Unsteady and unable to support himself, Zhang Erhe rubbed his sore wrist and hurriedly took two steps back.
Showing a grinning expression, Zhang Erhe shouted loudly, “As expected of Meng Tian!”
“Ying Changge couldn’t die because of a guard like you! Isn’t that right!”
After hearing his words, Zhang Erhe also shook his head, “Wrong! You are so wrong 0…”
“The assistance of people like me is only related to myself, and has nothing to do with other people!”
Zhang Erhe raised his sword and shook his head, “Impossible! You are just a running dog, just like me!”
Hearing Zhang Erhe’s abuse, Meng Tian calmly shook his head, “Wrong! We are different!”
“You are just an unknown assassin, but I amMeng Tian, ​​this is enough! Totally unusual. ”
Meng Tian was very indifferent, his expression was full of unusual colors, very magnanimous.
With a cold snort, Meng Tian stood here, “You must die! And you must die worthy of death.”
“Anyone who is disrespectful to the young master can only die. This is the correct way.”
With a quick attack, the sword in his hand flew towards him, almost stabbing Meng Tian’s chest.
Such a blow is fierce, but it can’t break through the surrounding traces at all, so powerful.
boom! Jianfeng tried his best to hit it, but he avoided it by about 4.9, Meng Tian’s figure was agile.
Meng Tian’s footsteps were windy, he fell quickly, and disappeared in front of Zhang Erhe in the blink of an eye.
Seeing such a blow, his demeanor became angry, and he became even more angry from embarrassment, which is really unreasonable.
It’s just a general! Can Meng Tian really be able to stop his own fight!
Impossible! So he quickly counterattacked, and the sword in his hand hit it hard.
Still trying to catch Meng Tian, ​​but Meng Tian’s figure is flexible, as quiet as a virgin, as if moving like a rabbit, it is difficult to catch.
When Zhang Erhe stabbed forward with his sword, he was half a step too late, unable to stab Meng Tian’s figure.
Chapter 653: Very Eerie, Hard to Suppress!
He stepped back quickly, and the sword in Meng Tian’s hand also hit Zhang Erhe firmly.
For a while, Meng Tian was on guard, but the murderous intent he showed was also very fierce.
Continuing to attack in a continuous stream, his sword showed afterimages one after another, turning left and right.
Such a mighty sword approached, so that Zhang Erhe didn’t have any offensive posture.
He could only walk quickly, raised his sword, and blocked Meng Tian’s blow.
This blow was very precise, but to Meng Tian, ​​he still didn’t use all his strength!
He was very indifferent, quickly counterattacked, chattering and attacking with his momentum.
Once a sword approached, there would definitely be a series of attacks falling on the opponent’s body.
Zhang Yang’s 05’s sword was very fast, directly injuring Zhang Erhe’s arm, blood sprayed five steps away.
He showed an angry look, Zhang Erhe was injured before he saw Ying Changge.
This is the shame of being an assassin! Zhang Erhe will definitely not be like this, he will continue to attack.
Walking at a fast pace, fighting in a continuous stream, his posture is very brave, and he is even more furious.
Such a blow was powerful, and the blade swept across a large area, leaving him covered in scars.
Meng Tian was worthy of being a great general, Zhang Erhe was injured by such an confrontation, and his face showed anger.
Holding his weapon tightly, his eyes were very cold, and he stared at the opponent without blinking, with a menacing aura.
“It can be seen! Your ability is very strong, but to me, it is nothing more than that!”
Still stubborn, Zhang Erhe raised his sword, with a gloomy expression on his face, “Come on!”
“Continue to fight against the enemy. Today we will decide whether to compete or not!” Zhang Erhe was full of murderous aura.
Seeing how tough the other party was, Meng Tian also showed a smile unmoved, “Really!”
“Even if you are so arrogant and domineering, you are nothing worth mentioning in front of me.”
He counterattacked immediately, Meng Tian didn’t like to let him be so tyrannical, and he only attacked for the sake of attacking.
Unceasingly unleashed his ferocious strength, and the sword’s edge hit him on the head in an instant.
This sword is very fast, but even so, it doesn’t have any posture, it’s just ordinary.
The sword fluttered and fell on the ground, causing Zhang Erhe to be in chaos and difficult to control for a while.
Swaying from side to side, his figure dodges, Zhang Erhe tries to be like Meng Tian, ​​and is as quiet as a virgin.
It’s a pity that Meng Tian’s pace and swordsmanship are slightly better than him, without any hesitation at all.
With a quick blow and approaching quickly, Zhang Erhe was unprepared for a moment, and was cut through by Meng Tian’s sword again.
The wound was profuse and blood flowed continuously, Zhang Erhe gritted his teeth.
After being injured, Zhang Erhe’s eyes were very gloomy and difficult to suppress.
Quickly following up, Zhang Erhe didn’t want to let Meng Tian go, he continued to fight the enemy in close combat.
The edge of the sword in his hand fluttered down, hitting his body forcefully, in a hurry.
With such a mighty posture, most people are no match for him, and he can be called an ordinary existence.
It was precisely because of Zhang Erhe’s sword edge that he couldn’t stop Meng Tian’s progress, he was alive and well.
Come quickly, and strike down with a sword, so mighty like a tiger descending a mountain, you can’t guard against it.
Facing Ying Changge’s head-on collision, even if Zhang Erhe tried his best to resist, he couldn’t catch it for a while.
Zhang Erhe just appeared in front of him as an afterimage, and then disappeared, he was very fast.
Dodging with all his strength, and then striking out forcefully, the sword edge ran across his head.
If you continue to attack, you will have an invincible posture, inseparable, and inseparable.
If he continues to confront the enemy, Zhang Erhe will lose his weapon and lose his weapon.
But, would he beg for mercy so easily! Impossible! He is an assassin!
He is a guy who can even assassinate Ying Changge, so why should Zhang Erhe be afraid of him!
He continued to attack 757 in a calm manner, quickly attacking, and directly smashed in front of him, a sneak attack.
Attacking Meng Tian from behind, Zhang Erhe thought he was a sure thing, but it was not normal.
It’s just that under such a struggle, everything is useless, and it is even more difficult for Zhang Erhe to control himself.
So what about a sneak attack! Meng Tian easily caught Zhang Erhe’s sneak attacklittle tail.
Standing at the same place, Meng Tian looked at all directions and listened to all directions, ordinary people couldn’t hide his eyes.
So he continued to attack, and the sword in his hand came out and hit his body.
With the wandering of Jianfeng, everything is useless, full of extraordinary power.
With a more courageous posture, this sword is very fierce, and it seems that Zhang Erhe has used all his skills.
But the sneak attack may not be successful, at least, Zhang Erhe has no way to kill Meng Tian.
Meng Tian immediately caught the opponent’s whereabouts, and immediately raised his sword.
Chapter 654: Fully Prepared!
The edge of the sword is sharp, and Meng Tian’s attack is powerful, powerful and fast.
boom! The sword edge fell directly, causing Zhang Erhe’s sword edge to tremble slightly.
The vibrating voice was so entangled that there was no room for Zhang Erhe to attack.
He retreated helplessly, and hastily grasped the edge of his sword tightly with both hands to avoid other dangers.
If it wasn’t for his being so domineering, Zhang Erhe would have killed Meng Tian long ago.
But Meng Tian is very fast, especially his eyes are so sharp, it is impossible to guard against.
He yelled angrily, raised his hand and continued to fight back, his face was full of gnashing of teeth and viciousness.
Since he came to assassinate Ying Changge, Zhang Erhe would not let Meng Tian stand in his way.
What he has to do is to kill them all, kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian without leaving any one behind, and complete the task.
Zhang Erhe has only one mission, but it is very heavy and difficult, and it is not easy to kill Ying Changge.
Especially before he got close to Ying Changge, Zhang Erhe was stopped halfway up.
The helpless Zhang Erhe was more or less flustered.
He was dispatched by the sheriff of Anyang County. Zhang Erhe was a secret guard, and he was a very vicious guy.
In order to kill Ying Changge, Zhang Erhe also came here in a hurry by any means.
He started killing and used his own skills in order to kill the other party and let him die completely.
Zhang Erhe just didn’t expect that he would be unfavorable, but any quick attack must be a quick decision.
But he was still disappointed. At the very least, he was beheaded directly, leaving no one behind, completely annihilated.
After such maneuvers, Zhang Erhe saw that the army directly blocked his way.
Meng Tian still attacked as usual, his fists and feet were very fierce, and he whipped quickly.
The sword edge ran rampant, coming in an endless stream, striking marks on their bodies forcefully.
boom! He fell quickly, staggering, his body was knocked back several steps by Meng Tian, ​​almost fell to the ground.
However, he still couldn’t take his eyes off, so gloomy, showing a cold and stern look.
Quickly attacking, with a sweep of the sword, Zhang Erhe also used all his skills to kill Meng Tian.

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