deep breath, his tone seemed very heavy.

"Even you will be killed in seconds?"

Wei Zhuang frowned.

Very surprised!

As strong as Bai Feng, he is not even the opponent of that Seventh Young Master?


Will it end up being slaughtered?

It seems that this seventh son is really strong beyond imagination!

The strength of someone who can kill Bai Feng in seconds must be quite terrifying!

Wei Zhuang knew this.

"Can kill Bai Feng in seconds..."

Wei Zhuang's eyes gradually became serious and cautious.

The terrifying strength that can kill Bai Feng in seconds.

Even he had to deal with it carefully.

"Lord Wei Zhuang, there is something I want to remind."

Bai Feng hesitated for a while, but finally chose to speak.


Wei Zhuang asked.

"If it's not a last resort, our Quicksand Organization, don't try to provoke this Seventh Young Master."

"He's really strong!"

"It's simply unfathomable!"

"He may be among all the powerhouses I have ever seen in my life..."

"The strangest and most terrifying existence!"

"If you really anger this guy, the consequences are completely unimaginable."

Bai Feng's lips twitched slightly, and she blurted out with a slightly pale complexion.

until now.

Bai Feng has never been able to forget the fear of being dominated by Ying Changge!


Wei Zhuang frowned.

He didn't expect it.

Bai Feng, who is arrogant and has always been defiant, will one day admire and fear a person so much.


Wei Zhuang thought about it calmly, and suddenly his eyes narrowed, as if he had thought of the key point, and asked, "This seventh son, is the most terrifying existence among all the powerhouses you have ever seen?"


"Your remarks also include me?"

Finished talking.

Wei Zhuang watched Bai Feng quietly, waiting for the latter's reply, without saying a word.

Facing Wei Zhuang's inquiry, Bai Feng forcibly suppressed the throbbing feeling in his heart.


He nodded with a heavy heart and gave an affirmative answer without hesitation.


The tone is very decisive!

It's as if it's recognized! .

Chapter 136 Feijian Attacks! Hardwired in the air! Gravity burst! 【5/7 for custom order】

Bai Feng's tone was full of affirmative answers, which echoed in Wei Zhuang's ears.

Wei Zhuang's face became solemn.

He took a deep look at Bai Feng and looked at the latter's determined look.


He didn't expect it.

Bai Feng would give him such a positive answer!

Including him?


Wei Zhuang's eyes were filled with anticipation, and the fighting spirit in his heart was burning. Then he slowly opened his mouth and asked again, "You also think that I will lose~?"

"Am I going to lose to this seventh son?"

"Is this what you think?"

The words fall.

Bai Feng hesitated for a moment, then nodded with gritted teeth, and remained silent.

Seeing this, Wei Zhuang didn't ask any more questions.

Everything he wants to ask has already been answered!


Bai Feng actually thought he would lose?

Lost to a blind boy in his weak crown?

It seems that this Seventh Young Master is really incredible!

How strong are you?

Bai Feng naturally knew this.

But even so, the other party still thinks that he is inferior to the seventh son.

This is very intriguing.

Wei Zhuang does not think so.

This is Bai Feng alarmist.

Since the other party dared to say this, there must be a reason for the other party.

In the end.

Bai Feng is also a top powerhouse in the middle stage of innate, with not weak strength and vision.

"Listening to what you said, I would like to see the strength of this Seventh Young Master."

"A young blind man in his weakest years will give you the illusion that he can beat me?"

"Is this an illusion? Let me test it myself."

Wei Zhuang spoke with great interest.

He stared at the front with great interest, his sharp and deep eyes contained a vigorous fighting spirit, as if his body was about to stop the urge to shoot.

"Lord Wei Zhuang, you..."

Bai Feng also wanted to persuade him.

But seeing Wei Zhuang's face and expression, Bai Feng couldn't help but abruptly stop the persuasion.

he knows.

He couldn't persuade him.

No one can persuade Wei Zhuang now!

Even Chi Lian could only have a bit of worry on her pretty face, Mei Mu looked at the disguise beside her, stopped speaking, and clenched her fists to reveal the nervousness and anxiety in her heart.



Wisps of surging innate innate energy surged frantically from Wei Zhuang's abdomen dantian, and the internal force that flowed became more and more violent, spreading from the body and sweeping all sides.

The powerful internal force oscillated the space as if it were weakly twisted, squirmed, and trembling.

"Seventh son..."

"Do you mind letting me see what you're capable of?"

"I've always had a bad habit as a person."

"That is, when you see a strong person, you can't control your hands and feet."

"Playing with the strong is my greatest interest!"

Wei Zhuang's eyes stared at Ying Changge quietly, his right hand slowly lifted the shark teeth around his waist, and the terrifying internal force wrapped around his body spread to the whole body of the sword.

Wisps of sharp sword qi edge, lingering around the sharp blade of the shark teeth, exudes a strange and icy aura.


The majestic internal force turned into a wave of air, bursting out from Wei Zhuang's body.

Under the sweep of this air wave.

The dust on the ground rolled wildly, and the smoke and dust rose and flew to all corners.

Around this area, all the flowers and plants were pulled by the shock wave, and they kept swaying and twisting the graceful figure, almost about to break out of the ground.


Bai Feng and Canglang Wang looked at each other, and tacitly evacuated the area beside Wei Zhuang.

Even Chi Lian could not help but take a few steps back and withdraw from a safe distance.

The four Heavenly Kings of the three quicksand organizations looked at Wei Zhuang with solemn expressions.

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