Simply terrifying!


Just imagine.

Having mastered the same gravity fruit as the blind swordsman, how huge a surge and increase can Ying Changge's own strength be brought about?

Now Ying Changge only knows a little.

That is……

his current strength.

Compared with before, the overall improvement of dozens of times may be far more than that!

This is simply transformation!

Once again, a huge sublimation and change on the level of life has been achieved!

The whole person was completely reborn!

"Get stronger!"

"I have become countless times stronger than before!".

Chapter 116 Another breakthrough? Damn it, monster! 【6/7 ask for custom】


Ying Changge's belly dantian's majestic innate innate energy, after successfully integrating the third blind swordsman's ability, ushered in a huge surge and leap.

The tide is rising!

Climbing up!

The degree of increase in internal force can be called skyrocketing!

A leap forward!

It's like a sublimation on the level of life!

With the unlocking of the Gravity Fruit, Ying Changge's own cultivation and realm also ushered in huge changes!

This is a transformation!




Terrifying internal force fluctuations emanated from Ying Changge's body.

Wisps of light blue surging internal force entangled in the exterior of his body, and the imposing coercion emanating from him became more and more terrifying and deterrent-.

This internal force was like a weak and weak stream at first.

And just after merging the Gravity Fruit, the internal force that erupted in Ying Changge's body had already turned into a surging river.

Inner strength is constantly rising.

Showing the figure of Ying Changge, he became more and more eye-catching and dazzling.

The inner strength radiating from his body made his figure extraordinarily aloof.

If the internal power that Ying Changge erupted before was a small stream, then now his internal power has grown to the level of a river.

And this is far from over!

The changes are still going crazy...


A terrifying fluctuation of aura swept from Ying Changge's body in all directions, covering an area of ​​dozens of meters in a blink of an eye.

As if substantive pressure, heavy pressure was on the shoulders of Li Si, Meng Ying and others.

Only Shao Siming can maintain a calm and calm attitude at the scene.

The rest, whether it was Li Si, Meng Ying, and the others, were all oppressed by this terrifying aura without exception, suppressing their bodies and unable to move.

It was as if the whole body was being ruthlessly suppressed by a majestic mountain.

Can't move!

He looked extremely sluggish and stiff.

"This, this is..."

Li Si's pupils shrank, and he looked at Ying Changge's figure with a horrified expression.

beside him.

The two guards who have been guarding the tooth-devouring prison for many years have long been dumbfounded.

what's the situation? !

What a terrifying aura of coercion!

It made them feel terrified from the bottom of their hearts, and even unable to support them, almost wanted to lie on the ground and be paralyzed.

They couldn't believe it.

This surging momentum turned out to come from the seventh son Ying Changge in front of him.

"Okay, so scary!"

"This breath..."

"It's not just the realm of the innate middle stage!"

The faces of the two guards turned pale, and their lips trembled slightly.

Of course they can feel it.

Such a terrifying aura of coercion is by no means limited to the simple innate middle stage.


This is a terrifying aura that surpasses the innate middle stage!

what does that mean?

Thinking of this, the two of them were dumbfounded.


Meng Ying, who was a bodyguard, couldn't help rolling her throat and swallowed her saliva.

His heart was full of astonishment and shock, staring blankly at his son Ying Changge.

Even if he knew that his son was a monster...

But he could never predict.

My son is so terrifying!

"This, is this possible?!"

Meng Ying's throat was dry, and she couldn't help but subconsciously exclaimed.

He guessed a possibility.


This possibility almost completely subverted his cognition!

He couldn't even dream of it.

The horrific scene I'm witnessing right now.


real or fake?

Shouldn't this be a dream?

"Master he..."

Meng Ying opened his mouth, but was unable to speak.

Under the pressure of this terrifying airflow, Meng Ying and others' bodies were completely unable to support them, and they seemed to be shivering, as if they had encountered a terrifying beast.

It made their bodies extremely stiff and unable to move at all.


"This momentum is obviously not just in the middle of the innate!"

"Could it be that……"

Li Si also thought of a surprising guess.

The only person on the scene who could maintain normal mobility was the Yin-Yang family's Chief Mu, who was in charge of the old and the young.

at this time.

Shao Si Ming also looked at Ying Changge with surprise.

She also had no idea what was happening in front of her.

The beautiful face hidden under the veil showed not weak ripples and waves, showing that Shao Siming was in a very uneasy mood at the moment.

"Later innate!"

While everyone was in shock, Shao Siming directly told the truth.

The sound just fell.

The audience was silent for a moment!

It was eerily silent.

"Guo, sure enough!"

"It's really late innate!"

"Oh my God!"

Meng Ying was the first to react, but that face was still filled with a strong sense of shock.

He didn't expect it.

It's only been less than half a month, not even half a month.

My son, actually crossed from the middle stage of the innate to the late stage of the innate!

What is this concept?


Isn't it good to be in the innate realm, and the difficulty of breaking through will be very high?

But how can this be explained now?

Can anyone explain.

It was less than half a month after breaking through the middle stage of the innate, and the behavior of his own son again strongly attacked the late stage of the innate?

what monster is this?

It's so scary!

Meng Ying expressed doubts about life.

"Lying, lying in a trough???"

"First, late innate..."

"Seventh son, has this broken through?"

"Not according to rumors."

"Ten days ago, Seventh Young Master, was he just initially entering the middle stage of the innate?"

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