It is wishful thinking to crack this impregnable city without sufficient troops.
Smiling triumphantly, Zhao Xingzhi stood here, and the figure on the city wall was even more majestic.
“Come on! You guys seem to think that you can kill my head, Zhao Xingzhi!”
Standing on a high place, condescending, Zhao Xingzhi raised his arms and shouted, “Then come! I will wait and see!”
Continuing to attack under the city wall, Meng Tian heard Zhao Xingzhi’s provocation, and he was also calm.
Unhurriedly, he continued to lead the army in his hands to continue, and took out an unusual offensive.
With a bang, black clouds pre-pressed the city, but Meng Tian’s soldiers still came one after another, attacking the city.
Such a fight is useless, Zhao Xingzhi stood here contemptuously, intercepting everyone here.
Chapter 704: The Wind Can’t Blow It, and Guard It Brazenly!
Keeping his eyes on and serious, he watched Meng Tian’s figure approaching from far to near, as if he would not give up at all.
This is just a battle with a sure chance of winning! In any case, Zhao Xingzhi will not be defeated.
He didn’t change his face, staring at the enemy’s figure solemnly, his city was very safe.
There is no embarrassment, guarding this place, Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers will defend this place very well.
The enemy army is just showing its appearance, Zhao Xingzhi is arrogant and feels that all this is not a problem.
Still standing on the city wall and continuing to command, Zhao Xingzhi watched Meng Tian’s army approaching quickly.
The attack is on his own city gate. The city gate is shaky, but it will not be breached at all, and it is still stable.
“Let the arrows!” It is impossible for Zhao Xingzhi to let the enemy attack under his nose like this.
Meng Tian led so many guys are fierce, but so what! The city stood still.
So many armies were quickly surrounded, but they were still isolated by the city walls, without any danger.
Standing on the high wall, Zhao Xingzhi didn’t change his face, and let the soldiers around him shoot arrows to kill the enemy, severely injuring him.
Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers all set up a large formation on the city wall, looking menacing and murderous.
The arrows turned into a rain of arrows, densely packed, and pierced directly on Meng Tian’s soldiers in one go.
Accompanied by such fighting, Meng Tian led his own army to continue to move forward, approaching the city gate.
Unable to confront Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers, the sword in Meng Tian’s hand was almost useless.
Killing the enemy on the battlefield, but unable to fight the enemy, what Meng Tian faced was only the cold city wall.
How funny! With such a thing, how can Meng Tian fight happily! It’s really degrading.
Meng Tian’s army moved forward quickly, trying to attack with two prongs, focusing on attacking from the city gate and the city wall.
However, Zhao Xingzhi’s eight winds can’t move, and he guards here brazenly, without any panic at all.With no chance of winning, how could Zhao Xingzhi confront Ying Changge and Meng Tian head-on! He found support.
Taking the city wall as a shelter, Zhao Xingzhi is like a tortoise with a hard shell.
There is no danger at all, Meng Tian’s army is like ants on a hot pot, just running around.
Such an attack is quite different. Meng Tian’s army could not touch Zhao Xingzhi, but he did the opposite.
Under the shooting of the archers, the arrows came crackling, falling to the ground like a violent storm.
Only Meng Tian’s army stood on the ground. He knew that it was a bit dangerous at this moment, so he continued to attack.
Taking advantage of enough morale and strength, Meng Tian insisted on breaking into the city and beheading Zhao Xingzhi.
Only by using Zhao Xingzhi’s head as a urinal can Meng Tian be happy and relieved.
The soldiers in his hands are all brave and fearless people, and they continued to attack, showing their own momentum.
Facing the enemy quickly and attacking unscrupulously, Meng Tian’s soldiers slammed the hard city gate with a bang.
Knowing that these people would suffer such casualties, Meng Tian couldn’t bear it, but it’s common for soldiers to die in battle.
Facing it calmly, Zhao Xingzhi soon saw that Meng Tian’s army continued to attack.
Such a dazzling array of scenes is really rare, and they have extraordinary strength.
Although he is persistent and brave, in Zhao Xingzhi’s eyes, he is just stupid.
Soldiers with mantis arm as a chariot, knowing that they will die but still pounce on them, won’t they still die!
So, he raised his sword edge, and Zhao Xingzhi continued to raise his arms and shouted, “‘〃Continue to shoot arrows~‖!”
The soldiers outside the city gate are all enemy troops, and Zhao Xingzhi will not let any one go, and will kill them all.
Whoosh! The arrows quickly spread out, covering Meng Tian’s army like a net.
The army charged, but was slaughtered badly, fragmented, and even scarred.
Such a battle naturally caused both Ying Changge and Meng Tian to pay a heavy price, and the soldiers once again sacrificed a lot.
Moreover, Zhao Xingzhi’s city was not captured at all, which made Meng Tian unable to attack for a long time, and retreated again.
Meng Tian was not reconciled to leaving directly in the dusty world, but there was nothing he could do.
He quickly took away so many people in his hands (with money), and the defeated soldiers quickly left the city.
Standing on the city wall, Zhao Xingzhi watched Meng Tian being repelled by himself again, he laughed happily.
Showing a very satisfied smile, Zhao Xingzhi ordered the whole army to shout, “You are defeated!”
“The defeated general, retreat quickly!” The shouts shook the world and echoed for a long time.
Meng Tian led the army back, and Ying Changge naturally knew about today’s battle, it must be very fierce.
It’s just a small victory, Zhao Xingzhi got carried away, it’s really funny.
Shaking his head slowly, Ying Changge calmed down and ordered Meng Tian and his soldiers to rest again.
Chapter 705 Not to be outdone, dying!
Let them all recover well under such a battle situation, Ying Changge waited for the opportunity to attack the city.
Coming in front of Ying Changge, Meng Tian’s face was full of sweat, and he was very unwilling, Zhao Xingzhi was hard to attack.
So, sitting beside Meng Tian, ​​Ying Changge continued to discuss these matters calmly.
Especially for Zhao Xingzhi, he is bound to be defeated if he is arrogant, and now he may have already soared beyond the sky.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ying Changge wanted to strike again, so as to beat the proud him to the brim.
After thinking about a plan carefully, Ying Changge ordered Meng Tian to intercept the grain and grass.
Didn’t Zhao Xingzhi want to fight for a long time? Then we must cut off his food and make him hungry.
If people don’t eat, they will die. Ying Changge made Zhao Xingzhi’s army so hungry that they couldn’t defend the city and fight.
After hearing 820’s order from Ying Changge, Meng Tian also suddenly realized, and he immediately took the order.
Even if it is impossible to attack the city today, Ying Changge and Meng Tian will not stop like this.
They went all out and continued to attack, but they no longer continued to attack Zhao Xingzhi’s city!
After dispatching soldiers and letting a group of new soldiers follow behind him, Meng Tian went to cut the grain road.
The place where Zhao Xingzhi transported grain and grass in the city was very obvious, and he could figure it out after a little inquiring.
It’s better to hurry up, Meng Tian saw the soldiers transporting grain and grass today, escorting the carts past.
Seeing so much food and grass, Meng Tian led his soldiers to fight out without hesitation.
Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers were caught off guard. These grain soldiers were in a panic and retreated to be hostile.
But under such a fight, Meng Tian took the lead, and naturally took control of the overall situation and took away the food and grass.
Frightened and frightened, food and grass are the most important thing, and it is not something that ordinary people can covet and peek at.
If the news hadn’t been leaked, then Meng Tian would not have snatched Zhao Xingzhi’s food and grass.
There are not many soldiers transporting food and grass, because they avoid being too large and powerful, which will attract people’s eyes and ears.
Standing here, Meng Tian slashed his sword immediately, “You soldiers, immediately capture with your hands up and surrender!”
Facing Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers, Meng Tian naturally didn’t need to be merciful, “Otherwise, he will surely die!”
The grain soldiers responsible for escorting the grain and grass were all fearful, but they refused to back down. They still drew their swords and confronted each other.
Seeing all the guys showing off their power in front of him, Meng Tian smiled contemptuously, not knowing what to do.
Liang Bing was persistent and refused to give in at all, so he quickly fought to kill him.
Meng Tian let the soldiers in his hands surround the grain soldiers. It was enough to kill the enemy first and then grab the grain.
So, aroundAll the soldiers scrambled away, and immediately surrounded the grain soldiers with water.
In such a situation, Zhao Xingzhi still didn’t change his face, and even looked calm.
“How is it! You are such an enemy, do you want to kill me?” Meng Tian smiled contemptuously.
Surrounded by Meng Tian, ​​although Zhao Xingzhi’s grain soldiers were afraid, there was nothing they could do.
“You know whose soldiers we are! How dare you plunder our food!” The grain soldiers shouted angrily.
Almost laughing his teeth out, Meng Tian immediately turned his head, “Wrong! You must die!”
“It’s because I know who you are that I confront the enemy with such fanfare!”
He dispatched all the soldiers and horses around him, and began to fight with Zhao Xingzhi’s grain soldiers, fighting bloody battles.
The battle is fierce, even so valiant, menacing, unexpectedly powerful.
The grain soldiers responsible for escorting the grain and grass were also forced to do nothing, they could only fight quickly instead of struggling.
Not to be outdone, struggling to the death, the grain soldiers gathered together, fought fiercely, and quickly resisted Meng Tian.
However, the soldiers in Meng Tian’s hands are all strong men, orderly, well-trained, and not afraid at all.

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