Stopped by someone empty-handed? !

How is this possible!

It must be an illusion!

"Block, block?!"

Sheng Qi's throat was dry, and he couldn't help opening his mouth, his hideous face full of tattoos and branding, uncontrollably revealed his inner horror and disbelief...

He couldn't even dream of it.

Today, I can actually witness such a subversive scene with my own eyes.

So shocking!

The divine soldier Juque was released by him with surging sword energy, but he was intercepted and blocked by his bare hands!

what does that mean?

That contains...

His half-step martial arts master's innate ingenuity is a giant sword!

Can it be blocked so easily?

Intercept it effortlessly?

No damage at all?

Whole body unscathed?

"This this……"

"I must be dreaming, right?"

"He really did it!"

"With bare hands, I blocked my giant tower!"

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

Sheng Qi's heart was full of shock, staring at Ying Changge in front of him, the horrified expression on his face could not be cooled down for a long time, and his mood was shattered.

He had never seen it in his life.

How could someone be so powerful!

He blocked the divine weapon giant tower in his hand with just his bare hands!

All of this is seriously impacting Sheng Qi's mind.

His worldview was overturned on the spot!

Since ancient times, Sheng Qi has never heard of it.

Who else can do such a monstrous feat of behavior!


This horse is a monster in human skin!

Sheng Qi couldn't help roaring and shouting in his heart.


"Doesn't that break your trick?"

"I said it was easy!"

"But you don't seem to believe it?"

Ying Changge grabbed Juque's right hand, like a lofty mountain, extremely calm, making Juque no longer able to advance an inch, let alone move an inch.

"you you!"

"What kind of monster is that?!"

Sheng Qi's throat rolled, and he couldn't help swallowing.

He looked at Ying Changge as if he was looking at a terrifying monster.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone around him without reservation.

Meng Ying showed such an expression as expected.

And Li Si was horrified.

The two guards guarding the tooth-devouring prison were even more suspicious of life on the spot.

"Okay, so scary!"

"Block the giant tower of the black swordsman with bare hands!"

"This, is this the Seventh Young Master who severely injured Sword Saint Genie? The strength is simply unfathomable!"

Including Shao Shiming.

Her beautiful eyes also flickered again and again, and she stared at Ying Changge without blinking.

The battle seemed to be deadlocked.

Sheng Qi was horrified.

Ying Changge grabbed the giant tower with one hand while the wind was calm.


Just under Sheng Qi's terrified eyes.

Ying Changge's right hand pulled slightly harder.


Accompanied by a crisp and pleasant voice, he wandered in this deadly atmosphere.

Sheng Qiyi saw it clearly.

A slight crack appeared on the blade of the divine weapon Juque in his hand!

This scene was very clearly presented in Sheng Qi's eyes.

He was shocked again.


what's going on? !

what happened?

Giant Que...

broken? !

how can that be!


Countless thoughts rushed to Sheng Qi's forehead, his face was full of horror and shock, his lips trembled slightly.


Subconsciously swallowed, Sheng Qi stared at Ju Que's blade in shock.

The tiny 4.9 crack, and the hand holding the giant tower's blade.

The crack, it is from this hand!

simply put.

It was crushed by this hand on the spot!

be nice...

Thinking of this, Sheng Qi's entire forehead seemed to be hit by five thunders, his mind became blank, and his entire body stiffened in place.

Can anyone explain.

what is happening?

How did the giant tower get smashed to pieces?

And he was crushed on the spot with his bare hands!

what is happening? !

Everything that is happening today is scouring Sheng Qi's cognition.

He doubted life on the spot.

Legend has it that Ou Yezi, a famous swordsmith, forged a magic weapon for the King of Yue, Goujian...

Was it so weirdly pinched?

Squeeze it empty-handed?

can not imagine!

This is a genuine swordsman!

How could it be squeezed by someone empty-handed?

Sheng Qi's body only felt creepy, and goosebumps rose wildly.


An unprecedented sense of fear completely dominated his body and mind.

"Giant Que..."

"It was crushed with empty hands!"

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of monster is Seventh Young Master? Destroyed the weapon of magic with his bare hands?"

Sheng Qi's head was buzzing and his thinking was in chaos.



As Ying Changge continued to exert force, the giant tower in his hand was like broken pieces of glass.

A series of crisp and pleasant voices spread in all directions.

can be clearly seen.

The number of cracks that burst out on Juque's blade is very large, and the countless cracks are like spider webs, and the cracks are all over the appearance of Juque's huge sword.

One after another dense cracks were deeply imprinted on all sides of the sword.

Take a closer look.

The thick blade of the divine weapon giant tower looks like it will face the fate of being completely broken at any time.

Chapter 113 Destroy Chen Sheng with a Flick of the Finger! Obliterate the half-step martial arts master! 【3/7 ask for custom】


The two guards who have guarded the Tooth Devouring Prison for decades, their throats rolled involuntarily, swallowed their saliva, and showed their confused and horrified faces.

The two of them stared blankly at the battlefield ahead.

A scene that they dare not even dream of is happening in front of them at this moment, and let them witness it with their own eyes.

A powerful weapon of great prestige...

Giant Que Sword!

Prestigious giant tower!

It was destroyed!

Destroy it empty-handed!

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