
No weakness!

In the face of such a monster, how to win?

Lian Sheng Qi, a swordsman with rich combat experience, seemed helpless for a while.


Sheng Qi took a deep breath, his mood became heavier and more depressed.

He gradually realized it.

Although the Ying Changge in front of him is only in the middle stage of Xiantian, the sense of oppression given to him is indeed far superior to that of ordinary martial arts masters!

This discovery shocked Sheng Qi.


"Gai Nie, did you really lose to him?!"

"Failed to a young man in his weakest year?!"

"With the realm of a martial arts master, and the prestige of the number one swordsman in the world, he was defeated by a young man who was under 20 years old and only had a mid-innate cultivation base?!"

"This this!"

Originally, Sheng Qi was deeply skeptical.

But now, he gradually began to believe.

Only after the real fight with Ying Changge can Sheng Qi realize it.

There is only the seventh young master who is in the middle stage of Xiantian cultivation, how terrifying and difficult the other party is!

But when I think about it.

Sword Saint Gai Nie may have lost to the opponent...

Sheng Qi felt an unprecedented pressure in his heart.

The heavy feeling of oppression, pressing down on Sheng Qi's shoulders, made his body seem a little dull, and the eyes looking at Ying Changge became more and more fearful and palpitating.

"The Year of the Weak Crown..."

"Only based on the cultivation of the innate middle stage!"

"He defeated the Sword Saint Genie strongly? Even nearly killed the world's No. 1 Sword Saint?"

"This is really unimaginable!"

"Across four or five realms..."

"What is this concept?!"

Sheng Qi was shocked.

The more he thought about it, the more his mood shook.

I have never heard of such a terrifying genius in this world!

Do not!

This is a monster!

The first evildoer of the ages!

"I've never heard of such a horrific example in thousands of years."

"I have played against countless top powerhouses..."

"But no one can be as terrifying and dangerous as the Seventh Young Master in front of him!"

"Even the Sword Saint Genie did not bring me such an intuitive death threat!"

"But from the Seventh Young Master, I can feel it all the time, a boundless and strong sense of crisis, which makes me even a little helpless!"

Countless thoughts lingered in Sheng Qi's mind, making him feel heavier and heavier.


A faint trace of fear was born in Sheng Qi's heart.

This fear naturally comes from the Ying Changge in front of you!


"Seven sons..."

"It's a realm of cultivation only in the middle stage of the innate, but it is a monster that is so powerful that it is unfathomable!"

Sheng Qi is now starting to believe.

The world's number one swordsman, Genie...

The Juggernaut who once defeated him strongly!

The mighty swordsman who personally imprisoned him in Teeth Devourer!

Perhaps, the other party was really defeated by the seventh young master in front of him!


Even him.

They are all at a loss for the Ying Changge in front of them!

An unprecedented sense of powerlessness was entangled in Sheng Qi's heart.

He could never imagine.

In a year that is still in the weak crown, just relying on the cultivation realm of the middle stage of the congenital, it can be achieved, and the existence of the martial arts master can be defeated strongly...

The other party, what kind of enchanting monster is he!


This seventh son, Ying Changge, is such an unimaginable and unfathomable terrifying monster! .

Chapter 111 The sword is in chaos! Disturbed! Time to send you on your way! 【1/7 ask for custom】


An unprecedented sense of oppression filled Sheng Qi's heart and dominated his body.

He hadn't experienced this kind of oppression for a long time.

Even before he was imprisoned in the Tooth Devourer Prison, he rarely felt such a powerful sense of oppression from the enemy.

The Sword Saint Genie of that year could not give him this kind of oppression.


At this moment.

However, he felt this taste from a person who only had a mid-innate cultivation realm, from a young man who was still in the weakest years!

All of this has subverted Shengqi's previous cognition.

Things you can't even dream of.

It's happening right in front of you!

"Seventh Young Master, I think, I shouldn't have offended you, right?"

Sheng Qi took a deep breath and tried to resolve the battle with words.

His situation was very grim and embarrassing.

Not to mention the ability to defeat the opponent.

Even if he really defeated the opponent, he didn't think that he could leave the tooth-devouring prison alive.


After the fierce confrontation just now, Sheng Qi was deeply aware.

The seventh son in front of him, although he only has the cultivation realm of the middle stage of the innate, the danger factor is far higher than that of the innate perfection!

In the face of such a terrifying enemy, even Sheng Qi would not dare to act rashly.


Sheng Qi understands.

This unfathomable Seventh Young Master also possesses a terrifying ability similar to the mind of martial arts!

Do not!

More precisely.

It is a more terrifying and strange ability than martial arts.

Not only can it improve its own sensory insight to the extreme, it can even easily penetrate other people's offensive intentions.

Thinking of this, Sheng Qi felt horrified.

For the first time in his life.

A monster with such strange abilities!

"Of course we have no grudges."

"Just simply feel..."

"Instead of letting you go out and look for Gai Nie, it's better to become a ghost in my hands. I will take your obsession to kill Sword Saint Gai Nie."

"You can rest assured about this."

Ying Changge naturally wouldn't let Sheng Qi go easily.

This is one of the leaders of the Daze Township Uprising, Chen Sheng!

at the same time.

Sheng Qi and Ying Changge also symbolize countless experiences!

Treating such an experience baby is of course not to be missed!

Whether it can successfully unlock the third ability of the blind swordsman, I hope it all depends on the victory.

Treating such an important key person, how could Ying Changge let the other party slip out of his hands?

Must kill!

Chen Sheng must die!

Chen Sheng is immortal, the improvement of the template fusion degree that Ying Changge brought?

The third ability of the blind swordsman, Ying Changge has been looking forward to for a long time.

At this moment, he finally came across the opportunity to kill and win seven, thereby obtaining a high-value template fusion degree, of course he could not choose to miss it.

In general.

The biggest reason Ying Changge wants to kill Shengqi is to improve his strength!

As for grudges?

Of course no grudges!

just weird...

Who let Sheng Qi have enough food to support him, ran to Daze Mountain, and started a Daze Township Uprising.

Then you can't keep each other!

"Since the seventh son's killing intent is so determined, then I will be offended."

Sheng Qi's heart sank.

Seeing Ying Changge's firm expression, he already knew in his heart how firm the opponent's belief was.

This battle is inevitable!

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