Ying Changge, who took the lead, rushed out quickly, chasing and killing Zhao Xingzhi endlessly.
The two armies are at a stalemate, they are constantly confronting, and the murderous shots are fired, and the fire spreads.
Chattering out of the flames, Ying Changge came behind Zhao Xingzhi.
Different from Ying Changge’s battle situation, Meng Tian’s battle was not so easy and full of hardships.
Because Zhao Yiming had taken precautions in advance and made the city gate he was guarding impregnable.
With so many soldiers chattering and walking, many enemy troops were defeated and fell to the ground dead.
But there are still a lot of soldiers sticking to this place, making it not so easy for Meng Tian to attack.
Meng Tian persevered, he was still leading his own army to go on, eager to attack the city.
Zhao Yiming will not compromise, he is doing his best to be on guard so that he can suppress the city here.
Everything is very mysterious, sometimes advantageous and sometimes disadvantageous, and the method of siege is like this.
Seeing how embarrassed his army was, Zhao Yiming took his time and continued to fight unremittingly.
Arranging his own army under the city gate, so many people formed a solid front.
Naturally, Meng Tian will not give up, he is continuing to attack bravely, so as to unite the army.
More and more soldiers died in battle, Zhao Yiming refused to give up, and continued to hold the city gate.
He had already anticipated the situation on Zhao Xingzhi’s side, but he had no way of avatar.
Caught in a battle with Meng Tian, ​​the only thing Zhao Yiming has to do is to defeat Meng Tian!
Beiyan Pass is already in a mess, but they can’t hold on, the gate of the city has been broken to 0…
Filed in and shuttled through the city gate, they all continued to attack, especially Ying Changge.
Leading his soldiers and horses, Qingqi chased and killed Zhao Xingzhi beside Ying Changge.
Seeing that Zhao Xingzhi was about to escape, he refused to let Zhao Xingzhi escape from his scene again.
Will not be afraid in the face of danger, Ying Changge’s soldiers and horses are always so powerful, they are united and work together.
It is reasonable to train your own soldiers, and Ying Changge made them all powerful warriors.
In the quick battle in Beiyan Pass, they had an irresistible force, and Zhao Xingzhi became weaker and weaker.
Riding on a horse and running away impatiently, Zhao Xingzhi always keeps a certain distance from Ying Changge.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Xingzhi will flee from Ying Changge’s army, otherwise, he will die.
Surrounded by Ying Changge’s army, Zhao Xingzhi knew that he was in danger, so he refused to continue.
Let the soldiers around him delay Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi didn’t dare to waste his strength and strength.
4.9 Even if Ying Changge came chasing after him endlessly, he always quickly avoided.
The troops were overwhelming, and many soldiers died in front of him.Gradually a large area of ​​Wang Yang was formed.
The corpses piled up like a mountain, and the blood was like a large piece of Wang Yang’s continuous spread, which was really unavoidable.
Trampling over the corpses of his own soldiers, Zhao Xingzhi continued to escape non-stop.
In order to avoid Ying Changge’s pursuit behind him, he walked non-stop, trying to break free from Ying Changge.
Concentrating on the confrontation, Ying Changge killed many enemy troops and destroyed them with one sword.
Chapter 778 The momentum is like a rainbow, kill the enemy generals!
The sword edge in his hand was stained with blood, and he walked endlessly, riding on a horse, chasing and killing at a fast pace.
From far to near, Zhao Xingzhi continued to shuttle, and he soon saw another city gate.
The city gate here has not missed yet, it is an unexpectedly good place for him.
As long as the city gate is opened, Zhao Xingzhi will be able to leave here with his elite soldiers.
He wanted to leave quickly, otherwise Zhao Xingzhi would not have any chance to escape if Ying Changge chased him down.
This is the only chance! Zhao Xingzhi is still stabbing quickly, so that he can leave this place.
Hurry up and win, Zhao Xingzhi and his elite soldiers have already arrived at the gate of the city.
“Open the city gate!” As long as he can escape, no matter what it is, 05 can’t stop Zhao Xingzhi.
Zhao Xingzhi’s heart of running away is very hot, and nothing can stop his whereabouts.
Going quickly, riding on the horse, Zhao Xingzhi was still yelling loudly, “Open the city gate quickly! What are you doing in a daze!”
Zhao Xingzhi’s army has been so defeated that many people died because of this, and died under Ying Changge’s sword.
If they continue to charge, I’m afraid they will be completely defeated and completely lose their chance.
But under Zhao Xingzhi’s roar, nothing responded, “It’s too quiet!”
Zhao Xingzhi, who became angry from embarrassment, raised his sword and shouted hoarsely, “Open the city gate for me!”
I dare not imagine the consequences of Ying Changge chasing and killing himself, it will be very tragic and full of crises.
Therefore, Zhao Xingzhi couldn’t wait, without delay, and wanted to escape the crisis completely from Beiyan Pass.
At this moment, Zhao Xingzhi had already seen Ying Changge’s army coming behind him.
So many troops surrounded him, leaving Zhao Xingzhi no way out, and he was alone and helpless.
Standing with his own cavalry, riding on the horse, Zhao Xingzhi said with a blank expression, “Come on!”
“Let me see you, how can you kill me!” Zhao Xingzhi raised his sword.
Jian Feng pointed at Ying Changge, he had no choice but to not fight and fight with Ying Changge.
On the contrary, Ying Changge was full of confidence. Holding the rein in his hand, he asked plainly, “Overestimate your own strength?”
“You have been surrounded by my army! If you are captured now, you can still die!”
Slapping the edge of his sword calmly, Ying Changge continued, “Otherwise, you will be executed immediately!”
Laughing loudly, shaking his head, Zhao Xingzhi is determined to win, his eyes are firm, “I am not afraid!”
“The soldiers around you look dazzling, but my soldiers are also good players!”
Unable to agree with his surrender, Zhao Xingzhi was determined to continue fighting and fight Ying Changge.
It’s dead anyway, and if Zhao Xingzhi surrenders to Ying Changge and raises his hand to surrender, he won’t be alive.
This must be a contest that is difficult to tell the winner, Zhao Xingzhi showed his momentum.
Persevering, Zhao Xingzhi led his soldiers to go there immediately, and act first to seize the opportunity.
Seeing that Zhao Xingzhi’s army came to attack him, Ying Changge concentrated on fighting the enemy.
“Attack, the whole army charges, go kill the opponent first, and wipe them all out, leaving no one behind!”
With the fierceness of the war, the two armies immediately began to turmoil, full of blood.
The soldiers fell to the ground and suffered heavy casualties. Zhao Xingzhi had no way to retreat here.
This is not a good thing, Zhao Xingzhi felt that he would die here without any chance.
Zhao Xingzhi was riding on a horse, always charging quickly, trying to surround them all.
However, even under such circumstances, Ying Changge still insisted on going his own way and decided to kill Zhao Xingzhi.
This stupid Zhao Xingzhi was still fighting against Ying Changge when he was dying.
The army was filled under the city gate, and soldiers from both Zhao Xingzhi and Ying Changge were charging bravely.
The soldiers are fighting fiercely, attacking one after another, with momentum like a rainbow, killing the enemy generals.
913 The figures of Ying Changge and Zhao Xingzhi were also in the crowd, and there was no way to escape.
Zhao Xingzhi is already a bird in a cage, imprisoned here, and he has no chance of leaving.
Especially when he was surrounded by Ying Changge’s army, he had no way to leave under the city gate.
If the city gate is not opened, the soldiers will die in battle. At that time, Zhao Xingzhi will die in the barren land of Beiyan Pass.
Could it be that his fate is just like this! Facing Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi was unwilling to show weakness.
When shooting a man, shoot a horse first, and when capturing a thief, first capture the king. Zhao Xingzhi tried to kill Ying Changge, or hijacked him and rushed out.
As long as he can leave this place, Zhao Xingzhi will not die in a humble way, but will become famous.
Leading the army to rebel, Zhao Xingzhi gambled on his future and made himself honor his ancestors.
It’s either success or failure, anyway, Zhao Xingzhi has no other way to complete the ambitious hegemony.
Still fighting quickly, Zhao Xingzhi rode on the horse and couldn’t wait to go, approaching Ying Changge.
Chapter 779 Take your time and walk with a sword!
Looking at Zhao Xingzhi’s chasing figure, Ying Changge felt that he was finally bold.
Like a pure man fighting in front of him, then Ying ChanggeWill give him a good time!
He was also riding on the horse, causing the horses to rush to Zhao Xingzhi’s side quickly, and stabbed quickly.
The sword was swift, and stabbed Zhao Xingzhi’s body in a blink of an eye, and Ying Changge seriously injured him.
Bruised, Zhao Xingzhi was injured by Ying Changge’s sword, and he was already covered in bruises.
Charging quickly on horseback, the sound of hoofbeats was frenzied, and they had almost no way out in the city.
Soldiers charge endlessly, they are in groups, always fighting and resisting with concerted efforts.
Ying Changge’s eyes were extraordinarily calm, and the battle between him and Zhao Xingzhi would be more intense, and it would be hot and fast.
Ping-pong, the blades staggered, and Zhao Xingzhi’s armor was easily broken with one sword, leaving many scars.
The swordsmanship in his hand is very dexterous, and Ying Changge is highly skilled, so it goes without saying that he is skilled in martial arts.
In the battle with Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi tried his best, always holding the sword edge and continuing to stab.

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