So, he immediately got up, rode on the horse, and waved his arms vigorously, “Everyone be on alert!”
“There are ambushes around, everyone must be careful!” Zhao Yiming yelled loudly, his voice resonant.
After hearing Zhao Yiming’s order, the other soldiers followed quickly and formed a large formation.
Just as he set up a defensive formation, he saw a large group of people coming in front of him.
who is that! Zhao Yiming took a closer look, and it turned out to be Meng Tian, ​​the general beside Ying Changge!
Meng Tian knew that Zhao Yiming would come here, because Ying Changge had predicted it one by one.
The movements of so many guys were within Ying Changge’s expectation, and he was firmly in control of the overall situation.
Therefore, when Zhao Yiming tried to attack quickly, Ying Changge had Meng Tian ambushed in the middle of the road.
Before, Meng Tian killed a small group of cavalry sent by Zhao Yiming, and he was very proud.
Staring at Zhao Yiming intently, Meng Tian yelled and asked, “I’ll arrest you if you don’t let go!”
“If you surrender now, disarm and don’t kill, or even give you a lighter sentence, how about~‖!”
The murderous Zhao Yiming was very strong, “Impossible! I will kill you all!”
“Come one and kill one! Come ten thousand and kill ten thousand!” Zhao Yiming is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, and is very brave.
Meeting Meng Tian, ​​he continued to attack not to be outdone, and attacked all the soldiers in his hands with all his strength.
A series of large armies marched aggressively, Zhao Yiming struck first, and those who seized the opportunity first struck first.
Naturally, Meng Tian couldn’t sit idly by, he already knew Zhao Yiming’s insidiousness and cunning.
Such a kid, wanting to lead an army to kill himself is really stupid! Meng Tian smiled lightly.
Shaking his head contemptuously, he immediately attacked aggressively, and the people in his hands were all walking in an endless stream.
Many guys fought quickly, surrounded by Meng Tian’s army, with fierce methods.
And Meng Tian was ordered to come here, he was fighting for Ying Changge, so he had to destroy the enemy.
This is an order, and it is also a cruel war. It is impossible for Meng Tian to show mercy to his subordinates.
Even if it was Zhao Yiming who struck first, Meng Tian still summoned his forces to fight and went all out.
The rapid hostility, the rapid impact, all of a sudden, this place is already full of swords and swords, and swords are on the verge of breaking out.
Meng Tian rushed up at the head of the horse, just to kill Zhao Yiming easily.
Like Zhao Xingzhi, this Zhao Yiming is really despicable, sinister and vicious, with wolfish ambitions.
Now Zhao Yiming’s army circled around and tried to sneak attack Ying Changge, but Ying Changge predicted it first.
Under such a hard fight, the only thing he can do is to eradicate the opponent and suffer a crushing defeat.
With a quick confrontation, all the strength in his hand was bravely coming down, Meng Tian went straight to Zhao Yiming, and stabbed with his sword.
Zhao Yiming didn’t want himself to fight Meng Tian, ​​he had many soldiers of his own, it was fate.
In Zhao Yiming’s eyes, soldiers are like scapegoats who can die, and can spend freely.
Since they were resisting them with soldiers, Zhao Yiming didn’t need to fight Meng Tian himself.
He retreated quickly, and Zhao Yiming hid in his own army, avoiding Meng Tian’s sword.
Not to be outdone, the menacing Meng Tian quickly joined the battle, and his figure disappeared from the surroundings.
Submerged by Zhao Yiming’s soldiers, Meng Tian’s tall and mighty body almost disappeared, making it difficult to move.
Crowds of people, lights of swords and shadows of swords, under such a confrontation, Zhao Yiming still persevered and continued.
Showing his arrogance and aggressively attacking, Meng Tian beheaded several soldiers.
Facing Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Yiming was just running away and didn’t intend to meet the enemy at all, he was really too timid and cowardly.
Escaping like this, Zhao Yiming avoided Meng Tian for hundreds of steps, and he had already disappeared.
On the contrary, Meng Tian, ​​brave and fearless, (Qian Wang Zhao) is loyal and courageous, and he is still fighting fiercely with the enemy.
With a quick attack, Meng Tian killed all the enemies in front of him one by one, fighting bloody battle.
The sword’s edge was stained with blood, but Zhao Yiming’s soldiers continued to come one after another, in a hurry.
With a quick blow, the sword edge broke open, directly beheading the surrounding people, and the defeat was complete.
Zhao Yiming’s soldiers died and sacrificed a lot, but they continued to attack and severely damaged Meng Tian’s army.
Walking back and forth, charging unscrupulously, this sword is as fast as a gust of wind, and as fast as lightning.
hum! Wherever Meng Tian went, he was invincible, he beheaded everyone one by one.
Chapter 735 With a cold snort, his face is stern!
Leading the soldiers around him to continue the charge, Meng Tian continued to chase and kill Zhao Yiming, intending to kill him.
A mere Zhao Yiming tried to challenge Ying Changge’s army in vain, isn’t he asking for his own death?
So Meng Tian replaced Ying Changge and must kill them all, leaving no one behind, the enemies are all evil.
Known as a teacher, Meng Tian was awe-inspiring, and quickly attacked a group of people, showing his own posture.
Zhao Yiming saw the strength of the opponent, and the army around him was surrounded by Meng Tian.
So many soldiers came in a hurry, one after another, surrounded Zhao Yiming’s left and right.
The reckless Zhao Yiming thought he could kill Meng Tian, ​​but he didn’t expect that he suffered a serious injury.
So many guys always go fast, come in droves, fast magaWhip charge.
Under Meng Tian’s leadership, the army came majestically, and it seemed that there was no 867 flaws.
With high morale, Meng Tian took the lead. They punished the evil and promoted the good, and they attacked bravely without fear.
Among the chaotic army, Zhao Yiming kept retreating, always quickly avoiding the traces of these people.
Even the army is approaching bravely, but what Zhao Yiming did was very simple, the enemy advances and we retreat.
No matter how many steps Meng Tian led the army to rush forward, Zhao Yiming would retreat as many steps, it was natural.
Afraid of losing his life, Zhao Yiming had to avoid Meng Tian’s pursuit.
So many guys came here swiftly, and under Meng Tian’s command, they were as fast as the wind.
A huge army of black and white came in front of him, and it was even more unexpectedly powerful.
It was beyond Zhao Yiming’s expectation to fight Meng Tian, ​​because he was just going to attack Ying Changge.
Sneak attack Ying (afej) Changge’s army and behead him. At that time, Zhao Yiming and Zhao Xingzhi will combine their swords.
Otherwise, if Zhao Yiming couldn’t break through Ying Changge’s army, then he would also be unable to move an inch.
This is not a good thing. Once Zhao Yiming’s offensive is blocked, he has no chance to continue to attack.
Fighting Ying Changge was something he was bound to achieve, but it was a pity that Meng Tian’s appearance ruined his good deed.
Under the charge of Meng Tian’s army, Zhao Yiming took out his mighty posture and commanded the whole army.
“No retreat, only attack! Charge me up!”
Zhao Yiming led the army, originally planning to attack Ying Changge, but never expected to be ambushed by Ying Changge.
It’s a pity that Zhao Yiming was surrounded by Meng Tian before he saw Ying Changge.
With a cold snort, his face was stern, his eyes were full of murderous intent, damn it!
In order to be in such a state, as long as they can be beheaded, Zhao Yiming will be the first to charge.
Approaching quickly, aggressively attacking, and the sword in his hand is also slashing down quickly.
Majestic and majestic, breaking through the siege, Zhao Yiming wanted to fight Meng Tian to the death, a quick battle.
But Meng Tian is not an ordinary person, he is attacking quickly, coming towards Zhao Yiming.
To capture the thief, capture the king first, as long as Zhao Yiming can be killed, Meng Tian doesn’t need to worry about the rest.
Among the chaotic army, among the black people, Meng Tian took the lead, took the lead and boosted morale.
There are so many guys always attacking quickly, and the forces of both sides are entangled and aggressive.
Quickly confronting the enemy, the strength of the troops is like a wall, and everyone is pushing, on the one hand, they are always retreating to avoid.
It is impossible for such a battle to end quickly, Zhao Yiming wanted to kill him and make him die completely.
However, he could see the heroism of the other party, coming so aggressively, it was impossible to stop.
Especially Meng Tian, ​​who is rampant and murderous, such a guy is really unexpected.
With a cold snort, without changing his face, Zhao Yiming quickly backed away, trying to leave this place.
He didn’t continue to fight with Meng Tian, ​​because he didn’t want to waste his strength on Meng Tian’s army.
Reluctantly, he retreated quickly, turned around and hid himself among his troops, like a turtle shrinking its head.
After disappearing among the dense crowd of people, Zhao Yiming ordered his soldiers to continue attacking.
Quickly rushing and leaving quickly, so many guys bravely outflanked Zhao Yiming.
He was not on guard at first, but now Zhao Yiming fell into a downward trend and was caught off guard by the attack.
Helpless, they retreated quickly, and the army continued to retreat under Zhao Yiming’s order.
A group of people came in groups, retreated aggressively, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.
Under Meng Tian’s attack, Zhao Yiming could see the toughness of the opponent, and he turned out to be relentless in pursuit.
Zhao Yiming, who was not in a hurry, quickly let his troops continue to retreat, and the whole army retreated.
Withdrawing troops while facing the enemy, for Zhao Yiming, this is also the only way and strategy.
Meng Tian is not to be outdone, such a large group of people are still chasing and killing them swiftly without leaving any traces.
The wind blew up the dust, and the cavalry stirred up dust, approaching him, unparalleled.
Chapter 736 Be aggressive, hurry up!

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