
But there are no exceptions!

were all dodged.



The violent red sword energy erupted from the blade of Juque, and bombarded indiscriminately in different areas in all directions.

But Ying Changge escaped one after another.

As a result, there were gaps and cracks on the ground that proved terrifying.



Accompanied by bursts of crisp and pleasant sounds, the ground shattered, cracking cracks like spider webs, and then extending farther.


Around a hundred meters around the outbreak of the battle, it seemed that they were forcibly touched, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

Moreover, it also caused the operation of some hidden gears.

"So strong!"

Li Si, Meng Ying and others looked at Sheng Qi's burly figure with solemn eyes.

The Black Swordsman is indeed a Black Swordsman!

To be able to spread the fierce reputation far and wide in the rivers and lakes...

Relying on this terrifying strength!


They looked again, in the battlefield, at the moment they were treating Shengqi as if he were playing a monkey, the thin figure in white.

"Sheng Qi is really strong."



"Seventh son, even more terrifying than Shengqi!"

"It doesn't mean that the seventh son's cultivation realm is stronger than Sheng Qi. It can only be said that in terms of overall combat power, the seventh son is bound to surpass Sheng Qi!"

After carefully observing the changes in the battlefield, Li Si, Meng Ying and others came to this conclusion in their hearts.

With the smoke and dust gradually dispersed.

Ying Changge was still unscathed, and the expression on his face was somewhat intriguing.

The perfect level of seeing and hearing is domineering, and it can cover a radius of hundreds of meters all the time.


He felt it.

At this moment, Sheng Qi's breathing rhythm has been completely disrupted...

Internal strength, physical strength, energy, etc., also due to the mad offensive just now, it has dropped a lot indefinitely, consuming more than half of it.

The current Shengqi, although it is not said that he has fallen into a weak stage, but it is far less threatening than the peak period.

On the other hand, Ying Changge, who was attacking Shengqi, maintained his peak state as always.

"Time is up!"

Ying Changge spoke suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

Sheng Qi's eyes narrowed.

He looked at Ying Changge's eyes, and he couldn't contain the deep panic at all.

The more he fought, the more he could feel it.

The power and unfathomableness of this seventh son in front of him!

hard to imagine.

A prince who is still in the weak crown and blind, has such terrifying strength!

"I say……"

Ying Changge smiled.

Mind moving...



The surging innate innate energy in his body suddenly transformed into an even more terrifying force.


This terrifying and powerful force rushed to his right arm without reservation, and the force soon turned into a layer of black liquid substance as black as ink.

"It's time, it's time to send you on your way!" Fan.

Chapter 112 Destroy the magic weapon with only one hand! Chen Sheng doubted his life! 【2/7 ask for custom】



The surging innate true qi surged wildly from the dantian of Ying Changge's abdomen, and wisps of overflowing airflow turned into a light blue internal force and wrapped around the whole body.


This force quickly condensed on the right arm and turned into a black liquid substance that was as black as ink.



And exudes a terrifying deterrent aura.


Accompanied by Ying Changge for a moment.

This layer of black liquid material was then transformed into a black armor-like object, which was firmly wrapped around the arm around all sides.

In the blink of an eye.

Liquid turns into solid!

The terrifying energy that was like ink was transformed into a layer of incomparably hard armor. The black armor was smooth in appearance and full of texture, giving people an indestructible sense of sight.

In just an instant, Ying Changge's right hand seemed to be wearing a layer of armor, exuding a fierce and icy aura that made people shudder.

Perfect class armed color domineering, full firepower!

The current Ying Changge can be regarded as entering the strongest state!

"What, what kind of martial arts is this?!"

Sheng Qi's pupils shrank, staring at Ying Changge's right hand in horror.

He saw almost all the changes in Ying Changge's right hand, and his mood naturally seemed particularly shocked and unbelievable.

Never heard of such a strange martial art!


Vaguely, he could feel an unprecedented strong sense of crisis from it!

This is no ordinary martial arts!

Otherwise, it is impossible to give him such a strong threat to life.

"Must be careful!"

Sheng Qi had already made up his mind, and he was ready for battle.

He never dreamed of it.

One day, to deal with a person who is in the middle of the innate cultivation level, you will need to go all out, and you will feel such a surging sense of oppression from the other party.

"What a monster!"

Sheng Qi had this thought in his heart.

Depressed atmosphere!


Fight, once again at the touch of a button!


The knees were slightly bent, and the feet suddenly stepped on the "210", breaking the floor tiles trampled, and the tiny cracks spread in all directions.

at the same time.

Ying Changge rushed forward abruptly, constantly approaching where Sheng Qi was.

His right hand, which was covered in black armor, was grabbing at Shengqi's head.


Sheng Qi's expression changed slightly.

The unprecedentedly strong threat made him feel only trembling.

Not good!

If you are hit, you will really die!

Although he could never imagine why the bare-handed Seventh Young Master Ying Changge would bring him such a strong threat.

But he has always believed very much that his feelings will never go wrong!

"With bare hands, can you give me such a strong threat?"

"It really is a monster!"

Sheng Qi clenched the giant tower in his hand.

Wrapping the iron chain beside the hilt of the giant tower's sword around his right arm, facing Ying Changge's attack, he quickly grabbed the iron chain and started waving the giant tower in his hand.

"Since all my offensive tricks can be penetrated by you in advance!"


"How do you stop my move?!"

Shengqi once again performed a close-range defensive operation.

The giant tower in his hand was held by him with an iron chain, and he danced frantically around his body, revolving around himself like a meteor hammer.


A terrifying wave of air was generated as Sheng Qi displayed his infinite divine power, and the giant tower in his hand was generated.

The violent air waves spread and swept the four directions.

The dust on the ground rolled up and danced in the air.

One after another crimson internal force fluctuations, wrapped around the blade of Juque, made Juque exude a strong sense of oppression, with a terrifying might enough to open mountains and crack the earth.

The area surrounding Sheng Qi for several meters was almost covered by Sheng Qi holding an iron chain and waving a giant tower, making it impossible for all enemies to get close.

This move was used by Sheng Qi to guard against Ying Changge's attack.

Since all tricks will be penetrated...

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