Entering the city, Ying ChanggeHe and his own army are walking unimpeded.
Anyone who stands in the way of his army will be killed. Ying Changge’s momentum is like a rainbow, just like this vast sunshine.
No one can break through this time of fighting, at least, Ying Changge wants to let the enemy 05 leave no one behind.
I hope that seeing Zhao Yiming’s death in battle, Ying Changge will enter the city after all the hardships.
It was a battle of high ambitions, but they all died, in the hands of Ying Changge.
Zhao Yiming was very disappointed, he was not reconciled to this, it was impossible to fight with all his strength at this moment.
They all fled under the city gate, and now, he can’t wait to escape, escape from Ying Changge’s control.
Full of confidence and perseverance, Ying Changge continued to charge, causing many people to die in battle.
Those who conspired to rebel, one by one, came persistently, blocking Ying Changge’s way.
This is an unstoppable road, at least, it is not easy to die, this battle is embarrassing.
Still insisting on defense, but there are not many soldiers left by Zhao Yiming, and the remnants of the defeated soldiers are dying.
After this battle, Ying Changge’s army entered smoothly and directly occupied the city.
Taking control of the advantage, so many soldiers were stationed here, and successfully occupied Zhao Yiming’s city.
Zhao Yiming, who was still flaunting his power before, was so irritable, it seemed that everything was planned and full of confidence.
However, when Ying Changge’s army invaded the city, Zhao Yiming lost his momentum.
There was no way to start this battle. Facing Ying Changge’s offensive, Zhao Yiming had no choice but to be helpless.
Zhao Yiming didn’t dare to be hostile to Ying Changge, he was still persevering and escaped desperately.
There were not many soldiers left in the city, not to mention the soldiers of Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue.
There was a chaotic battle in the city, and many people died because of it. The soldiers were defeated and retreated steadily.
Otherwise, if Zhao Yiming is really going to die here, his Spring and Autumn Dream will be completely over.
Regardless of his own safety, he quickly broke free from the pursuit of Ying Changge’s army, and he is still moving forward bravely.
Ying Changge will not let it go, he and his army are also chasing and killing quickly.
Regardless of whether Zhao Yiming escapes to the ends of the earth, he must do his best to chase each other’s tracks.
Without further ado, Ying Changge and his army are still aggressively trying to capture Ying Changge.
It’s a pity that the road ahead was completely blocked, and Ying Changge was intercepted by the army.
Even with Zhang Zijun and Wu Yue’s strangeness, they still couldn’t wipe out Zhao Yiming’s army.
A lot of troops were scattered among each other, and they fought one after another to resist Zhao Yiming.
It’s a pity that there was still a small group of troops that isolated Ying Changge’s army, leaving him nowhere to go.
If you stay here, you are bound to win. Ying Changge waved his sword, “Catch him with his hands up, and don’t kill him if he disarms!”
“I am General Zhao Yiming’s deputy general, Chen Ke, today, I will meet you Ying Changge!”
Chen Ke was riding on the horse, furiously, “I’ve heard for a long time that you won the title of Changge, and I want to see if your reputation is in vain!”
Chen Ke held his sword and galloped forward with all his strength, the horse couldn’t wait to get close to Ying Changge.
Under such a siege, it was really stupid for Ying Changge to meet the stubborn lieutenant general.
With a contemptuous smile, Ying Changge shook his head, “Then you will know soon, I am worthy of the name!”
The sword was drawn quickly, and the figures of the two were entangled together. You came and went, and the fight was very fierce.
But if any 960 lieutenants resisted him, Ying Changge would kill them all.
Riding on a war horse and approaching quickly, Ying Changge came in front of Chen Ke, brandishing his weapon vigorously.
There was an endless stream of swords, waving afterimages one after another, coming to Chen Ke in all directions.
Surrounded by swords all of a sudden, Chen Ke showed a panicked gesture on his face, and was in a hurry.
Just starting the battle with Ying Changge, Chen Ke was overwhelmed by his sword edge, and he was extremely embarrassed.
Approaching Ying Changge, attacking close at hand, every move of Chen Ke was extraordinarily fierce and menacing.
With a sword galloping down, Chen Ke blocked Ying Changge’s killing intent while riding on the horse and quickly counterattacked.
The sword that looked majestic and majestic actually had no lethality, and he was extraordinarily hasty.
Murderous, fighting with all his strength, Chen Ke still couldn’t wait to attack the opponent fiercely.
It can be seen that Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is superb, but Chen Ke is still fighting persistently.
Chapter 819 The road is bumpy, and the war is ruthless!
After showing his abilities and fighting bloody battles, Chen Ke would never back down.
He pulled out all his strengths, who in the world does not plan to fight Ying Changge and learn swordsmanship!
Now that Ying Changge was right in front of him, Chen Ke was of course fighting with all his might, attacking impatiently.
The sword edge ran rampant, and came in an endless stream, chattering and hitting Ying Changge’s left and right.
This deputy general of Zhao Yiming is really determined, and he persisted to this point in order to defend the city.
Chen Ke was still fighting back, riding on the horse, he couldn’t wait to deal with Ying Changge, trying to take him down.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s ability is so strong, he is always accurate, and he is bound to win.
The horses collided, the swords crisscrossed, and the attack came and went, with chattering offensive and fierceness.
Ying Changge’s sword pierced Chen Ke’s body in a blink of an eye, rubbing against his armor.
Between the lightning and the flint, almost no one could stop Ying Changge’s fight, and they retreated from each other.
Many people died because of this, and the places where Ying Changge fought were particularly tragic and turbulent.
The rapid invasion, the army came in an endless stream, and soon defeated Zhao Yiming’s army.However, Chen Ke led his own army and stayed here to the death, just to fight Ying Changge.
Fighting against the sky, fighting against the earth, and fighting with Ying Changge are all fun, this is the key battle.
Ying Changge wanted to chase Zhao Yiming, but Chen Ke and his soldiers blocked him.
This is a very ridiculous thing, mantising a car, looking for a dead end? Ying Changge was full of confidence.
Holding the sword and continuing to charge, the figures of the two intertwined, always attacking back and forth.
No matter how fierce the offensive was, Chen Ke was still concentrating on the battle, trying to kill Ying Changge.
It is Chen Ke’s responsibility to stop Ying Changge’s army, protect the city, and cover Zhao Yiming.
As a guard in the city, Chen Ke needs to continue to charge and kill Ying Changge together.
If Ying Changge could not be killed, Chen Ke would be implicated, and the fire at the city gate would affect Chi Yu.
After fighting patiently and concentrating on fighting, Chen Ke blocked many soldiers from Ying Changge.
The offensive collapsed in an instant, and Ying Changge’s army could not continue to chase and kill Zhao Yiming, it was difficult for him to chase and kill.
With Chen Ke here, it is not an easy task to continue chasing and killing Zhao Yiming.
The army continued to fight in the city, and they were menacing and brave.
Ying Changge thought it was a little funny to be blocked by a mere lieutenant general, it was really stupid.
The sword was drawn quickly, and the blade ran across, stabbing Chen Ke’s armor with ease.
The armor is for protection. Although Chen Ke was not injured, he staggered back after being hit.
He almost fell down and jumped off the horse, but he pulled the rein and quickly stabilized his figure.
Unable to let Ying Changge go, Chen Ke must seriously injure him to prevent Ying Changge’s army from approaching.
The road was bumpy and the war was ruthless. Many soldiers died here, and Chen Ke’s troops suffered heavy losses.
Riding relentlessly on the horse, Chen Ke is always relentlessly fighting, wishing to kill Ying Changge.
Ying Changge is highly skilled, and his swordsmanship is superb, easily blocking every sword attack of Chen Ke.
Even if Chen Ke couldn’t wait to kill himself, but couldn’t get close to Ying Changge, there was a gap.
Staying three steps away, Ying Changge jumped up from the horse and landed on Chen Ke’s horse.
Raising his arm quickly, the sword edge was rampant, and the sword slashed on Chen Ke’s head.
Although Chen Ke was protected by armor, there was nothing on Chen Ke’s head, just an ugly face.
Chen Ke has an unremarkable appearance and a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. At first glance, he is a sinister and cunning villain.
Walking in a serious manner, Ying Changge kept approaching Chen Ke and swung his sword as hard as he could.
He retreated quickly and quickly avoided, but fortunately, Chen Ke had already avoided Ying Changge’s sword’s sharp thrust.
Passing by, to protect himself, Chen Ke stood firmly on the ground, and immediately broke away from Ying Changge.
He wanted to throw Ying Changge off the horse, but he was very stable and his legs were so good that he would not fall off at all.
Sitting steadily on the horseback, Ying Changge grabbed Chen Ke by the throat at the same time.
Tossing him vigorously, Ying Changge’s horse (Nuo Wang’s) was about to throw Chen Ke under him and let him get off the horse.
This is the dismounting power on the battlefield, Chen Ke wished he could throw Ying Changge off his horse and let him be trampled to death.
The horse is strong, and the hooves of the horse fall down, so it can naturally break Ying Changge’s bones, and Chen Ke is sure to win.
With red-faced resistance, Chen Ke gritted his teeth, trying to hit him on the ground.
It’s a pity that there is still a gap between Chen Ke and Ying Changge’s abilities, and it is not so easy to resist.
With a swift counterattack, the sword edge pierced through Chen Ke’s armor easily, and Ying Changge was killed.
There was a hole in the armor, and Chen Ke’s skin was injured and bleeding. He was very annoyed.
Chapter 820 One after another, waving fists!

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