I can hardly breathe!

Bai Feng's face turned red, and even his vision began to gradually become blurred and hazy.

Facing Bai Feng who was struggling constantly, Ying Changge had a smile on his face, and a pair of gray-white pupils opened, making Bai Feng's whole body horrified.

Accompanied by a dull voice, it sounded slowly.

"you lose."

The sound fell.

Bai Feng realized that his neck relaxed a little, allowing him to breathe two breaths of fresh air.

If not, he thinks he might suffocate to death!

Died in the hands of this blind young man in his weak crown!

at the same time.

After Ying Changge single-handedly killed Bai Feng, the scenes here were naturally unreserved and fell into the eyes of everyone from all directions.

"And, 223 is this trick again?!"

The wolf king widened his eyes.

His lips trembled slightly, and his face was pale and bloodless, revealing the fear in his heart.

Seeing the scene where Bai Feng was instantly killed by a face-to-face, he couldn't help recalling the time when he was killed by the other side.

Wasn't he in exactly the same situation as Bai Feng at that time?

The body was also pulled by extremely terrifying forces, but uncontrollably, he was strangled by a hand on the spot, and finally lost his ability to fight and was defeated.

The current Bai Feng is exactly the same as his situation at that time!

This shocked the Blue Wolf King.

Even as strong as Bai Feng, as the head of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization, he was tragically killed by an instant.

How strong is that monster? !

What kind of martial arts is this?

What kind of martial arts can be so terrifying?

The Blue Wolf King was puzzled.

He couldn't even dream of imagining all this.

Even if he was killed by a second, even Bai Feng, the leader of the Quicksand Organization, other than Wei Zhuang, could not escape being killed by a second.

"That power..."

"It's terrifying!"

Recalling that the body was forcibly pulled by some kind of force at that time, the wolf king's eyes couldn't help showing a thick color of fear, and he couldn't help shivering all over.

"and also…"

"That moment just now, if I read it right."

"Bai Feng seems to have displayed his stunt, the phoenix dance and six illusions!"

"It can transform into six clones at the same time, and at the same time launch an attack on the enemy in all directions without dead ends, so that the enemy can't guard against it, and can't escape at all!"

"This move should have no solution."

"But just now, this inexplicable move was cracked by someone!"

"What is this concept?"

The blue wolf king was shocked.

How terrible is the phoenix dance and the six illusions?

Of course he knew it.

In the past, he had personally understood the trick of the phoenix dance and the six illusions.

At the time, he felt that...

Hard to guard against!



Today, he actually saw this impeccable phoenix dance and six illusions, which was easily cracked by a blind man who was blind in both eyes.

Isn't it impeccable?

Are you saying that you can't prevent it?

But he was defeated and cracked on the spot before he could even touch the corner of the enemy's clothes!

This made the Blue Wolf King bewildered.

His worldview collapsed on the spot!

Can anyone explain.

What the **** is going on here?

"Not a level opponent at all!"

"Bai Feng, the gap with that monster is too big."

"Even if he is as strong as Bai Feng, when facing that monster, he will feel a deep sense of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart."

"The two are so different!"

The blue wolf king thought with shock.

beside him.

Li Si, Meng Ying and others also expressed their amazement and shock.

"Did you see it?"

"The trick he used just now, son!"

"Just by raising his right hand, he forcibly pulled the white phoenix on the opposite side in front of him, thus achieving the amazing feat of instantly killing and capturing the opponent."

"What kind of trick is this?"


Li Si was amazed.

Such a miraculous trick, he can only witness one or two things from Ying Changge's body in this life.

Even Shao Siming was shocked by the tricks that Ying Changge used just now.

After half a sound.

Her mood can be calm and calm.

A pair of beautiful eyes moved slightly, and she stared at the figure of Ying Changge in front of her.


The famous White Phoenix, the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization, had already been captured by his son with one hand and lost his ability to fight on the spot.

Bai Feng failed miserably!

Facing a terrifying monster like Young Master Qi, Bai Feng was as vulnerable as a chicken.

"So strong!"

"Seventh Young Master, it's really too strong!"

"The Bai Feng, who is known as the king of speed, is simply vulnerable in front of Seventh Young Master!"

"With your son's strength, even if Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization, dispatches himself, I'm afraid he won't be able to shake the son, right?"


The 2,000 elite iron cavalry members of the empire expressed their amazement and shock at this moment.

in the battlefield.

Bai Feng's confidence completely collapsed.

His eyes were lost for a while, his spirit was in a trance, and his face was full of deep frustration.

This was definitely the worst defeat he had ever experienced in his life.

Even losing to Wei Zhuang was far less tragic than it is today!

That's horrible!

There's no fight back all the way!

Being crushed in a powerful seckill!

During the whole process, Bai Feng, the king of his dignified speed, was hanged and beaten with ease.

If he hadn't experienced all of this himself, Bai Feng certainly couldn't imagine this subversive cognition.

"I-I lost..."

"It was a terrible loss!"

This is a shame for Bai Feng.

The king of dignified speed was defeated in this way!

Even in the battle, he didn't have any strength to fight back, and was easily played by the opponent in the palm of his hand. Of course, Bai Feng, who had always been arrogant, couldn't accept it.

"Mr. Bai Feng, can you lead us honestly now to meet Mr. Wei Zhuang, the leader of your Quicksand Organization?"

"This farce should end here."

"What do you think?"

Ying Changge pinched Bai Feng's neck with one hand and asked slowly.

Hearing this, Bai Feng's bitter afej sighed: "Let me down first, and I will lead you to meet Lord Wei Zhuang."

I thought it was a quicksand organization's dismantling of the empire.

Never thought.

Instead, it became an empire and gave them the power of the Quicksand Organization!

Thinking of this, Bai Feng felt a little sad.

For this result, he was completely unpredictable before.

He thought.

With his extraordinary speed, he can be invincible.

Never thought.

His speed was completely suppressed in front of Ying Changge!

The speed that he is proud of has even become his shortcoming and biggest flaw!

Recalling what happened just now, Bai Feng was in a mixed mood.

By now, he had to admit defeat.

All have been strangled with one hand, which means that his life is only within the other's thought.

If the other party wants to, he can take his life at any time.

In this way, Bai Feng had to admit defeat.

This defeat is very tragic!

Bai Feng admitted.

He himself and the Ying Changge in front of him are completely different levels of contrast.

The difference is too big!

The strength gap is like a chasm!

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