The strategy Meng Tian discussed with Ying Changge was very simple, that is to borrow Zhao Xingzhi’s pen and ink.
In the remote and unoccupied study room, Meng Tian immediately wrote a letter, no doubt, it was a letter to Ying Changge.
Chapter 768 Not to be outdone, start to fight back!
Ten lines at a glance, wandering dragons and drawing phoenixes, soon, Meng Tian was on the verge of disappearing.Sloppy wrote a letter.
The content of the letter is naturally needless to say, it is the content of surrendering to Ying Changge and declaring to disarm and survive.
After writing the letter in Zhao Xingzhi’s study, Meng Tian should leave now.
If you don’t leave now, when will you wait! Meng Tian stuffed the letter into his arms and left immediately.
Going to the front yard and going out from the inside, Meng Tian will naturally not be blocked or suspected by any soldiers.
“Give me a fast horse, the general has a letter to send!” Meng Tian was in a hurry, as if he couldn’t wait.
The soldiers next to him had no doubts, and immediately moved a fast horse into Meng Tian’s hands!
He was very satisfied, everything was as Ying Changge expected, smoothly, without any obstacles. 05 was unimpeded.
So Meng Tian quickly got on his horse and walked, speeding up his horse, and left directly towards the city gate.
Meng Tian had inquired a long time ago. The scouts sent by Ying Changge had information, and each of them had their own division of labor here.
The soldiers of Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming were not guarding the same place, but they were different.
Therefore, Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers guarded the north and south gates, and Zhao Yiming’s men guarded the east and west gates.
Ying Changge had already ordered Meng Tian to go from Zhao Yiming’s direction, so he did not hesitate.
Speeding up the horse and walking quickly, Meng Tian came to the east gate guarded by Zhao Yiming’s soldiers.
“Open the door quickly! General Zhao Xingzhi ordered me to send the letter urgently, and there must be no mistakes!” Meng Tian shouted!
But the soldiers guarding the city gate were very responsible, “Where is the badge! Otherwise, the city gate will not be opened!”
Meng Tian rubbed his waist, “He came in such a hurry, he didn’t have his badge on him, open the city gate quickly!”
Anxious, Meng Tian pretended to be a gesture, and immediately approached the city gate on horseback, aggressively.
“Otherwise, I won’t have any good fruits for you!” Meng Tian shouted angrily, with the attitude of a fox pretending to be a tiger.
This is Ying Changge’s estrangement scheme, subtle and dexterous, making it hard for anyone to guard against it.
The soldier guarding the city gate was angry, “You boy, you are so loud! Leave quickly!”
“General Zhao Yiming has an order that no one can enter or leave without a badge! Don’t you know that!”
The soldiers convinced people with reasoning, but Meng Tian didn’t care so much, he followed Ying Changge’s plan to make trouble.
Immediately drew his sword out of its sheath, Meng Tian shouted loudly, “It’s unreasonable, get out of the way!” He began to charge.
Quickly attacking, charging into battle, the sword in his hand attacked the soldiers guarding the city gate, in a hurry.
With a different kind of cruelty, Meng Tian was merciless, and he pretended to be Zhao Xingzhi’s soldier.
When Zhao Yiming’s soldiers saw him so bold, they were naturally very resentful, and they came after him.
To block Meng Tian, ​​the soldiers are doing their best to try to block him and avoid any risk.
Meng Tian, ​​who did his part, continued to charge, in order to successfully separate Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming.
Therefore, with a single slash of his sword, Meng Tian beheaded a soldier, the blood spattered five steps, and the corpse was separated.
Meng Tian continued to charge quickly, riding on a horse, getting entangled with so many guys.
Non-stop attacking, fast fighting, this sword has a passionate fighting spirit and offensive.
Fighting quickly, among the soldiers guarding the city gate, Meng Tian raised his sword and dropped it very quickly.
The mighty and domineering sword edge smashed them all one by one, causing countless casualties and blood flowing like rivers.
Seeing how bold Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers were, the soldiers in this scene were naturally not to be outdone, and began to fight back.
There was chaos under the city gate.
Zhao Yiming’s soldiers were all aggressive and offended, they wanted to tear Meng Tian into pieces.
Meng Tian was very satisfied with successfully arousing the hatred among the soldiers, and even shouted.
“General Zhao Yiming’s soldiers are bullying people! They intend to mistreat me!” Meng Tian borrowed a knife to kill someone.
Such shouts quickly attracted Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers, who saw Meng Tian’s attire.
It was clearly Zhao Xingzhi’s soldier, but he fell into the fight of Zhao Yiming’s soldiers.
Colleagues were in trouble, how could they see death without saving them, so Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers rushed forward one after another.
Can’t wait, a large group of people came here soon, attacking with great fanfare.
With Ying Changge’s ingenious strategy, Meng Tian implemented it one by one, which really separated the two armies.
Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers and Zhao Yiming’s soldiers immediately fought together, punching and kicking.
There are swords, lights, swords and shadows rampant, with unmatched ferocious murderous intent, and the wind and fire.
Seeing such a battle, it is naturally impossible for everyone to be merciful, and they quickly confronted the enemy.
There was a mess under the city gate, and there was no room for fighting back.
Continue to attack, fight quickly, their figures are all fighting together, chilling the ferocious.
With such an offensive, it was easier for Meng Tian to escape, and he went to the gate of the city.
Several dedicated soldiers were guarding the city gate, not letting Meng Tian leave at all, but he didn’t care.
Chapter 769 Take your time, stay calm!
Quickly counterattacked, and with a single stroke of his sword, Meng Tian easily killed several people in front of him.
Soldiers can’t stop Meng Tian, ​​his ability is very profound, unexpectedly powerful.
Riding on the horse, with the blade running rampant, Meng Tian beat several soldiers to the ground, dripping with blood.
The two armies split, and the soldiers were not to be outdone, and they were still entangled fiercely and angrily.
The attack was rampant as before, many people died here, and the scene was tragic.
But the other few people didn’t care at all, they were already in a state of anger that turned from embarrassment into anger.
Still can’t wait to make a move, they hit hard, fighting a duel in a hurry, you come and go.
competitionThe battle was fierce, full of scars, and many people died under the city gate, bloody.
In this mighty army, almost no one can defeat him!
He had a high-spirited posture, and Meng Tian took the lead, directly killing a bloody path through it.
Concentrating on the hostility, killing these guys in front of him, he is as fast as the wind.
Everything is as Ying Changge expected, so many people have been inspired.
The chaotic scene has nowhere to stand, and only the non-stop fighting can survive, which is really embarrassing.
There are so many guys who are desperate to go, and they are all beaten with blood on their heads and scars.
Under such a chaotic battle, how many people can easily capture Meng Tian!
Meng Tian is a general who understands the overall situation and knows how to advance and retreat. What he has to do is very simple, that is to separate.
Every word that Ying Changge had instructed deeply caught Meng Tian’s heart, and he dared not forget it.
That’s why in the face of such an offensive, he was able to charge quickly and hit the opponent impatiently.
Taking out his mighty posture, Meng Tian rode his horse and charged them down, knocking them down together.
Continuing to charge quickly and smiling triumphantly, Meng Tian was naturally very satisfied, everything came true.
Both Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming’s soldiers started a war, and their attacks under the city gate will not stop.
Taking advantage of the chaos, Meng Tian has already opened one of the city gates, ready to sneak away.
However, for Meng Tian, ​​this was not an unimpeded road, and soldiers immediately came to block it.
At first glance, it was Zhao Yiming’s soldiers, who quickly caught up and chopped Meng Tian’s head with a sword.
The blade is sharp, and once it hits itself, it will inevitably cause a little damage, and it is easy to die.
Fortunately, Meng Tian is also a vigorous guy, he is always careful to dodge.
Yijian didn’t assassinate, he continued to chase, the sword edge was particularly conspicuous in the hands of Zhao Yiming’s soldiers.
Unhurried, calm and calm, Meng Tian stabbed out the sword in his hand forcefully, sealing his throat with blood.
Beheading the soldiers blocking the way, Meng Tian didn’t stop, and continued to open his hands, ready to open the city gate.
However, Zhao Yiming’s soldiers would not give up so easily, they all quickly caught up.
With great fanfare and loud roars, the sword in the soldier’s hand stabbed straight at Meng Tian’s back.
What a dead end! Meng Tian is bound to win, he must leave here as soon as possible and return to Ying Changge’s side.
Raising the edge of the sword to block the soldier’s sword, Meng Tian kicked it up with great force.
The soldier couldn’t even stand up, he wobbled and might fall at any time, Meng Tian couldn’t wait to chase him.
Facing the soldier’s unsteady posture, the sword in his hand pierced straight into the opponent’s chest.
With a sword piercing through, Meng Tian easily killed the soldier, everything was expected.
It is impossible for a gang of mobs to stop Meng Tian from escaping, he is really mighty.
Continuing to dodge quickly, Meng Tian opened another city gate, provoked a conflict between the two armies and fled naturally.
Otherwise, if he stays here, Meng Tian will wait for himself to be full of loopholes! It’s really wrong! Walking is the best policy.
The same is true of Ying Changge’s order, Meng Tian doesn’t need to work so hard, it’s a divorce.

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