The murderous Meng Tian always forced to kill the messenger, and his sword left the messenger covered in cuts and bruises.
The blade was stained with blood, which made Meng Tian look murderous and upright.
The messengers who had nowhere to go were deadlocked here, and there was no way to deal with Ying Changge.
Otherwise, if the stalemate continues, the messenger will be easily killed by Meng Tian, ​​and he will suffer a crushing defeat.
Gritting his teeth, the messenger held his sword, but still refused to give in, and continued to stand in front of Meng Tian.
Meng Tian looked up at the sky, it was getting late, he had to leave Beitan City as soon as possible.
The messenger didn’t want to die, and he didn’t want to die in Meng Tian’s hands so easily! He has to persevere.
Unremitting resistance, in the hands of Meng Tian, ​​the messenger always acts bravely and will not be killed.
On the contrary, it was the messenger who came persistently, and the sword in his hand continued to slash Meng Tian.
Jianfeng wandered away and came down bravely. He couldn’t wait to assassinate Meng Tian, ​​so as to get out of the predicament.
However, Meng Tian remained calm and composed, and even concentrated on dealing with this messenger.
As the fight continued in this deserted street, the messenger showed all his aura.
With a quick blow, he went up bravely, and the sword edge in the messenger’s hand quickly pierced Meng Tian’s body.
As a general, Meng Tian has seen many opponents, but he will not be afraid of them.
Swords, lights and swords are fighting together. Under such a deal, there is no chance to back down.
Do it! The Messenger swung his sword across, stabbing Meng Tian’s vital point in the blink of an eye.
Can’t wait to kill Meng Tian, ​​therefore, messengers come one after another, fighting with each other.
Just let such a messenger get ready to go in front of him, Meng Tian fought back aggressively.
With a stab of the sword, Meng Tian immediately cut off the edge of the sword in the messenger’s hand with a crisp click.
Seeing that his sword edge was broken, the messenger showed an embarrassing look on his face.
If Meng Tian can’t be killed, the messenger himself will die here, he doesn’t want to die!
Gritting his teeth, the messenger continued to hold on to the broken sword, trying to kill Meng Tian.
The broken sword in his hand has not enough distance, a fight with Meng Tian must be a disadvantage.
Chapter 759: The Vacancy of Sufficient Food and Grass!
Zhao Xingzhi and Zhao Yiming rebelled, so the soldiers in their hands were naturally rebels.
Facing this persistent messenger, Meng Tian doesn’t need to show mercy, he needs to do justice for Ying Changge.
Seeing that the messenger continued to entangle with him, Meng Tian came quickly and slashed down with his sword.
Meng Tian’s strength is boundless, and his own abilities are naturally also very powerful, which can be called invulnerable.
Zhang Yang moved down quickly, and the sword’s edge landed on his body in a blink of an eye, cutting a scar.
The blood flowed continuously, the messenger had no one to support him, and he fell into a bitter battle with Meng Tian for a while.
Meng Tian continued to sprint, the blade in his hand chatteringly piercing the messenger’s head.
Be sure to chop off the messenger’s head, so that the messenger can do what he wants.
With the help of the identity of the messenger and the clothes of the messenger, Meng Tian was able to leave this place unimpeded.
Otherwise, if surrounded by so many soldiers, Meng Tian would have no way to leave.
In the previous confrontation with Meng Tian, ​​the messenger was already useless, and there was no way to do it.
Just like the messenger now has only a broken sword in his hand, looking very embarrassed and scarred.
even in such an unfavorableUnder the circumstances, the messenger still persisted in attacking and killing.
With a unique skill in hand, the messenger will not use it casually when he has to!
Now the battle between the messenger and Meng Tian is out of control, there is no turning back, it is a dead end.
“Go to hell~‖!” The messenger yelled, and fully displayed his life’s martial arts.
The broken sword ran rampant and thrust out quickly, the messenger turned the weapon into a throwing knife and used it.
Whoosh! The Broken Sword pierced Meng Tian’s body quickly, and he quickly raised his arm to resist, blocking the Broken Sword.
Throwing all the messenger’s weapons aside, he was still rushing forward at this moment.
In order to be able to defeat the messenger, Meng Tian was in a hurry and showed no mercy.
With a quick blow, the sword’s edge pierced the messenger’s chest in a blink of an eye, killing him immediately.
But the messenger’s kung fu skills are not about throwing knives and breaking swords, but about escaping for one’s life.
So, watching Meng Tian’s approaching figure, he turned his head and ran away quickly, overwhelmed.
Even if it was a last stand, the messenger would have to forcibly fight his way out, with the wall behind him.
But what about even the walls! He got up quickly and clasped his hands on the wall.
On the wall of this street, he tossed vigorously, soaring into the sky, and climbed over the wall.
It turns out that the courier was a thief who stole before, so dealing with this situation is also smooth.
Leaving quickly, he disappeared here in the blink of an eye, he ran away from Meng Tian’s eyes at full speed.
Panting, he climbed over the wall, and the messenger continued to run along the end of the street, trying his best to escape.
And Meng Tian is no ordinary person! His martial arts are superb, and they are full of inscrutable moves.
Therefore, seeing the injured messenger escape over the wall, Meng Tian only showed a contemptuous smile.
Under Ying Changge’s careful teaching, Meng Tian’s skills are also counterproductive, and he has a whole body of skills.
Putting the sword back into its sheath, Meng Tian also flipped over the wall, his body was also as light as a swallow.
After tossing vigorously from the wall, Meng Tian landed firmly on the ground and came to the other side of the wall.
Seeing the back of the messenger fleeing, Meng Tian raised his sword, eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.
The messenger threw a knife at Meng Tian before, so now Meng Tian has to follow suit to let him know how powerful it is.
Raising his arm and shaking it quickly, the sword in his hand pierced through the air fiercely, stabbing the messenger’s back.
The sharp edge of the sword easily broke through the messenger’s body and penetrated his chest.
The blood was sprayed, the messenger spit out the blood, and immediately fell in front of Meng Tian, ​​he yelled in pain.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Meng Tian quickly came behind the messenger and drew his sword.
The sword edge came out mixed with blood, and a blood hole was opened in the messenger’s chest.
The messenger should have left the city and dispatched food and grass into the city, so there was enough food and grass.
However, the messenger just fought against Meng Tian, ​​and was killed by his sword! Blood dripping.
(Qian Nuozhao) was so bruised and bleeding that the messenger didn’t even have any room to resist, and fell to the ground dead.
If he died just like that, under Meng Tian’s sword, he would have no chance of surviving.
So, Meng Tian quickly took off the messenger and put on all his clothes.
This is a trick to get rid of the golden cicada’s shell. Most people would never have imagined that Meng Tian would have such a level.
Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers are still searching for Meng Tian’s whereabouts, but Meng Tian has already changed.
Turned into a messenger, Meng Tian rode away, swaggering directly to the city gate.
The guards were heavily guarded, but Meng Tian didn’t rush, he opened his mouth and ordered the soldiers to open the city gate.
Chapter 760 Escape directly, the city gate falls!
“Who are you!” The soldiers guarding the city gate were serious, even more serious.
Calm and calm, Meng Tian showed his waist badge, “I’m going to Nandu City to dispatch food and grass.”
Seeing Meng Tian revealed his identity, the soldiers guarding the city gate let him leave without any doubt.
Successfully leaving the city gate, Meng Tian narrowly escaped death, escaped, and returned directly to Ying Changge’s side.
He has been worrying about Meng Tian all the time, but now that Ying Changge sees Meng Tian coming back, he is finally relieved.
Pulling Meng Tian to his side, Ying Chang Gezai asked carefully to see if there was any problem.
Now, since there is Zhao Xingzhi’s strategy, it is a good opportunity to go to Nandu City to dispatch food and grass!
Ying Changge was quick to think, and immediately thought of a good plan, he whispered to Meng Tian.
Meng Tian sat beside Ying Changge, discussing big plans together, the two talked to each other very eagerly.
It has been known for a long time that Zhao Xingzhi’s food and grass have been destroyed, so Ying Changge will go to replace the food and grass of Nandu City.
What’s more, Meng Tian killed the messenger and directly plundered all the letters from the messenger.
Looking at the objects in Meng Tian’s hands, Ying Changge immediately asked Meng Tian to lead a team to Nandu City.
It’s better to come up with a trick and plan. At that time, it will naturally be able to hide all the soldiers in Nandu City.
After obeying Ying Changge’s order, Meng Tian was very serious, so he immediately led the army.
After dispatching a group of the most elite soldiers from the barracks, Meng Tian went to Nandu City to prepare to dispatch food and grass.
There is a letter from the messenger, and Meng Tian pretends to be the identity of the messenger, so there is nothing suspicious about Meng Tian.
Leading the army directly to the south, the journey went smoothly, and they immediately got ready to go to the southern capital.
Relying on the identity of the messenger, Meng Tian will not be too ostentatious, but let the soldiers divide into two groups.
Otherwise, a mere messenger with so many troops will be suspicious, Let Nandu City be on alert.
One of the teams was waiting outside the city, followed by Meng Tian and led a small team into the city gate.

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