It can be said that it is very convenient for him to survive, the whole army is full, and Zhao Xingzhi escapes.
Zhao Xingzhi is very resentful. He is here to let himself be able to return to the king and take revenge.
Is it Ying Changge? Zhao Xingzhi immediately stabilized his army and freed himself from the danger of being hunted down.
Narrow-minded, jealous and resentful, it is impossible for Zhao Xingzhi to let Ying Changge continue to be arrogant.
Therefore, we must do something to eradicate Ying Changge directly and let him die completely.
Chapter 649: The killer is dispatched!
Otherwise, how could Zhao Xingzhi escape with him in front of him? Just a dead end!
He attacked to his heart’s content, walked recklessly, showing his fierceness and fearlessness!
But what a result! Zhao Xingzhi was directly beaten by Ying Changge, and could only escape in embarrassment.
After a defeat, he couldn’t defend himself, so Zhao Xingzhi must continue to attack Ying Changge.
Pain the killer and kill him directly. At that time, no one can stop Zhao Xingzhi.
He had a plan, which was to send assassins to kill Ying Changge, it would be better to be sneaky than to mobilize a crowd.
Silently, without a trace, after the assassin killed Ying Changge, he could be regarded as a single person who ascended to heaven.
With such an idea, Zhao Xingzhi continued to prepare, and immediately summoned capable people and experts.
The masters of the rivers and lakes are not as good as Zhao Xingzhi’s own dark guards. This is the guy who is best at killing people.
So, Zhao Xingzhi called one of the hidden guards in front of him, “What’s your name!”
“Subordinate Zhang Erhe!” The dark guard said loyally, “I have been following your lord for five years!”
“Okay! Very good!” Zhao Xingzhi nodded very satisfied, “You won’t suffer from following me.”
“Now, I send you a mission, and after you complete it, you will be rewarded a lot.” Zhao Xingzhi scolded.
Seriously, the governor of Anyang County was very anxious, “Your skill is the best among the hidden guards~‖!”
“Go through fire and water, my lord!” Zhang Erhe nodded vigorously, “I promise to complete the task!”
“Very good! You are going to assassinate Ying Changge. If you complete it, the future will be even more limitless.”
Zhao Xingzhi patted the shoulder of the dark guard, “If you return successfully, you will have a bright future and be invincible.”
“Yes!” The secret guard Zhang Erhe took the order. Since it was an order, it must be fulfilled with due diligence.
No matter what means, as long as it can kill Ying Changge, it is good for Zhao Xingzhi.
Assassination without a trace, good at coming and going in the wind and rain, killing naturally does not leave any traces.
After receiving the order, the dark guard rushed out immediately, heading towards the direction of Ying Changge’s army.
Ying Changge stood still, and he wiped out Zhao Xingzhi’s remaining army, leaving no one behind.
Now that he is in such a situation, he is very satisfied, after all, he has weakenedZhao Xingzhi.
As long as Zhao Xingzhi’s troops are incomplete, the battle against Anyang County will be smoother.
He didn’t move at all, he didn’t rush at all, he was very calm, and Ying Changge was still gaining momentum.
Concentrate all the troops in your hands in one go, and continue to fight Zhao Xingzhi to go smoothly.
At that time, everything was calm, at least there was no other danger.
Ying Changge thought that the war had stopped for a while, but he never expected that Meng Tian heard the wind.
He has his own contacts in various places, and Meng Tian especially pays more attention to Zhao Xingzhi’s every move.
As long as there is any disturbance, Meng Tian will know immediately!
Therefore, when there was a little wind, Meng Tian immediately knew the news and had a solution.
It was Zhao Xingzhi who was not dead, so he wanted to attack Ying Changge endlessly, and dispatched a killer!
What an outrageous behavior! Meng Tian was not worried, and immediately sent his own people to start the attack.
Under such a fight, Meng Tian had already intercepted the news and informed Ying Changge.
Ying Changge was not surprised when he heard the news, he nodded immediately, “I see.”
It was because Zhao Xingzhi was narrow-minded, and in order to kill himself, he would do anything and everything.
How about such a gesture! For him, it was just a death struggle. It’s funny.
So, he immediately intercepted, and many guards came to attack him, protecting him day and night.
Without the slightest vigilance, Ying Changge continued as usual, eating and drinking, it was very ordinary.
Even if he knew that Zhao Xingzhi sent guards to kill him, he didn’t care.
The sheriff of Anyang County committed a crime, the crime is so serious, how could he just sit back and do nothing!
Even with the appearance of Ying Changge, the sheriff of Anyang County was still determined to resist to the end.
Therefore, it is better to invite the king into the urn, and let Zhao (Zhao Li Zhao)’s strategies fall into the palm of his own hands.
Sitting on the sidelines and waiting patiently, he waited for the assassin sent by Zhao Xingzhi to fight him!
The daring Zhao Xingzhi can do anything, especially such a fight, chattering endlessly.
Coming aggressively and fleeing in embarrassment, Zhao Xingzhi no longer has any momentum.
After being defeated by Ying Changge, Zhao Xingzhi was not reconciled. He felt that he was strong and serious.
So, in order to kill Ying Changge, he resorted to all means and sent his bodyguards to assassinate him.
Accompanied by plots one after another, Ying Changge never tires of this kind of thing, he is already used to it.
Chapter 650 An Empty Place!
Anyway, the other party is also the sheriff of Anyang County! It is impossible for him to conspire against the enemy so simply.
Knowing that Zhao Xingzhi is a despicable, insidious and shameless guy, Ying Changge naturally needs to be on guard.
Therefore, in the formation of troops, Ying Changge left many loopholes here, deliberately leading the snake out of the hole.
As long as Zhao Xingzhi’s hidden guards come, Ying Changge will kill him directly if he is indiscriminate.
Now, Ying Changge is no longer in the same boat as Zhao Xingzhi, as the saying goes, different ways do not conspire with each other.
After repelling Zhao Xingzhi, Zhao Xingzhi immediately sent an assassin to assassinate Ying Changge, which was too much.
Without diamonds, don’t do porcelain work. Ying Changge felt that Zhao Xingzhi would definitely die, and he would die.
Ying Changge wants to let Zhao Xingzhi know the consequences of offending him.
For the many 757 crimes committed in Anyang County, Ying Changge must let Zhao Xingzhi get the crime he deserved.
Ying Changge is not to be outdone, especially this kid, Zhao Xingzhi, who dared to assassinate himself.
Countering three or five times, tireless, always chattering to attack, aggressive. A big picture.
But such a gesture is useless to him, and the governor of Anyang County is nothing more than that.
Dispatched by Zhao Xingzhi, the dark guards sneaked up and tried to approach Ying Changge and kill him.
Everything will be a silent gesture, but it is useless to Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
They had caught each other’s whereabouts early on, and they also knew the news that the hidden guard was coming to assassinate him.
Ying Changge was not in a hurry, he had already shown a 12-point momentum to deal with it carefully.
On the other hand, Meng Tian, ​​who was at the side, seemed very anxious, for fear that Ying Changge would be in any danger.
Zhao Xingzhi has secret guards, but Meng Tian also has secret guards cultivated by meditation, they look similar.
In fact, it is different. For Ying Changge, the hidden guards are all dragons and phoenixes.
Slightly better, practicing diligently, Meng Tian thinks that his hidden guard is higher than Zhao Xingzhi.
In Ying Changge’s eyes, the one Zhao Xingzhi sent was not a first-class secret guard at all.
It’s just a dirty assassin, not in the eyes of Ying Changge at all, Meng Tian even scoffed at it.
With Zhao Xingzhi’s order, this assassin named Zhang Erhe came all the way from thousands of miles and worked tirelessly.
Already seeing the rising sun, the assassin Zhang Erhe continued to walk, quickly approaching where Ying Changge was.
Since it is an assassination, it is very important to be sneaky, and it is absolutely impossible to attract attention.
If it weren’t for Ying Changge and Meng Tian who had received the news early, maybe they would have been frightened by the assassin.
Zhang Erhe is just an ordinary bodyguard, he just wants to make a living and has no ideals.
It’s just that he never expected that he would directly receive a very serious order and task.
Assassinate Ying Changge? Just with Zhang Erhe’s own ability, how can he fight against (afej) Ying Changge?
Zhang Erhe had heard about the prestige of Ying Changge for a long time, and no one in the world knew about it!
Especially after knowing the strength of the opponent, Zhang ErheEven sharpened his sword and made preparations.
Taking advantage of the good weather, Zhang Erhe continued to move forward along the wide avenue, but he didn’t know that there was already an ambush.
Originally, Ying Changge wanted to personally deal with the assassin sent by Zhao Xingzhi, but Meng Tian refused.
Because it was Meng Tian who asked for his order in person, no matter what, he had to personally fight against the assassin and kill him.
Ying Changge naturally couldn’t refuse, so he nodded and agreed completely.
Therefore, Meng Tian personally led people, only a few people, and then went to intercept the assassin halfway.
Because Zhao Xingzhi didn’t want to attract attention, Zhang Erhe was the only assassin sent out.
The silent and sneaky assassination of Ying Changge is the easiest way to succeed, Zhao Xingzhi firmly believes.
Otherwise, the more assassins there are, the more likely they will be exposed, and it will be difficult to defeat them.
This is a very important matter, so he began to make preparations to capture the assassin.

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