He felt it.

Unprecedented death threats!

The shadow of death has completely wrapped the whole body!

Deep fear, deep in my heart!

There is no escape!

By now.

Sheng Qi could only watch helplessly, Ying Changge's right hand wrapped in black armor was constantly approaching his body crazily.

That moment.

Hand knife tore space.

A harsh sound exploded, as if the space was torn apart.

The sword in his hand wrapped in black armour-colored armor burst out with unparalleled terrifying power, instantly pierced through Sheng Qi's chest, and only took the latter's heart.


Ying Changge's hand knife instantly penetrated Sheng Qi's chest, piercing the opponent's body from the front on the spot.

A mass of blood splashed up and fluttered in the air.

Chapter 114 The degree of fusion is increased by 10%! Unlock the third ability! 【4/7 ask for custom】

Blood splattered!

Scattered into the sky!

The hand-knife wrapped in the black armor-colored armor directly pierced through Sheng Qi's chest, aimed at the left side of the heart, and stabbed into the heart.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

The blood spilled out from Sheng Qi's chest, quickly infecting Sheng Qi's body, and the words fell from his body, falling to the ground with a slight sound.

The blood melted into the floor tiles underfoot.

a time.

A pungent **** smell suddenly filled the air.

Armed hands all over the world are like the sharpest weapons in the world, piercing through Sheng Qi's chest like piercing through a piece of tofu, the whole process is unobstructed.


One palm through!

Continue to charge forward with the hand knife.

next second.


The heart was directly pierced and broken!

Sheng Qi widened his pupils, lowered his head in a daze, and looked at his blood-stained chest, his eyes began to gradually slacken and he was about to lose his spirits.

The blow came so fast!

Sheng Qi couldn't react at all.


This victory over seven is also too expensive, so it has already fallen from the peak state to the bottom.

Facing Ying Changge's blow, Sheng Qi couldn't do any dodge at all, he could only watch helplessly, the blow pierced through his chest and heart.

this moment.

Sheng Qi smelled the breath of death.

"Is this the taste of death?"

Sheng Qi opened his mouth, his face was pale and bloodless, and blood was constantly spitting out from his mouth, and the blood stained and soaked his mouth almost completely.

The chin slipped from the mouth and fell from the chin to the ground.

The pungent **** smell made Sheng Qi smell it himself.

It was the smell of blood on his body.

Sheng Qi never dreamed of it.

One day, he will be killed in this way!

Killed by a mere mid-innate monster!

In the dignified half-step martial arts master realm, he was brutally crushed by a mid-level innate powerhouse, and even suffered the fate of being killed by a strong force in the end.

Everything that happened today has seriously subverted Shengqi's worldview.

After the chest was penetrated, the heart was also pierced, and Sheng Qi's thinking became more and more hazy and blurred.

He can feel it.

The vitality in his body is dying at a terrifying speed.

Vitality is rapidly declining!


With a mouthful, Sheng Qi spat out a mouthful of blood again, and his limbs became weak.


The hilt of the giant tower clenched tightly in his right hand had no trace of the blade for a long time, and it fell from the palm of his hand at any time, and finally fell to the ground with a crisp and pleasant sound.

Take a closer look.

The huge tower that was originally huge, now only has an insignificant hilt.

The blade has long since disappeared without a trace!

No trace of the broken face can be found!

All you can see is the many fragments and wreckage of the many broken blades on the ground.

It was revealed that Juque was once intact.

"I didn't expect it..."

"I, Chen Sheng, will be killed in this way one day!"

"Empty-handed only the heart..."

"What kind of monster is this?"

Sheng Qi looked at the wreckage of the giant tower on the ground from the corner of his eyes, and his heart was full of helplessness and powerlessness.

This was the most powerless and desperate battle he had ever experienced in his life.

The most unimaginable thing for him is...

The opponent in front of him is a young man who is weak and only has a mid-innate cultivation realm.


It was spanned two or three realms, and the whole process was crushed and killed!

This was something Sheng Qi didn't expect.


Sheng Qi opened his mouth with blood all over his mouth. His eyes were fixed on Ying Changge's figure, and there was an uncontrollable tinge of horror in his eyes.

no doubt.

in his mind.

The Ying Changge in front of him is the most terrifying monster he has encountered in his life! none of them!

Even the Sword Saint Genie, in terms of the level of danger, is far from being on a par with the opponent!

"I'm not ashamed to die in the hands of this monster~".


"I still have a lot of unfinished business, it seems that I can only be reduced to regret."

"did not expect."

"I, Chen Sheng, will die at the hands of a young man under twenty years old. If I hadn't experienced it myself, I would definitely not be able to accept it!"

"This Seventh Young Master is too terrifying!"

"It's predictable."

"The entire river and lake will be a **** storm because of the existence of this Seventh Young Master."

"Juggernaut Gai Nie, may be on the verge of death! Being targeted by such a terrifying monster, even Gai Nie will definitely not end well."

Holding countless helplessness and lamentation, Sheng Qi could feel that his vision became very hazy.

The vision is no longer clear.

he knows.

He is infinitely close to death!

Maybe in the next second!


Sheng Qi slowly closed his eyes.

Blood poured out from the chest of his body swiftly and violently.

In the blink of an eye.

A large bloodstain almost completely infected and soaked his body.

A strong and pungent **** smell spread.

one look.

Sheng Qi's whole person was reduced to a **** man.

Life withered!

There is no life!

Sheng Qi is dead.

Killed in one hit!

Been beaten all the way!

There is no fighting back!

If you don't see it with your own eyes, I'm afraid no one can imagine it.

The famous black swordsman Sheng Qi was actually killed by someone in this way.

Everything is just like a dream!

The top powerhouse of a half-step martial arts master died just like that.

When Ying Changge's right hand was retracted from Sheng Qi's chest.


Blood rushed frantically from Sheng Qi's chest, and a large smear of blood spilled and spilled over the entire floor tile, allowing the pungent **** smell to spread farther.

next second.


A soft sound.

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