He was thinking patiently, carefully thinking about a better way, how to drive them apart!
If they worked together, Ying Changge’s army would not be in a good situation to attack openly.
Therefore, it is even more important to distract them and crush the morale of the army.
Common sense must be used to separate them, and Ying Changge must separate them from each other.
Can’t wait, the offensive is fierce, Ying Changge wants to mobilize the army quickly to attack Zhao Xingzhi.
There is no way for such rebellious officials and thieves to survive, and Ying Changge will not let them survive.
Cowardly and timid, Zhao Xingzhi can’t fight Ying Changge head-on now! He dared not at all.
Therefore, Zhao Xingzhi took out all his troops to guard the city in one go.
Beiyan Pass became the key to the last stop, and Zhao Xingzhi must make his troops flawless.
Otherwise, when Ying Changge launches the next attack, Zhao Xingzhi will only be defeated.
It is impossible to stop Ying Changge’s attack, but Zhao Xingzhi can make his city impenetrable.
As long as the city is kept still, Zhao Xingzhi believes that Ying Changge and Meng Tian will not attack his city.
Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming are sure to win, and they made Beiyan Pass even stronger.
As long as there are no vacancies in the city, Zhao Xingzhi believes that Ying Changge will not be able to attack.
Having seen the impact of Ying Changge’s army, such a mighty offensive made Zhao Xingzhi even more vivid.
He didn’t dare to continue the stalemate with them, that’s why Zhao Xingzhi wanted to use defense as offense to guard the city wall.
Ying Changge did not rush to attack the city these few days, but let Meng Tian come to his side.
They had a long talk at night by holding candles, just to discuss how to attack Beiyan Pass.
Meng Tian also agreed with Ying Changge’s strategy, it would be useless if he couldn’t attack openly.
Once so many troops came quickly, Zhao Xingzhi already knew how to prepare for a counterattack.
Otherwise, the impatient attack will only make Beiyanguan more anxious, like a fire.
It is useless to let the army of Ying Chang singers attack Zhao Xingzhi, he must have a better strategy.
While drinking warm tea, Ying Changge continued to think about a better way and means.
Meng Tian kept discussing and came up with many strategies, but they couldn’t be safe enough.
They were all rejected one by one. Ying Changge did not agree with Meng Tian’s strategy, and at the same time continued to discuss new methods.
At this time, Meng Tian suddenly proposed that he wanted to disguise himself and enter Beiyan Pass.
Just like sneaking into the city before and burning his food and grass, he also had to do his best.
This is not a safe way, but to risk oneself, it is easy to put Meng Tian in a little danger.
Ying Changge didn’t agree very much at first, he shook his head, “‘ 〃 Not very good! The Beiyan Pass is far away from thousands of miles~‖.”
“If you go in alone, you don’t know what to do! It’s easy to be discovered by them!”
After hearing Ying Changge’s words,Finally, Meng Tian shook his head indifferently, “It doesn’t matter!”
“It is precisely because I am a person that I will not be in any danger and will not be easily discovered!”
“As long as I enter there, I can easily separate them with a little confusion.”
Since Meng Tian is so dedicated and sure of winning, Ying Changge will obey him.
“Okay! Just give it a try. If you have any problems, you must leave Beiyan Pass.”
Ying Changge trusts Meng Tian very much, so with Meng Tian’s (Qian Nuozhao) plan, Ying Changge boldly tries the country.
I don’t want to fight to the death with Ying Changge, the most important thing now is to keep Zhao Xingzhi safe.
He was guarding the city, and he didn’t have any plans to charge forward, it was enough just to use defense as an offense.
Otherwise, more people will come to chase and kill Zhao Xingzhi, and Zhao Xingzhi will be trapped in the city, and there will be no way to fight back.
This is the most subtle decision. Although Zhao Xingzhi looks very timid and cowardly, he dares to do so.
As long as you stay here, there will be no crisis. Zhao Xingzhi is willing to be a turtle.
Before Ying Changge’s army came, Zhao Xingzhi would not be in any danger, and he continued to guard the city.
Chapter 765: Taking Personal Risks, Come to the City!
With so many troops on guard by his side, Zhao Xingzhi was invincible all at once.
Continuing to guard Beiyan Pass, which made him no longer have any crisis to speak of.
Just when Zhao Xingzhi was complacent, Meng Tian had already obeyed Ying Changge’s order and left.
He quickly approached Beiyan Pass, and quietly entered Zhao Xingzhi’s city.
How to separate Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming is a very crucial matter! Meng Tian needs self-confidence!
Being cautious and quick to get into the city, Meng Tian needs to blind everyone’s eyes so that he can cross the sea.
Soon, Ying Changge’s letter was sent to Beiyan Pass, and this letter immediately fell into the hands of the two of them.
Both Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming knew that there was a letter from Ying Changge, so they gathered together.
Sitting in front of the table, Zhao Xingzhi couldn’t wait to open the 897 letter, “It’s definitely not a good word!”
Zhao Yiming also nodded with certainty, “That’s right, Ying Changge must have sent a letter of surrender!”
Zhao Xingzhi couldn’t wait to open the letter, as he expected, everything was reasonable.
There are not many words on the letter, very few, just a few lines of words.
Looking through it, it was indeed the content of Ying Changge asking Zhao Xingzhi’s two brothers to surrender.
The letter stated that as long as Zhao Xingzhi or Zhao Yiming were allowed to leave the city and surrender, they would be able to save their lives.
This is a very important thing, and it looks, it is too funny! Zhao Xingzhi laughed out loud.
“It’s impossible for us to believe such words! Do you think it’s right!” Zhao Xingzhi was very confident.
Especially since Zhao Yiming was by his side, Zhao Xingzhi felt that he and his clan brothers were working together.
(afej) Zhao Yiming nodded seriously, “It’s natural! We would rather die than submit, as always!”
“There is no turning back! We must continue to make the army stronger and bigger, and create more glories!”
Agreeing with Zhao Yiming’s words very much, Zhao Xingzhi nodded in agreement, “That’s right! That’s it!”
“We work together, and the profit will cut through the gold!” The two brothers are very tacit, and they seem to be of one mind.
After tearing up Ying Changge’s letter immediately, Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming parted ways and left this place.
At this very moment, Meng Tian had sneaked into the city without a sound. He was silent.
Without any notice at all, Meng Tian quickly entered the city and found a shelter.
Without attracting the other party’s attention at all, Meng Tian quietly entered the depths of the city.
Even if he is guarded by such a large army, Meng Tian, ​​who is disguised as a commoner, is still not in any danger.
He was alone, walking alone, Meng Tian soon found a remote street.
He casually found a single soldier, and Meng Tian went up, “This official!”
“Do you know where I can buy horses nearby!” Meng Tian looked harmless to humans and animals.
He was just dressed as a commoner, like a homeless guy, without any danger.
At this moment, he quickly walked up to these soldiers and smiled honestly.
Hearing Meng Tian’s questioning, these lazy patrolling soldiers immediately waved their hands impatiently, “Go away!”
“Don’t ask us, don’t you see that we are resting!” These soldiers looked annoyed.
Meng Tian immediately bent down, “I’m sorry, I was rude!” Meng Tian seemed to be frightened, and backed away again and again.
Suddenly staggered and hit the wall, Meng Tian raised his hands, “Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me!”
“Go away!” One of the soldiers came up and kicked Meng Tian’s body, triumphantly.
But Meng Tian would not give up so easily, he immediately turned his head, and then punched hard.
boom! A fist hit the soldier’s body directly, causing the soldier to stagger and fall to the ground, unable to turn over.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, the soldier raised his sword quickly, wishing to kill Meng Tian immediately.
Many soldiers were very angry, they came gnashing their teeth, and surrounded Meng Tian at once.
Taking it easy and striking down with a sword, Meng Tian wants to follow Ying Changge’s plan and make this place a mess.
As long as it becomes frivolous, Meng Tian will be able to easily separate Zhao Xingzhi’s brother.
With Ying Changge’s confident strategy, Meng Tian would not panic, he was still charging quickly.
a swordThen, when he was caught off guard, Meng Tian killed several soldiers in front of him, spraying blood.
After five steps of blood spattering, Meng Tian stood majestic and majestic, and continued to strike back with his sword.
The sword mark in his hand is bright. Accompanied by a faint cold light, it pierced the bodies of several other soldiers.
Facing Meng Tian’s onslaught, the soldiers did not dare to be careless, they were at a loss, and they were all in a panic to deal with it.
Not afraid of danger, not afraid at all, Meng Tian wanted to make a quick decision, stabbing several soldiers to death in a hurry.
With Ying Changge’s resourceful scheme, Meng Tian came to the city to make a scene at the risk of his own life.
Chapter 766 Unite as one, unite as one!
Can’t wait to run rampant and charge quickly, Meng Tian and these soldiers all fought together.
The skill is fierce, and he comes quickly. The sword in his hand is unexpectedly powerful.
The blade pierced straight, hitting several soldiers against the wall, making them crumbling.

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