The name of Chen Sheng will be heard all over the country, like thunder in the world.


Now is not the time.

Therefore, Shengqi has not recovered his real name.

Sheng Qi, the realm between the congenital perfection and the martial arts master!

The strength is very strong!

Even Star Soul, at most, can only be on par with Sheng Qi.

The cultivation realm of the two is similar, and the strength is probably not too different.

However, with the advantage of his size, if Sheng Qi had a deadly battle with Star Soul Blast, it was obvious that Sheng Qi would have a higher chance of winning, not the 300-year-old first genius of the Yin-Yang Family's Zuo Hufa Xing Soul.

"Sheng Qi, you have been imprisoned in Tooth Devouring Prison for many years, right? Do you want to go out? Leave this place? I can call the shots and give you freedom!"

Li Si stood quietly outside the cage, staring at the burly figure inside the cage, the beast-like figure exuding a terrifying aura of deterrence.

Even though he has been imprisoned in Tooth Devouring Prison for many years, the aura of Kesheng Qi's body is still very terrifying.

A former top powerhouse, even if he has been imprisoned for many years, will never be able to completely wipe out his vigor and murderous aura.

And Shengqi is obviously this kind of beast that doesn't forget its wildness even though it's trapped in a cage!

Accompanied by Li Si's voice, it sounded slowly.

Around the huge cage, a clear voice echoed and circulated.

quite a while.

The atmosphere is back to silence!

Not getting a response, Li Si couldn't help but raise his brows.

Beside Li Si, the two guards who have been guarding the Teeth-Eating Prison for many years, with a bit of anger on their brows, stared coldly at the figure inside the cage.

"Don't you want to be free? Shengqi."

"You should know……"

"If you miss this opportunity, you will be imprisoned in Teeth Devourer for the rest of your life. I believe you should have tried over the years to escape from Teeth Devourer."

"But, you can't do it!"

"No one can do it, escape the tooth-devouring prison, the most defensive prison in the empire!"

"Even if you win seven, you can never do it."

Li Si continued to speak.

Having said that, he looked at Ying Changge beside him with a somewhat unnatural obscure look.

If he hadn't experienced what happened just now, Li Si could of course be full of confidence, patted his chest and made this promise to Sheng Qi.

But after what happened just now, everything is naturally completely different.

No one can break the tooth-devouring prison?

Not really.

Just now, the seventh son, Ying Changge, cracked it!

And it's all effortless!

Just don't take it too easy!

With Li Si's voice falling again.


The burly and sturdy figure in the cage, holding the hard iron chains of his hands and feet, slowly stood up, revealing his sturdy body like a brown bear, which was extremely oppressive.

In the dark cage, the pleasant sound of the iron chains knocking against each other spreads crisply.

Immediately after.

A burst of heavy footsteps trampled the ground, and the huge figure as burly as a brown bear turned around, revealing the hideous face that was tattooed all over the country.

There was a strong suffocation and fierceness between his eyebrows, and there were countless scars all over his body, which made the sense of oppression on his body more intense and terrifying.

Black Swordsman wins seven!

The terrifying powerhouse who once made countless martial arts practitioners in the Jianghu feel terrified!

In order to challenge the stronger swordsman, he slaughtered countless powerful swordsmen with the famous sword giant tower.

Those who challenged all suffered the fate of being killed by Shengqi.

And the name of the black swordsman came from this.


In the end, he was dispatched by the Empire, the Sword Saint Genie, who directly defeated Shengqi. He was thrown into the tooth-devouring prison and was imprisoned here forever.

"Freedom? The falcons of the Empire talk to me about freedom?"

"Li Si, I haven't seen you for many years. You are still the same. You always like to use these noble remarks to make others die for you."

"Do you think I'd care what you said?"

Sheng Qi came to the cage, and the distance from Li Si was only the gate of the cage.

up close.

Sheng Qi's face covered in tattoos looked even more ferocious, with a fierceness and ferocity like a beast in his brows.

His hands and feet were firmly bound by iron chains, so that every step he took, there would be a pleasant sound of the chains hitting each other.


"In front of Lord Xiangguo, how dare you be so presumptuous, Shengqi?"

"I really don't know how to live or die!"

When the two guards who had been guarding the Tooth Devouring Prison for decades, saw Sheng Qi's arrogant appearance, they scolded him with anger, and their eyes were full of sternness and coldness.

Criminals who are imprisoned in the tooth-devouring prison must look like criminals!

How can it be so rampant? !

I just don't know how to live or die!

"Li Si, don't play your way in front of me."

"What you do doesn't work for me."

"If you really want to give me freedom, then let me go now, how about that?"

Sheng Qi sneered, ignoring the cold reprimands of the two guards, but stared at Li Si quietly, his burly body looking down at the latter.

"I know you have complaints in your heart."

"The name of the Black Swordsman back then was so powerful and domineering in the arena!"


"No matter how strong you are, you will still be defeated under the sword of Sword Saint Genie."

"Don't you think it's a pity?"

"With your strength, you were defeated by Gai Nie's strength!"

"Don't you want revenge?"

"You don't want to defeat Gai Nie? What a shame?"

Li Si didn't care about Sheng Qi's attitude, but continued to keep his face calm.

Since he dares to come here, he naturally has full confidence!

As a prime minister with one person under one person and more than 10,000 people in the imperial court, Li Si rarely does anything he is not sure about.

Since he came to the tooth-devouring prison.

That also means...

Sheng Qi will definitely act according to Li Si's plan!

Lis believed.

Sheng Qi could not refuse this temptation at all.

Defeat Genie...

This has obviously become Sheng Qi's biggest obsession in his life!

Before completing this obsession, Sheng Qi was still unwilling to be trapped in the tooth-devouring prison for the rest of his life.

And Li Si gave Sheng Qi this hope.

The hope that Shengqi absolutely cannot refuse!


Mentioning Sword Saint Gai Nie, Sheng Qi's face became a bit ugly.

Losing to Gai Nie was the most tragic defeat for Sheng Qi in the arena.

And because of this defeat, he was finally imprisoned in the dark place of the tooth-devouring prison.

After being imprisoned in the Tooth Devouring Prison all these years, Sheng Qi has been longing almost all the time. When he fights with Sword Saint Gai Nie again, he will be able to defeat Ga Nie with his own hands!

This is his lifelong obsession!

It is also Sheng Qi's belief that he longs to be free and to leave the tooth-devouring prison.

But Sheng Qi is obviously not stupid.

In an instant, he saw through Li Si's purpose.


Sheng Qi turned to Li Si and slowly asked, "You want me to help you deal with Genie? Isn't he the first assassin of the empire? Or, has he defected to the empire?"

"I've already guessed."

"Gai Nie, it is absolutely impossible to be loyal to the empire!"


"Gai Nie has probably defected. And the people of your empire, for a while, can't find anyone who can deal with Gai Nie."


"You found me!"

"I want me to help you solve the huge threat and scourge of Sword Saint Genie!"

"I guess, it should be right? Li Si."

In a short period of time, Sheng Qi guessed the ins and outs of the matter.

It's not something esoteric.

Sheng Qi never believed it.

The people of the Empire would be so kind, and give him freedom in vain, and let him escape from the tooth-devouring prison.

Since the other party wants to let him go, it must have the other party's purpose!

And this purpose is now certain.

Just let him kill the Sword Saint Genie!


"you guessed right."

"Gai Nie defected to the empire, causing His Majesty the First Emperor to be furious."

"And you, too, can get an opportunity for freedom from it."

"If you are willing to deal with Genie, I can give you the power to leave the tooth-devouring prison and regain your freedom."

"If you don't want to, then pretend that I haven't been here."

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