“You are just ordinary people, how can you be a dead man here!” Zhang Zijun told them to leave.
Chapter 796 Do your best and concentrate!
But Zhao Yiming’s soldiers looked helpless, they directly obeyed Zhao Yiming.
This is very important, Zhang Zijun wants to talk to Zhao Yiming, trying to control the people.
You can’t put all the people on the city gate, it will just let them die innocently, which is very tragic.
Zhang Zijun didn’t want to see this scene in his own city, the people should not be involved in the war.
These innocent civilians should live well, not just die, that’s too much.
It was inevitable, so Zhang Zijun acted, and couldn’t wait to meet with the other lieutenants and start discussing.
Trying to persuade a few more people to go to meet Zhao Yiming with him, so that he can persuade him to release the people.
Otherwise, once so many people died in battle, it would be impossible for Zhao Yiming to get any benefits.
It’s a pity that after Zhang Zijun and the other lieutenants met, there was no good opportunity to communicate with each other.
These guys are soft bones, what they have to do is very simple, that is to obey Zhao Yiming.
Zhao Yiming has enough power, this is a symbol of glory, he is the general in this army.
Once the success is complete, Zhao Yiming has to make a choice for his own ambition and dominance.
Killing Ying Changge and defeating the opponent will only have Zhao Yiming’s own army running amok.
This is a very good opportunity, Zhao Yiming will do anything to kill Ying Changge.
Doing their best and concentrating on it, according to Zhao Yiming’s order, the soldiers detained many civilians.
In order to save these common people, Zhang Zijun, who came belatedly, acted in a hurry.
He saw how the people were suffering, and Zhang Zijun wanted to make more people safer.
Zhang Zijun and Zhao Yiming are very different, they are not the same kind of people.
Otherwise, there is Zhao Yiming’s scheme to sacrifice so many ordinary people in order to resist Ying Changge!
This is not a good countermeasure. It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Zijun to let Zhao Yiming behave like this.
So, he dispatched many people to try to persuade Zhao Yiming as a lobbyist with him.
Zhang Zijun entered the mansion where Zhao Yiming lived, found that he was resting, he hesitated.
Whether to go in or not! After thinking for a while, Zhang Zijun still planned to enter, so he pushed the door open and entered.
“Who is it!” Zhao Yiming was awakened suddenly, he thought it was Ying Changge who attacked!
Getting up in a daze, Zhao Yiming took a closer look, and then he was very angry, “What are you doing!”
Seeing that it was his lieutenant general Zhang Zijun, he had nothing to worry about and was very relieved.
Lying down again, Zhao Yiming closed his eyes, preparing to continue to rest for a while and sleep soundly.
But Zhang Zijun hesitated again and again, and immediately reminded, “General! There are our people on the city wall!”
“Wrong!” With his eyes closed, Zhao Yiming sneered nonchalantly, “That’s not our person!”
“The people in this city have nothing to do with us! We have to deal with Ying Changge’s army like this!”
There is a huge army of Ying Changge outside, and Zhao Yiming has nothing else to do.
But after hearing Zhao Yiming’s words, Zhang Zijun was very persistent, “But!”
“They are just ordinary people, they have nothing to do with us and should not have anything to do with them.”
Zhang Zijun insisted, “We are soldiers, we should fight with dignity!”
“What! Are there any relatives of yours among the people!” Zhao Yiming sneered dismissively.
“If there are, I will let you go and release them. If not, you will shut up and don’t talk.”
Zhao Yiming was scolding Zhang Zijun mercilessly, but Zhang Zijun was very bold, and he took his time.
Patiently continued to defend, Zhang Zijun retorted, “But, they are not our soldiers.”
“Those people who were forced to stand on the wall should not have fought like this. They are innocent.”
Zhang Zijun, who insisted on his own opinion, felt that he was right, and what Zhao Yiming did was wrong.
Getting up unhappy, Zhao Yiming knew that his daydream was about to be awakened by Zhang Zijun, and he just wanted to rest.
But Zhang Zijun was always persuading himself endlessly, which made Zhao Yiming very angry.
Sitting up, staring at Zhang Zijun intently, Zhao Yiming asked, “What do you think?”
“You think my approach is wrong, that’s why you want to stop me! Right!”
Zhao Yiming was murderous, staring at Zhang Zijun intently, clenched one hand into a fist.
Sensing Zhao Yiming’s anger, Zhang Zijun could only hastily defend himself, “No! It’s not me!”
“I just think we should fight Ying Changge’s army instead of coercing the people!”
After tidying up his armor, Zhao Yiming said absently, “It doesn’t matter.”
“They look like ordinary people, but in fact, they are just ants, not as good as our soldiers!”
Seriously, Zhao Yiming swore, “The lives of our soldiers are even more precious.”
“As long as we can guard the city, there will be no problems. We can guard the city!”
Zhao Yiming’s winning ticket is in his hands.
Chapter 797: It is certain to win, menacing!
In order to survive, and to break through Ying Changge’s defenses, Zhao Yiming had to do whatever it takes.
Hearing Zhao Yiming’s words, Zhao Yiming couldn’t believe it, and was even more surprised.
“General, this statement is wrong. We deserve to be in such a state. We still have a lot of troops!”
“As long as so many troops go forward in one go, they will naturally be able to break through!”
Knowing that Zhao Yiming is not a good general, Zhang Zijun still persuaded him not to be outdone.
In order to be able to persuade him, Zhang Zijun even used his three-inch tongue.
“Even if our soldiers are invincible, we should not implicate those innocent people in September 27th.”
“This is a very important matter, we cannot give up the dignity of our army.”
“I think we should…” Zhang Zijun continued to tell, so as to dissuade Zhao Yiming.
But at this time, Zhao Yiming was furious, “Wrong! You are so wrong!”
“I don’t want you to think, I want me to think!” Zhao Yiming got up and stared at Zhang Zijun intently.
“I am the general! All the troops are under my leadership, I just want to live!”
Shouting, Zhao Yiming snorted coldly, “If I can live! You can live!”
“It’s a matter of course! Don’t you understand! You are my lieutenant general!”
Zhao Yiming, who is bound to win, is so aggressive that he will not listen to Zhang Zijun’s words at all.
“This city needs people, and needs those humble civilians to become human shields to protect us!”
“Only by stopping Ying Changge’s army, we can continue to defend the city, that’s for sure.”
Zhao Yiming grabbed Zhang Zijun, “If you continue to disobey me, you will have a serious crime!”
Being scolded like this, Zhang Zijun’s face was more or less frightened, who made him a general!
Zhang Zijun is just a lieutenant next to Zhao Yiming, his official position and status are humble.
Even if he was surrounded by Ying Changge’s army, Zhang Zijun felt that those innocent people should not be used.
He made his own preparations, letting the people in his hands climb up the city wall one after another.
He didn’t want to let his troops take risks at all, he needed to retain his own strength.
The soldiers had taken sufficient precautions, and Zhao Yiming did not want his soldiers to continue to sacrifice.
Once more soldiers are damaged, it will only make Zhao Yiming’s troops weaker.
Faced with Zhang Zijun’s persuasion, Zhao Yiming became even more resentful, “Are you trying to fight against me!”
“If you dare to continue the nonsense, I willI’m going to kill you! “Zhao Yiming is sure to win, and he is aggressive.
However, Zhao Yiming, who tried to kill Ying Changge, would not waste his lieutenant general, he wanted to make the best use of it.
Every soldier and every lieutenant is useful, he must control the dangerous situation in the city.
Otherwise, once Ying Changge invades, Zhao Yiming and his army will be completely buried.
Because of this, after Zhao Yiming heard about Zhang Zijun’s plan, he was very angry!
Hitting Zhang Zijun’s face with a fist, Zhao Yiming made him stagger and almost fell.
With a cold snort, Zhao Yiming yelled, “Get out! My city is my decision, you don’t need to intervene!”
“Once my decision is questioned, then I will kill you and deprive you of your power!”
Since Zhao Yiming is ruthless and ungrateful, Zhang Zijun knows that he has no way to persuade him.  …
Reluctantly lowered his head and left, this is not a general who can be persuaded! Zhang Zijun left.
After leaving Zhao Yiming’s mansion, Zhang Zijun’s persuasion failed, but he was still very unwilling.
“Those are innocent common people!” Zhang Zijun said to himself, his expression was very lonely.
Zhao Yiming arrested the common people, making so many guys continue to become a meat shield and a city wall.
No matter how many people are preparing, there will be far from enough in the city, and there will be inexhaustible supplies.

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