"I do not believe!"

Bai Feng's face was flushed red, full of ugliness, and at this moment he looked particularly embarrassed.

He couldn't believe it.

One day, he will become the object of being played by others.


This is the joke!

Bai Feng felt an unprecedented humiliation.

He is known as the king of speed.

On weekdays, in the face of the vast majority of martial arts practitioners in the arena, it is him who dominates the battle.


With his terrifying speed, he can easily trick the enemy, so that the enemy can't even touch the corner of his clothes.

Like a cat playing with a mouse...

But Bai Feng never dreamed of it.

Today, it was his turn to be played by others!

Played like a mouse by others!

This makes Bai Feng, who has always been arrogant, naturally unable to accept all this.

His mind is about to collapse completely!

"What kind of monster is this?"

Seeing, Ying Changge in front of him closed his eyes, but he was still able to evade his meticulous attacks one after another in the light of the wind.

Bai Feng completely doubted life.

in the past.

Only he can play the enemy in the palm of his hand with his extreme lightness and speed.


Up to this moment.

He himself has become the object of others' tricks!

This sharp contrast made Bai Feng's mentality collapse.

Chapter 129: The Vientiane Tianyin Shows Its Power Again! Capture the head of the Four Heavenly Kings with only one hand! 【5/7 for custom order】

"Damn it!"

Bai Feng, who was played like a mouse, felt an unprecedented humiliation, his heart was full of grief and anger, and his eyes were burning with anger.

Who is he?

He is the white phoenix, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings of the dignified quicksand organization!

The king of birds!

It is the existence of countless people who practice martial arts in the world!


At this moment.

Is it that a strong man like him was played by a blind man in his weak crown?

Playing between the palms like a mouse?


Bai Feng clenched his fists tightly, his eyes fixed on Ying Changge.

His arrogance made him unable to accept this kind of thing.

"I can't be defeated!"

"Never lose to a blind man in his weakest year!"

Bai Feng glared at Ying Changge.

Every move was dodged!

Is this really a blind man who is blind in both eyes?

How can blind people possess such terrifying insight?

This is impossible!

Bai Feng said that he could not accept it.

He was no longer calm and calm, his face was full of grievance and anger, revealing a face that was embarrassed and ferocious, and his eyes were bloodshot and fearful.

He was scared by Ying Changge!

At this moment, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings of Quicksand, the white phoenix, had a slight sense of fear in his heart.


With the idea of ​​​​killing, Bai Feng wholeheartedly mobilized his energy and devoted all his energy and attention to the current battlefield.


His attack is getting faster and more terrifying!


The end result is no exception.

All attacks were dodged by Ying Changge.

"Are you in a hurry?"

Ying Changge had a playful expression on his face and spoke with great interest.

His perfect level of knowledge is domineering, and he can see very keenly that Bai Feng's heart is messed up.

Disturbed, this is a taboo on the battlefield!

For anyone, once they are upset on the battlefield, it means that they are not far from defeat.

"Go to hell!"

Bai Feng made no secret of the killing intent in his heart, and the feather blade in his hand kept attacking and killing Ying Changge.

The sharp feather blade pierced through the sky, with a piercing sound of breaking through the air.

Gently turning his head to the side, Ying Changge easily avoided the blow, without any apprehension throughout the whole process, on the contrary, he appeared to be indifferent.

Compared with Bai Feng, Ying Changge's figure is very elegant.

Even in the face of Bai Feng, the king of speed, he still did not feel any pressure.


Take it easy!


This is the expression on Ying Changge's face when he fought against Bai Feng.

"Everyone escaped?!"

"Aren't you blind?"

Bai Feng's throat was dry, and he couldn't help questioning with lingering fears.

Hearing this, Ying Changge slowly opened his eyes.

A pair of gray-white pupils looked at Bai Feng without any emotion.

Being stared at by this pair of eyes, Bai Feng was covered in hair, and his back was cold.

He can be sure.

There is absolutely no color in these eyes!

This is a real blind man!

But why is the other party's insight so terrifying?

This is impossible!

He is obviously a blind man who is blind, but his insight can be so terrifying?

Are you kidding me?

"You, what kind of monster are you?"

Bai Feng's lips trembled slightly.

The longer he played against Ying Changge, the more he could feel the horror of Ying Changge!

Powerful and unfathomable!

Outrageously strong!

"Monster? Maybe..."

Ying Changge smiled, disapprovingly.

The perfect level of knowledge is domineering, and all the movements of Bai Feng, including Bai Feng's offensive intentions, have already been fully penetrated!

Everything is hidden under the cover of Ying Changge's knowledge.

at the same time.

The fight between the two was unreserved and presented in the eyes of everyone in the distance.

When he saw Bai Feng being pressed and beaten all the way, the Blue Wolf King, who was also one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Quicksand Organization, was completely shocked.

"Being, being pressed and beaten?!"

"White Phoenix..."

"The white phoenix, the head of the Four Heavenly Kings, was hanged and beaten by that young blind man?"

"is it possible?"

"Am I dreaming?"

"This this!"

The Blue Wolf King couldn't help swallowing his saliva, revealing the fear and horror in his heart.

He couldn't believe the scene in front of him at all.

White Phoenix, this is a top-level powerhouse with a prestigious reputation in the arena!

Also known as the king of speed!

Even a martial arts master could do nothing in the face of Bai Feng's speed.

But it is such a powerful Bai Feng, at this moment, he was actually beaten by a young man who was still in the weakest years, and a blind man, hanging and beating him almost all the way!

How could the Blue Wolf King accept this?

His worldview is about to collapse completely.

The power of Bai Feng was deeply etched into his bones so that the Blue Wolf King had a deep understanding.

It was precisely because he knew too much about Bai Feng's power that the Blue Wolf King was so deeply shocked by what was happening in front of him at the moment.

His whole person was deeply embarrassed by it.

Such a strong Bai Feng is not even a match for that young man!


"It's really only possible for Lord Wei Zhuang to go out in person to take down that kid!"

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