Otherwise, letting Zhao Yiming always attack in a hurry will only make them more difficult and difficult to fight.
In one go, with a cold look on his face, Meng Tian shouted, “Keep chasing the enemy, kill Zhao Yiming first!”
This stupid and conceited Zhao Yiming rebelled, sought power, and seized troops, which is already a capital crime.
In particular, Zhao Yiming had to join up with Zhao Xingzhi and attack Ying Changge from left to right, which was even more overwhelming.
Facing the delusional enemy forces, Meng Tian will obliterate them in one go and crush Zhao Yiming’s plot.
Chapter 738 Kill two birds with one stone, kill two birds with one stone!
The army marched quickly behind them, and Zhao Yiming was not prepared for the fight.
Caught off guard and suffering heavy casualties, Zhao Yiming’s army was completely chased and beaten by Ying Changge.
Charged quickly and continued to attack. Under the series of attacks, Zhao Yiming was extremely embarrassed.
Shaking and exhausted, Zhao Yiming’s figure on the horse gradually weakened.
In a state of helplessness, almost no one can block the offensive of Meng Tian’s army.
They were all attacking quickly, coming one after another, showing their mighty aura.
Quickly confronting the enemy and going down unscrupulously, this galloping offensive has a powerful posture.
Meng Tian seems to be invincible, even in a hurry, possessing strong and heavy strength.
With a brave attack, Meng Tian’s army never stopped attacking.
Meng Tian persevered, and the morale of the army he led was also high, unexpectedly strong.
Quickly charging out, chattering out his own posture, also has a strong capital.
The army came in publicity, beheading many of Zhao Yiming’s laggards one by one.
It was precisely because he knew the opponent’s strength that Zhao Yiming wisely chose not to fight him.
The more damage to his own troops, the more Zhao Yiming will be unable to fight Ying Changge, and the whole army will be wiped out easily.
The conspiracy of Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi coincides with each other, but the general trend has not yet begun! It cannot end here.
So he attacked in an instant, came aggressively, and took out the posture and impact that he should have.
With big strides, Zhao Yiming came at a gallop, and Zhao Yiming, who was riding on the horse, attacked to his heart’s content and continued to fight quickly.
This sword was so fast that it was unexpected, and it was impossible for anyone to block the blow smoothly.
Zhao Yiming’s soldiers were twisted and crooked, and each of them died like this, so that they could not stand deadlocked.
With one strike of the sword, Meng Tian beheaded many enemy soldiers, leaving no one behind.
This is a hunting, but also a massacre, Meng Tian is completely on the rampage, charging straight.
No one around could block the blow, and the other guysAs a result, he died and suffered heavy casualties.
Zhao Yiming didn’t dare to confront him, lest he die in Meng Tian’s hands, and there would be no Mao left.
Panting and galloping fast, he was always charging and pulling fast on a horse.
He and Meng Tian’s army were both involved in a limit distance, and under this opportunity, they were unscathed.
Fortunately, Zhao Yiming didn’t dare to turn his head back, he was sweating profusely, but was just retreating as usual.
The army was running wildly on the battlefield, and they were all moving away quickly, leaving this place.
Seeing Zhao Yiming’s figure and finding the other party’s whereabouts, Meng Tian naturally continued to hunt and kill him.
Going straight and attacking bravely, Meng Tian and Ying Changge are exactly the same, their morale is very high.
Quickly and unscrupulously charging, they quickly hit the depths of Zhao Yiming’s army.
Meng Tian’s morale was high, and he walked quickly, a series of offensives were extraordinarily sharp, like a thorn on his back.
Zhao Yiming, who was caught in an ambush by Meng Tian’s soldiers, suffered heavy losses.
Under such fierce fighting, Zhao Yiming didn’t care about the casualties of his own soldiers, it was just a number.
The death of a soldier is not called death, it is just a grandiose sacrifice! Zhao Yiming simply ignored it.
Even if all the soldiers in his hands are killed, as long as Zhao Yiming is alive, that’s enough.
Under Meng Tian’s pursuit, Zhao Yiming retreated quickly, his buttocks were bumping and hurting from the horse.
Even so, he still didn’t change his face, always charged quickly, breaking through the encirclement of Meng Tian’s army.
Ying Changge was sitting in the rear, and he kept receiving news from the battlefield, about Meng Tian’s bravery, and Zhao Yiming’s escape.
It was originally an ambush in advance, but in order to kill Zhao Yiming, Ying Changge personally asked Meng Tian to lead the team.
But to be honest, Ying Changge is not sure of winning, because he doesn’t know how strong Zhao Yiming is.
The rebellion seeks power and comes from the north. Zhao Yiming 867 leads his own army to join Zhao Xingzhi.
This is a daring thing, so Ying Changge is witty and clever, and wants to defeat them one by one.
Kill Zhao Yiming first, and then injure Zhao Xingzhi severely, kill two birds with one stone, kill two birds with one stone, so witty.
But Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi are neither cats nor dogs. Once they attack, they will definitely defend and counterattack.
In such a state, Zhao Yiming would not be beheaded easily, and Zhao Yiming was still escaping.
Desperate and persistent, Zhao Yiming surrounded himself with his soldiers and continued to flee.
Even if there is Meng Tian’s army chasing after him, it is impossible to kill Zhao Yiming easily for a while.
It may be a cowardly and cowardly move for Zhao Yiming to flee without a fight, but at least he saved his life.
Keeping his own head, Zhao Yiming continued to charge and would not stop at all.
Without stopping, the army continued to charge, and a series of people quickly scattered around.
Chapter 739 Don’t chase after the poor, it’s not worth mentioning!
But under such an offensive, everything is useless, at least not something he can easily deal with.
Even though Meng Tian couldn’t wait to kill Zhao Yiming, he still let him escape.
Under Meng Tian’s pursuit, Zhao Yiming abandoned a lot of soldiers, forming a defensive wall with his troops.
A large group of people blocked Meng Tian’s face, which slowed down the attack of his army a lot.
Continue to charge and charge quickly, but Zhao Yiming’s army is impenetrable and resists abruptly.
Meng Tian was facing the human wall, it was impossible to break through it easily for a while, it was really helpless.
So, he dodged as much as he wanted, and quickly backed down. In the blink of an eye, his figure quickly escaped and disappeared.
Zhao Yiming only left his own group of soldiers to entangle with Meng Tian, ​​who was trapped in the crowd.
Helpless, unable to break out of the encirclement, Zhao Yiming fled quickly under the encirclement of Meng Tian.
Fortunately, he didn’t go deep into the enemy’s rear, otherwise Zhao Yiming would not have any chance to escape under the siege.
Surviving the catastrophe, Zhao Yiming was very happy, and immediately led his army to leave this place.
After getting rid of Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Yiming was very happy, and ordered the soldiers behind him to follow immediately.
A series of troops quickly moved forward, and went to Zhao Yiming’s side, ready to go.
Under such a situation, Zhao Yiming’s ability to maintain so many troops is already very good.
He smiled happily, and then Zhao Yiming immediately ordered the soldiers to rest where they were and recharge their batteries.
At the same time, Zhao Yiming immediately notified Zhao Xingzhi and got in touch with his brother.
After reporting everything here one by one, Zhao Yiming can only seek Zhao Xingzhi’s help now.
After Zhao Xingzhi heard about Zhao Yiming’s experience, he was very disappointed, because he had been looking forward to it.
It’s just that he never expected that his conspiracy would fall like this, and he could not kill Ying Changge.
Ying Changge was still alive and kicking, even Meng Tian ambushed Zhao Yiming and severely damaged his troops.
Under such circumstances, everything is helpless, after all, Zhao Yiming did his best.
So, Zhao Xingzhi wrote back a letter to Zhao Yiming, asking him to get close to the city on his side immediately.
Occupying Beitan City, Zhao Xingzhi became the overlord in the mountains, allowing his troops to be infallible.
Beitan City is as solid as gold, as long as Zhao Yiming comes, they will be able to combine two swords, like a tiger with wings added.
Ying Changge knew things like a god, and he knew what Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi were doing right away.
Ying Changge had expected that Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi would have a lot of involvement and dealings.
How could he bear it! Absolutely impossible! Ying Changge must catch Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi all in one net.
Several guys are so aggressive, leading theWhen the army came, it seemed that one man was in charge of the gate and ten thousand men could not open it.
But Ying Changge did not move, just let Meng Tian lie in ambush, just to kill Zhao Yiming’s spirit.
Didn’t Zhao Yiming want to attack him! But he himself was caught off guard by Meng Tian’s killing.
Reluctantly retreating, the whole person almost fell down, and died because of it, it was impossible to guard against.
This is not a good thing! Zhao Yiming was defeated and told Zhao Xingzhi the news.
Zhao Xingzhi was not afraid, he immediately asked Zhao Yiming to lead the army to his side.
A big stick of people came aggressively, trying to defeat Zhao Yiming and let Ying Changge die.
However, before Zhao Yiming saw Ying Changge, his army was almost beheaded by Meng Tian.
This was a very embarrassing thing, so he led his soldiers and retreated in a dusty way.
A group of people left quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they disappeared without a trace.
On the contrary, Meng Tian didn’t rush forward in a hurry, he was not worth mentioning.
So Meng Tian quickly tipped off the news and reported the battle situation here to Ying Changge in the blink of an eye.

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